A concerned citizen is complaining bitterly about the condition of the Multi-Purpose Cultural and Exhibition Centre.
Morvette Joseph-George reports that she went to the facility to take a COVID-19 vaccine and stumbled upon an area of the public facility that is mold infested.
She says the once-pristine and popular venue is in a run-down condition and there is a risk of persons’ health being impacted due to the mold.
The Government continues to allow its buildings to fall into a state of disrepair and then it spends money to rent other facilities, Joseph-George says.
She believes the Centre could be used as a means of raising public funds through the hosting of functions, as was done in the past. However, Joseph-George says the facility is in urgent need of repair and cleaning.
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As a former maintenance technician during Mr. Pigott’s and Mr. Martin’s tenure, I can assure Morvette George that the Multipurpose Centre’s best years has passed. There was no budget in place to maintain it back then, I highly doubt there is one now.
Mr. Pigott paid us out of his own pocket to execute maintenance and repairs before St. John’s Development Corporation started paying any interest in the place, and how can I forget all the break-ins, those were interesting times. The administration, maintenance and janitorial staff kept that building in that “once pristine condition” and we worked like hell, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., to keep it that way then bureaucracy stepped in and it was all down hill from there. Twenty-five years later and they are still using carpeting on the main stage that we installed, the exterior fountain doesn’t work and is a cesspool, the grate for the main exhibition hall was not replaced, interior and exterior lighting, restroom fixtures and fittings and the HVAC system are all shot, exposed electrical wires, I wonder if the generator and the reserve water supply system still works, well, they did dab a coat of paint on the exterior.
If that is what you can see. I am very concerned about what we the people going into that place cannot see.
We have a worthless bunch of thieving people running this country. They don’t maintain any of there buildings. This building was donated by the Chinese and I remember how nice it was. The government should be ashamed of itself, but then, look around Antigua and you will see the same dirty conditions.
I am in total agreement that the centre can make money and maintain itself. But the government has to make the necessary repairs and turn it over to a private foundation to run and maintain. Worthless ruling elites. Show us the economic powerhouse when you won’t even maintain your cultural buildings.
She says the once-pristine and popular venue is in a run-down condition. Include Government house, The hospital, the court, agriculture building, LIAT hanger, DAMM near ALL government building are in disrepair and they tell us to expect 10% improvement in the economy at a time it would be IMPOSSIBLE. Meanwhile they give away the country and give the people GRIEF. If Antigua is to improve the entire economic mode MUST change. Reduce the investment we put into foreign outreach and focus on the people. Give Antiguans concessions like you give the MONTZUNGU. Make villages economic zones. You have no clue what an economic zone is. it’s to build equity not widen the gap…..#BANKRUPT
@Skyewill: Gaston Browne did say the Country would see a 10% Growth in 2022.I am saying that this coming Winter,you would be seeing Snow on Boggy Peak.
The labour government has a ghetto mentality. They can drive the most expensive cars, build hillside mansions and find whatever methods to fatten their bank accounts. They couldn’t care less about the country. They are there to look after themselves.
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