MSJMC Holds First Ever Scoliosis Clinic

It was a historic day at the Mount St John Medical Center where over twenty-five individuals were screened during the first ever Paediatric Ortho-Scoliosis Clinic.
Twenty-nine individuals were seen by the Doctors during the clinic with 27 being diagnosed with scoliosis and two with Blounts.
Thirteen surgeries were required, twelve for scoliosis and one for Blounts and of the thirteen, two individuals will have their procedures done in the United States.
The exercise, which attracted participants from ages ten to twenty-one, was overseen by Paediatric Orthopedic Surgeon Dr Chester Sharps.

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  1. I hope the UPP and DNA blind mice will remember this when next they again want to claim nothing is happening in Antigua and things are so bad with our healthcare. Such a sad bunch of people. They don’t even know how to be relevant in opposition

    • @From the sideline

      The ABLP administration was employed to get a job done. They doing what they are being paid to do is no achievement.

      If they go beyond and out the box only then a pat on the back is in order.

      If my job is to fly an aircraft and I land at my destination what’s the celebration for?

      If there is an emergency and I fly an aircraft above my license successfully. A pat on the back would be in order.

      • So what in your opinion is the job. And what is outside and above the job?
        is saving the depositors monies at the ABIB who were on the verge of loosing all their monies part of the job. The job the UPP couldn’t do. Is taking our country out of the economic turmoil in which our country saw our economy declining year after year with negative growth. is that part of the job. Is it part of the job to ensure we got the majority shares in WIOC without increasing the burden on the tax payers is that part of the job. Is it part of the job to take a broken healthcare system in which our only hospital was lacking the basic equipment to do lab test and now we are doing Kidney Transplants, have all the equipment needed for dialysis and many more and where our citizens get free eye surgery and many eye sights has been restored. Is that part of the job. Is it part of the job to finally bring home the fourth landed campus of the University of the West Indies in Antigua making tertiary education more affordable and accessible to not only the youth of Antigua but anyone we want to pursue higher education. Is it part of the job to take us out of the claws of the IMF and pay of that debt even before the maturity date, something the IMF has lauded the government for. Is is ensuring growth in the economy for consecutive years at an average of 5% that the UPP failed to do. Is that the job. And the list can go on and on. Well we know you will never give jack his jacket but just comparing to what the UPP did in ten years bringing the country virtually and economically to its knees and having the Gaston Browne administration turning this around in less then five years is not just a job done, but a splendid and exceptional job well done and one receives kudos for that. The reason why we have reward system in place is because we recognize that people need to given their flowers for not just doing their job but doing it well. We do that with children as well. from as small as a baby when they take their first step are say their first word. ‘Mamma or Dadda’. We don’t say it’s what they have to do. I have learned over the years that a little praise to my employees goes a long way in motivating them to even do better the next time.
        And in case you have not realize. Since 911 the passenger clap when the pilot has landed the plane safely. Yes that is his job. But we the passenger show our appreciation and thank him/her for a job well done.

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