MP Lewis Calls for Urgent and Wide-Reaching Relief Measures to “Ease the Gaston Browne Squeeze”


MP Lewis Calls for Urgent and Wide-Reaching Relief Measures to “Ease the Gaston Browne Squeeze”

As we approach the end of the tourist season, I call on Gaston Browne to ease the squeeze on the people of Antigua and Barbuda, by addressing the damage caused by his broken election promises. In particular, the Prime Minister promised to lower the cost of living, then mercilessly presided over record increases in the cost of goods and service, after the January 18th, 2023 elections.

The economic hardship, high unemployment and soaring crime which are plaguing Antigua and Barbuda, make the need for relief a matter of great urgency, as citizens and residents still cannot feel the so-called economic growth of which the Prime Minister boasts. This is especially true for our youth and our pensioners.

Many citizens and residents who are already suffering, will see their income drop as we enter the tourism off-season. In order to bring urgent relief to the widespread suffering of individuals and struggling businesses, I call on Gaston Browne and his administration to immediately implement the following measures:

  1. Reduce Customs Duties on essential foods, to bring down the high prices on store shelves.
  2. Raise the maximum household income eligibility for the People’s Benefit Assistance Programme from $800 to $1,500, so that more vulnerable households can benefit.
  3. Ensure that the reduced amount of discretionary waivers is prioritised to support the most vulnerable businesses, to ensure their survival and ability to keep their staff employed.
  4. Strengthen the oversight of the Prices and Consumer Affairs Division, so that unjustified and exploitative increases in the price of many goods and services can be addressed.

MP Lewis observes, “It is a plainly obvious fact that this Gaston Browne-led government has already yielded enough new revenue to implement these relief measures. We can be certain of this based on the government’s own boasts about improved compliance in the payment of existing taxes, the revenue saved by reducing discretionary waivers, and the 21% increase in the collection of customs duty in January and February, compared to the last fiscal year.”

“I therefore call on Gaston Browne to find a heart, and move with haste to implement these commonsense relief measures to reduce the cost of living, protect vulnerable households, increase consumer spending, and provide a stimulus to small businesses.”, Lewis concludes.

Richard S. Lewis MP

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  1. More than reasonable MP Lewis!

    And I also agree that we need to roll back the taxes.

    Gaston Browne can’t have it both ways. He is boasting about collecting more revenue from the March 2023 Budget alternative measures than what he needed from the new taxes, so its time to give the man on the street a break.

    He promised no new taxes and lower cost of living during the election and in the manifesto so he must be held to his work. Period!

    And if the Government has hidden debts or other information they are hiding from us, let Gaston come clean. Why is he refusing to submit the audited reports for all statutory bodies and government owned corporations to the Director of Audit and the UPP chaired Public Accounts Committee?

    Regarding the recommendations of the MP:

    1. Reduce Customs Duties on essential foods, to bring down the high prices on store shelves.

    This is a no brainer. Other island have done it. And since food is more expensive nowadays, even with lower customs duty applied, Gaston’s customs revenue will stay at a fair level. However the people will benefit from reduced prices on store shelves.

    2. Raise the maximum household income eligibility for the People’s Benefit Assistance Programme from $800 to $1,500, so that more vulnerable households can benefit.

    This is just common sense. More households have fallen into serious vulnerability in this high employment high inflation economy. A single wage of $800 cant carry all those in the house who don’t have work. So let more households qualify by raising the maximum household income. More than reasonable.

    3. Ensure that the reduced amount of discretionary waivers is prioritised to support the most vulnerable businesses, to ensure their survival and ability to keep their staff employed.

    Well, this one needs to be policed. I don’t trust Gaston to “take the bull by the horn” to ensure that vulnerable businesses are first in line.

    4. Strengthen the oversight of the Prices and Consumer Affairs Division, so that unjustified and exploitative increases in the price of many goods and services can be addressed.

    This should have been pursued by Gaston without anyone having to tell him. But he just doesn’t give a damn. Where is the strong and decisive leadership Pringle was praising the other day?

    Great stuff. Make sure to keep the pressure on Gaston regarding these and your other recommendation on the tax roll back.

  2. MP Lewis, Gaston Browne and heart are two mutually exclusive events. Good suggestions, but your call will fall on deaf ears..
    We have already seen in ten years, that this administration has absolutely zero interest in the welfare of this twin island state. Lies and empty promises are spouted to make them appear relevant, but they are men and women without consciences. Corruption runs rampant in every government department, equaled only by the mold in the buildings. They are erecting all kinds of luxury homes, involved clandestinely in businesses that prey upon the tax dollars, on a parliamentarian salary. You do not have to be a whiz to put this together.
    They must be removed from office and thoroughly investigated for corruption.

  3. The more I read and hear about the Most Honourable Richard Lewis, the more I am leaning towards thinking that he is the right person to lead the country.

    He must now forget about Gaston Browne, because he’s becoming more of am irrelevance – and distraction – as each day goes by. Fact!

    It seems like Richard Lewis will not only restore Antigua & Barbuda’s credibility in the Caribbean region, but also on the global stage as well.

    If he also ignores the noise and bluster of the ABLP windbags (which as we all know is pure deflection), and focuses on getting our economy on track; transparency in office; and helping the wonderful citizens of this amazing country back into well paid jobs by boosting the largely ‘untap’ private sector, then Mr Lewis and the UPP will be in office for a long long time to come.


    Wow, that promotion slogan was good a one Wow!


    • So far, very realistic, reasonable and responsible comments so far.

      I’m intrigued to find out how the ABLP supporters will reply – I could do with a really good belly laugh!

      Popcorn 🍿, bullfoot soup 🥣, fungee 🥘 and beer 🍻 at the ready …

  4. Gatson Browne is spending the windfall of all this money that is coming into his cophers on his pet project’s, such as the wasted monies on the Alpha Nero, his pie in the ski venture in he Liat 2020 project(for which we don’t even have the full details) all his wastefull spending on “dancing before world leaders” like the Chinese, traveling every minute.

    That’s where all this extra money is going, and not to mention his debt to the Chinese with the port and other wasteful unfinished projects. Banks do not care how you spend your loan, all they know is that they want their money back. So this Government is broke, and certainly have nothing to give to the people, because they already squandered it with all the terrible deals Gatson Browne has ventured into over the years.

    So while your call to help is very Noble Mr Lewis, it will not move this corrupt administration to do anything that you asked, none, because they are for one heartless, and two, dead broke.

    • @ Islanman26

      You are quite right Sir: The ABLP is heartless and dead broke.

      I share a similar view….Gaston is using all taxpayers monies to secure his legacy to make himself look good, no matter the consequences and the complaints proffered by the residents towards healthcare, bad roads, inadequate supply of water etc….he doesn’t give a dam so long as he’s trying to build a legacy, however the only legacy he will leave to Antiguans and Barbudans, is the amount of poverty, hunger, starvation and hard times that we have gone through and are going through from 2014 up to now.

  5. I’m curious. Has Mr Richard Lewis already been elected leader of the UPP?
    After years of loud silence, he’s suddenly the most talkative politician in Antigua (after Dunce Gaston Browne, of course). Where were you all these years, Mr Lewis? You suddenly have an opinion on everything under the sun!
    The current constitutional leader of the UPP is still Mr Pringle. When he speaks publicly he does so as the Party Executive with the legitimate task of articulating party policy. Lewis, on the other hand, is speaking publicly in his own persona as an ordinary party member who is obviously trying to upstage the real leader, expressing positions that should in fact be party policy or party positions, to be articulated by the Party Leader or official spokespersons delegated by the party to pronounce on such policies.
    Mr Lewis, when you lose the contest for UPP leadership, will you continue your arbitrary chatterbox stance, trying to upstage the legitimate party officers in order to advance your very personal agenda?

  6. Hello ANR
    You are suddenly censoring posts? Why did you stop my post about treacherous Whenner who is going about bad talking Richard Lewis and still talking about code of conduct?

    • Maybe because it could have been libellous without ANY factual evidence, especially after your use of the word “treacherous”.

      However, I could be RIGHT … 😁

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