MP Does Not Know What Is Going On In His Constituency: Algernon “Serpent” Watts’ Absenteeism and Lack of Genuine Interest in Potters Exposed


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: MP Does Not Know What Is Going On In His Constituency: Algernon “Serpent” Watts‘ Absenteeism and Lack of Genuine Interest in Potters Exposed

The recent attempts by MP Algernon “Serpent” Watts and supporters of the United Progressive Party (UPP) to deceive the public regarding the road construction in Potters have been met with a stern shutdown in parliament. Despite their claims, the road construction, which began around January, is clearly visible to the public. Yet, some members of the opposition have attempted to mislead the people by falsely stating that work only started today, a claim that has been thoroughly debunked.

When the first lie failed to gain traction, UPP supporters quickly shifted their narrative, now claiming that the road wouldn’t last and wasn’t a priority. These statements appear to be nothing more than desperate attempts to discredit the hard work being done by the government, especially when considering that the construction in Potters represents a significant improvement for the community.

The situation took a turn when MP Algernon Watts, during the ongoing parliamentary debate, interrupted MP Anthony Smith’s speech. Watts suggested that Smith, in his support of the Minister of Works, Honorable Maria Browne, was acting out of improper motives. Smith had been addressing the importance of road works being carried out in St. George, a constituency that the ABLP did not win in the last election. Smith’s words were clear and focused on the facts, standing behind the progress in infrastructure, even in constituencies where the ABLP did not secure a victory and asked all members of Parliament to play a role in the development of the country’s infrastructure.

However, Watts seemed intent on undermining the conversation. He attempted to cast doubt on the road construction, suggesting that Smith’s support of these projects was politically motivated. In contrast, Smith provided concrete details about the ongoing works, such as the road starting from the Tamarind Tree. His remarks were grounded in the reality of the development, emphasizing that infrastructure is being improved across Antigua and Barbuda, regardless of political affiliations.

What’s more telling is how Watts and the UPP have handled their own constituents’ needs. When discussing his constituency of St. George, Watts was nonchalant, stating that he could do little to help because he wasn’t in power. This attitude betrays his complete disregard for the people he represents and underscores his absence from the community. The fact that Watts was unaware that road construction was underway in St. George speaks volumes about his disengagement from his constituents’ needs.

This lack of involvement and awareness by Watts stands in stark contrast to the proactive approach being demonstrated by the current government. While the ABLP, through Minister Browne, continues to invest in infrastructure development, even in areas that did not support them in the last election, Watts remains largely uninvolved in his community’s progress. His focus on casting doubt and playing politics with critical infrastructure projects reflects poorly on his priorities, especially when compared to the tangible benefits these projects are bringing to local communities.

It is clear that while the UPP and MP Watts may continue to spread misleading narratives and sow confusion, the people of Antigua and Barbuda can see the roadworks for themselves. They can witness the improvements that are happening, despite the opposition’s attempts to undermine them. The facts are clear: road construction in Potters began months ago, and the ABLP government remains committed to enhancing the country’s infrastructure for the betterment of all.

Watts and the UPP’s continuous efforts to deceive the public are not only misleading but also demonstrate a lack of concern for the real issues affecting the country. While they focus on petty politics, the ABLP is getting things done—improving roads, building communities, and making Antigua and Barbuda a better place for all its citizens. It’s time for the UPP to stop with the distractions and join in the progress that the nation is clearly moving forward.

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  1. Watts and Shuggy owe the taxpayers of this country for salaries received without proof of any work done since their appointments in the respective constituencies. A total waste of resources.

  2. He is wan big pappyshow. Clown 🤡 a real disappointment to the people of St. George

    All he cares about is sitting next to preacherman shugy on the “Rude Boy section” of Parliament.

    Big mistake ppl made to vote for him and the party animal winkup in Trinidad carnival instead of debating in Parliament

  3. Max Worst told you so. You didn’t listen. When people are indoctrinated into the labour party they become wild, vicious and dangerous animals. You believe that Anthony Smith sees you as a friend. You are wrong. He sees you as the enemy. In politics, according to the labour party, the aim is to tarnish their opponents. Anthony Smith is a laboRAT. His aim and objective is to tarnish and destroy you. Hopefully you will now realise that the umbilical cord that keeps the two of you connected needs to be severed. You cannot be friends and family on opposite political sides. You may see politics as a side gig. LaboRATs see it as a cut throat, life and death business. So, get serious. The sooner you begin to treat Anthony Smith as a laboRAT the better for you political career. Additionally you must do all in your powers to ensure that he loses his seat in the next elections.

  4. Why mp Watts isn’t speaking standard English in the people’s parliament?Incompetent just like his political leader.

  5. ALP Bots working overtime on a misinformation campaign to unseat Shugy and Serpent. But, it’s not the UPP MP’s raising your licensing fees. It’s not the UPP MP’s not paying your pensions and disability payments. It’s not the UPP MP’s that forced you into talking an experimental jook and then turned their backs and plugged up their ears on your suffering from the jooks effects.
    Your hardship and discontent now cannot be attributed to the Newest UPP MP’s. They’ve not made any decisions in parliament that negatively affects you and yours. The ones whom you should be looking at, are trying hard to make you look elsewhere.
    Don’t get distracted by the propaganda!

  6. Mr. Smith a just so you lie on the man? Wait your ears had wax clogging them or something? Oh well when you’re a rat there’s no turning back

  7. Even if the road works are politically motivated to win back the seat whenever elections are called, any improvement to the road infrastructure is good for everyone. “Elect me so that I can do better”. Politicians who rely only on this mantra are stuck in a time warp. It no longer works like that in the universe. Times have changed. Wake up my peoples and check out the improvements in our twin island paradise.

  8. Serpie stick to radio bro. You’re not cut out for Parliament. You a weak debater.

    Just the facts bro.

  9. Does Maria Browne know of all the big pot holes in the roads of Antigua? She’s in charge of that portfolio, yes? What does Sir Robin knows about his constituency? Does Sir Molwyn know what’s happening at the Clarevue or SLBMC? Can Sir Molwyn tell us why aren’t there enough pillows, sheets and other supplies at the SLBMC?
    Can Sir Molwyn tell us what transpired at Clarevue that caused the death of Lateefa George? Does Cutie Benjamin know who hacked that 15 year old & who strangled the 16 old females to death? Does he know where any of those missing persons are?
    Which of these are less important than what Serpent doesn’t now? It’s the ruling government’s responsibility to fix the roads and whether Serpent knows or not know they’re fixed is irrelevant. If the ALP MP’s don’t know everything about what’s transpiring in Antigua then Serpent doesn’t have to know which roads are fixed in his constituency. Just fix them and stfu! Some of us care more about all the dead and missing people than the roads that are fixed.

  10. People are afraid of Serpi and Shuggy. Ablp are worried about loosing those to seats. The Upp is her to stay and by God’s grace will win the next election.

  11. No surprise here. The snake don’t know wah going on in he own bed grass or in UPP.

    He a de one that PUNK OUT when time come fu sign de No Confidence Letter against Pringle.

    He ketch cold feet from de Lipstick Hag 💄 🐖

  12. The ABLP LICKSPITTLE BRIGADE is having a grand Ole time on this network that seems to be pro Gaston leading this nation straight to the bottom of hell but all of us will feel the fire

    • LIPSTICK HAG Bootlickers unite! “You can put lipstick on a pig, it is still a hog”

      She have MORE BALLS than all the weak men in UPP.

  13. Anthony Smith said something in Parliament and you people are running with it. I cannot believe you people are so gullible. If Labor, gives them shit foo nyam. They would nyam um, yum,yum.

  14. Looking at the pattern of campaigning for ALP by Antigua news room indicate a pending election, the ALP ownership of this online news paper publication are not hiding anymore, but the observer newspaper fail the people, they printing pdf newspaper instead of interactive newspaper, if they continue to be this lazy the ALP will always sound like rocket science.


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