Brother of Algernon “Serpent” Watts Endorses Dean Jonas for St Georges Seat.
In a massive public meeting at the Potter’s Playing Field, Regan ‘Mike’ Calliste endorses Dean Jonas as the best choice for the St Georges Constituency.
This endorsement is significant, since Caliste is the brother of the UPP Candidate for St George Algernon ‘Serpent’ Watts.
Calliste, called on his fellow constituents to vote for Integrity, honesty and good representation which he declared was only possible with a vote for Dean Jonas and the ABLP.
Other residents from Potters including a number of outstanding young men and women publicly endorsed the sitting Representative Dean Jonas and encouraged all persons to vote the right way on election day.
The St George Constituency has expanded its polling division C to such an extent that the Potters area will have two polling stations on January 18. Potters primary school as well as the Sir Novelle Richards Academy.
Watch the video for a recap:
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I’m not into the politics thing but if you’re endorsing someone based on their integrity as you said. Why are you reading what looks like something that was prepared and not written by you?
What you think Jonathan was READING from when he urged everyone: “You did it before years ago and you must do it again. VOTE ALP” 🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Buy another pack of tissue – you have plenty more BAWLING to do when the IMF party gets bruised & battered on January 18th.
And why does he keep repeating, “I was not paid”
Masta he had to stress that because as soon as anyone leaves or criticizes UPP, they are accused of “getting money”
So the brother had to declare that upfront!!
@Masta Trouper:Perhaps because he was,PAID. This is not a big deal. It happens in Politics around the World. That is what Politics is all about. The rights so to choose. I am going on record today. Serpent Watts,is going to win that seat .From that man who uses Just for Men Hair Dye to Color his hair. ALL BLACK NOT ONE BLADE OF GRAY HAIR ON HIS HEAD AT HIS AGE.
Just to make it pellucidly clear to you guys.
But then again you guys will still believe what you want.
Did Gaston’s rapist brother endorse him? Asking for everyone.
This is one time that I am not convinced what the shark said coming from the bottom of the sea. Certainly, he should be ashamed of himself to stand up there and said that he is endorsing Dean Jonas as being a person of integrity and honesty and a person that gets what he said done. Hope he survived and can find his plane fare to go back after January 18,2023.
Shame on you Mike. If you are so comfortable with what Dean and the ABLP is doing why are you not living in in Antigua
Good question. He needs to stay here and live under Dene Jonas’s ABLP administration. Nobody is more greedy and bad-minded than Dene. Dene only thinks of himself and himself alone.
After what was said about your mother. I know you from childhood and am ashamed of you.
The 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 is a DISGRACE!!!! A clear and present political danger to the nation.
Where is serpent wife?
No love lost between them, but the facts are the FACTS:
Anyway all roads lead to ST. PETER on Saturday
ALL are invited.
Labor Party alll the way 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Well well well. If your brother even warns us not to vote for you, why should we not listen to your brother? Who knows you better than your brother? Nuf said.
@ Well well well
I will wait to hear you live to ‘eat your own words’, you guys are so hypocritical when Gaston’s brother was charged with rape you defended his position stating that Gaston is not his brother true, likewise you cannot take Serpent’s brother as gospel about him. There is always some underlying issues with sibling rivalry, just read ‘SPARE’ from Prince Harry.
@spare don’t you think the CONVICTED PEDOPHILE IAN MAGIC HUGHES should use Crusader Radio to speak out against sexual abuse? UPP has him as a spokesperson on their dead radio station.
@SIDELINES:There are many family member who do not get along in Antigua and Barbuda. Do you get along with all of your siblings or family members? Does your Siamese Twin,Gaston Browne get along with his family members? Dean would not be winning that seat come Wednesday 18,2023.Cannot wait to see your fat arse crying. That trough from which you are eating would then be dried up. Greedy Bastard !!
Mr watts keep ur head high every family has in a Judas i could never do that to a brother he was paid he is greedy the weight says it all greed greed greed our family has is black sheep in ur family u have a fat sheep
See, I knew that ANR would carry this. There was no need for the fake dave ray to post it live. He just nuff and edgeup! especially since he does visit the snakepit when he visits. Smh, politics make you prostitute yourself.
But no matter what you do,
Gaston Brown till nah look on you,
For any overseas post,
so you go crawl back like a ghost!
There is nothing wrong with two brothers on the opposite side of the political divide. But what is extremely embarrassing & telling about the brother’s endorsement is his introduction indicating that he his endorsing Dean Jonas because of INTEGRITY, HONESTY etc. Is the brother telling us that Serpant does not have those attributes. IT’S A SHAME & DISGRACE
Mike you enter the political ring to take blows. Dean Jonás do not have any integrity. Since elected he make Pinckney outside. You so fool , you need to do a paternity test.
Mike you are stupid as how you look-big gut. Your mother must be turning in her grave. Your have burnt all bridges, Serpent don’t even answer mike – His best effects will land him in the Jonases dog house. You have lost a brother and gained another in the person called FLED. So FLED niece is now your niece. Kong Fue Mike – DAN and go crazy. Fire with Fire .
Serpent 🐍 is dead!
Mike is well known in the Potters community as a person of integrity and a serious Christian in the Adventist church. Serpent was kicked out of Adventist church in potters for stealing the church money. Serpent is very weak and crying all now.
Serpent is a disgrace to the family.
Mike is worst. Serpent never attack his so call Christian brother on the political platform. No Adventist Christian will do that to his brother. Mike had woman living in the house by transport board. Mike gut too big fu make picknee. FLED BROTHER. ……. Serpent you don’t have to answer mike . Let me handle him. Mike try and answer me please. I did not get to warm you , otherwise this exposure would have let you no go pan day. Horse done bolt and them ABLP people don’t care wa happen to you and your siblings.
Serpents attack on the Honorable Samantha Marshall alone tells you what kind of man this guy is. Lower than that they don’t come. Real scumbag. Tug. Denigrating a woman in public like that, just because you have no clue how to respond to her politically.
When I see a picture of samonster Marshall I cringe that one woman can be so ugly
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And I guess you fall in the same category as serpent. Tugs. Given her personal achievement as a lawyer and a minister of government it clearly shows that she has more intellect than all of you. You couldn’t even come close to her level.
Sidelines:The saying about beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. That does not apply to Samantha Marshall in my opinion. There is nothing beautiful about her. She is as lazy as they would come. Point to one damn thing that person has done in the Constituency of St Mary’s South. Point out where she has help anyone in the Constituency to elevate him or herself.
So Samantha can attack people and then hide behind her shroud of femininity? Samonster you better wake up!!
In politics we always attack our opponent, but we do not denigrate them. That is the difference. Exposing him as a failed farmer is fair play. Since he claims to be a spoke person for the UPP on agriculture.
@Sidelines:Have you not been listening to Gaston Browne? Gaston Browne is as nasty and as low as they come. You say ,we do not denigrate them. Do you know the real meaning of that word denigrate? To attack the reputation of others. Are you saying Gaston Browne,his Band of Merry Men and Minions like you. Do not attack the reputations of others in Politics and the Society as a whole.
I’m so disappointed in you Mike. No matter what happens in a family, family will always be family. Don’t throw them under the bus for politicians. Politicians only care about winning a seat.
As a Christian, that does not sing well for you. The Bible says you forgive your brother seventy times seven and it’s quite obvious you haven’t done that.
At the end of the day, where are you heading to hells🔥 or the streets of gold?
So, it is OK for Sean Bird to run on an UPP ticket despite his entire family being against it and being descendant of the Labour Party’s and the country’s most respected politician. The Father of the Nation. Papa Bird. Which one is worse? Mike is not running for public office. He is only endorsing a different candidate. Cause he doesn’t believe his brother is the best representation for the constituency.
Who is this dude? Is he anyone of relevance, other than the thought that he is Serpent’s brother? This means absolutely nothing. It is really scary when you think about it, but our country abounds with traitors and the compromised. This man is entitles to his own opinion, and certainly, this does not represent the opinion of the masses. Onwards. Another snag in the road to change that we must discard as being inconsequential.
Hope Mike had extra air fresheners hanging in his mouth.
If he really knows the meaning of the words honesty and integrity. He would not use them in the same sentence calling Dean’s name.
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