Good day, My name is Olivia Davis and I am the Mother of Joshua Davis. At this present moment, my son is in critical condition at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center and is need of an emergency *BRAIN SURGERY*.
Joshua was hit in the head with an iron pipe during a misunderstanding less than 2 weeks ago.
Today, (19.10.22), the Doctor advised me that due to the increased swelling on the brain, he has less than 2 weeks to get the surgery completed or he will no longer be with me.
The total cost for the surgery is $14. 000US.
*Due to this untimely situation, I am asking for a little assistance for his fund raiser event @NeNe CaNdy’s Frozen Treats this upcoming Saturday 22nd October from 12pm until 9pm .*
If you are able to donate a $20 or bread, a case of drink, Napkin, anything of your choice, please understand it will be greatly appreciated.
You can contact me @ 780-1755 or drop off any contributes at NeNe’s located on Fort Road Opposite Brydens.
Thank you so much for taking the time out to read this message. God will work it out.
Thank you. God Bless.
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In times like this let us be our brother’s keeper. Today Ms Davis has her challenges but who can tell, tomorrow may just be yours. May God be with the family during this challenging time.
Where all de medical benefits money gone Mr. PM? Who thief de money? Everyday people in de paper begging money when millions are taken from taxpayers for medical benefits.
In any country u go ppl asking the public for help for all kinda a reason. Wha the pm have fu do with this? Are u too political. Support the child if u can and just or move out the way with with your negativity. I will be donating.
I say in time like these medical benefit should be able to assist the mom with some of the expenses that’s why we hardworking citizens pay to the scheme
Mr. Byam, ask Jackie Quinn and Dave Lester Payne way de money garn. You dammm disgusting, everything can be Politics so.
Apparently all of you are playing politics when your families are essentially left to die. It’s a good thing that the names you called got assistance. This is a 14 year old. He’s the future and therefore every effort must be made to help him . Is the mother out there on a limb by herself. Some 33 years ago when I left Holberton to study overseas there was a working relationship with a Neurosurgeon out Barbados who would come and examine this kid and go from there. I’d love to know if such a relationship exist with a Neurosurgeon in one of the neighboring Islands, and that person is the one who has made the recommendation to the mother. I’m ticked enoygh to say more but will hold my thunder since I don’t have those answers. Sickness is not red or blue though, every party should want the best services at SLMBC.
@you cry baby
When the girl was badly burnt by her mother, didn’t Maulwin Joseph spend millions sending her all over the world for treatment? Did he do this because her mother is Jamaican and he wanted to pander to the non nationals for their votes?
All Antiguans should be afforded the same treatment when The medical care is not available in Antigua. Gaston and his ministers and family have government paid insurance for medical treatment overseas so they don’t care about poor Antiguans. Notice where he had his recent checkup. The USA.
#where are the medical benefits money?.
Mr. Byam now would be a good time for the RAG-TAG HYPOCRITE to advocate for this young lad. One quick call from Cooks POND WATER to Medical Benefits and she got her medical fund sort out. Why can’t young Joshua be afforded the same?? His $14,000 is nothing compared to what was allotted to the RAG-TAG HYPOCRITE.
Smh, you are always talking crap. His $14,000 is really nothing that medical benefits should not be able to pay. Of course we know who took out all the people’s money and now poor people have to suffer. The government you support couldn’t care less about poor Antiguans.
I am appealing to everyone who reads this message to TRY their best to assist this young lady with this endeavour. Contribute to the cause, use any powers u may have to assist her with this. As previously mentioned, today is her trials BUT tomorrow may be yours. Give and give with your heart.
Another sad situation challenging the healthcare situation in Antigua and Barbuda. Firstly, I’d love to know the qualifications of the doctor who told the Mom that her son needs brain surgery. Is that doctor a consultant Neurosurgeon at the hospital? If not, doesn’t the Hospital have a Consultant Neurosurgeon in Barbados, Trinidad or Jamaican who could come and assess this teenager situation? Is this Mom out there on a limb by herself with no assistance from Government? I will hold further thunder until I can get answers to those questions.
Apparently all of you are playing politics when your families are essentially left to die. It’s a good thing that the names you called got assistance. This is a 14 year old. He’s the future and therefore every effort must be made to help him . Is the mother out there on a limb by herself. Some 33 years ago when I left Holberton to study overseas there was a working relationship with a Neurosurgeon out Barbados who would come and examine this kid and go from there. I’d love to know if such a relationship exist with a Neurosurgeon in one of the neighboring Islands, and that person is the one who has made the recommendation to the mother. I’m ticked enoygh to say more but will hold my thunder since I don’t have those answers. Sickness is not red or blue though, every party should want the best services at SLMBC.
Prayer for Victor & Victim
In this Kinda System….
Sad Case of Affairs..peace
This is heartbreaking…I wish I was a multimillionaire like the PMs young wife. Then I would cover all the expenses for this poor child😢😢
DAVE LESTER PAYNE turned in his RECEIPTS yet so that Medical Benefits can close his file????
Ya’ll done this BS game. Another young son of the soil is in a difficult spot. This ain’t no time for playing political tit for tat. The help this young teenager needs right now is not red or blue. Wherever your political support lies, healthcare should be a high priority.
This poor lady! I honestly think she shouldn’t have to be doing this. PM, you should be willing to cover this child’s bills since you have been so financially blessed. Please Mr PM, God willbless you!
Some of these hungry belly people are thick as 2 planks. Medical benefits is a government program funded by the taxpayers. Antiguans shouldn’t have to come to the public begging like stray dog. Where all de money gone? These ALP scamps too thief.
Why not set up s crowd funding page like ‘go fund me’ and distribute the link on FB, radio stations, newspapers, email plus any platform you can. You get a bigger reach. Good luck
The government suppose to have a system for these kind of emergency the should fund the parents cause if it’s one if there own they would have flown out the person all expenses.. what happen to the Leo clubs etc MOLWYN JOSEPH stop dying ur hair and help this family
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