Moderna tells Antigua and Barbuda to wait until 2022 for vaccine

PM takes second dose of Moderna vaccine/ File Photo

Antigua and Barbuda will not be able to purchase COVID-19 vaccines from the US based company, Moderna until sometime in 2022.


That is because the company has several contracts in place to supply vaccines to the US and other governments and it will not be selling vaccines commercially until early 2022.


The company made the announcement in a letter to the Antigua and Barbuda government in response to a request to purchase vaccines to help inoculate the Antigua and Barbuda population.


A letter from the company was received over the weekend with the information. Some residents have been saying that they intended to wait until vaccines from both Moderna and Pfizer are available in the country before deciding to get vaccinated.


But as senior government officials have been emphasizing all along, ‘the best vaccine is the one that is available now.’ As it is, Antigua and Barbuda is having difficulties in acquiring additional vaccines to complete the vaccination exercise.


The issue is a worldwide shortage of vaccines and the pharmaceutical companies seem to gravitate to countries with larger populations and/or deeper pockets.

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  1. OK folks! Are you finally getting it?
    COVID-19 is a #Business fashioned from the template of the #BusinessPlan of the #ROARING 20’s(1900 – 1950), tweaked, #tweet and #twerked to fit the climate of todays culture’s and lifestyle’s.


    its etymology…
    A…prefix: COV – Coefficient of Variance(mathematical equation used in statistics, marketing and finance to determine investment outcomes, whereby, the #MEAN can be determined based upon the components of the equation).

    B…root: ID – Identification [(contact tracing to vaccinations of components) #People] and the EGO(very much evident, in full regalia, and stomping out opponents on the battlefield)

    0f course the #NUMEROLOGY – 19.
    The powers that be (the Oligarchs, plutocrats, medium’s) does nothing, makes no moves once they get to lifes #CrossRoads either by design, default or destiny, again they make no further moves from the #CrossRoads until, they consult their Obeahman, Seer, preacher, or scientist to determine what the #SWATSIKA is saying like an #OuijaBoard!

  2. Aggressive efforts to secure additional, -non-AstraZeneca vaccines is clearly what the government should be doing, and so I approve of this attempt to procure vaccines from Moderna, which is probably the best all things considered, at least of those approved so far.

    2022 is too far away, and so efforts should be directed to secure some other vaccine. The J&J vaccine has a unnervingly low efficacy, though I believe it is 100 per cent effective against death. But there is a study underway, nearing completion I believe, of how effective it is as a two-dose vaccine. My expectation is that it will be much more effective. If so, that will go along way to assuaging any J&J-hesitancy owing to its relatively low efficacy. So efforts should be directed to purchasing J&J, though it might be wise to wait until the current two-dose study is completed.

    Preliminary numbers from Novavax are nearly as good as Pfizer and Moderna’s. But I am not sure when it will be approved.

    There is also still the Pfizer vaccine. Yes, it requires storage in extremely cold temperatures, but given the importance of widespread vaccination, it clearly would be worthwhile to invest in the needed storage infrastructure.

    The search for additional, non-AstraZeneca vaccines must continue. With the increasingly worrisome news — and clear evidence — about blood clots, many people will be extremely hesitant to take an AstrZeneca shot.

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