Ministry of Health dismisses social media claims of confirmed cases of monkeypox in Antigua and Barbuda


The Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment wishes to state that, contrary to social media posts, there are no confirmed monkeypox cases in Antigua and Barbuda. The Ministry is outraged that any personwould disseminate false information suggesting the presence of monkeypox in the twin island state. This act became even more egregious when it was established that the perpetrator is a current employee of the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre. We strongly condemn any such act creating alarm and distress in the public.

We would urge all members of the public to be responsible at all times in disseminating information and to desist from circulating false information that undermines our public health system.

All laboratory investigations for suspected monkeypox cases have been negative both at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre that commenced monkeypox testing last week. We therefore reiterate that THERE ARE NO CONFIRMED CASES OF MONKEYPOX IN ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA.

Please be assured that if and when a monkeypox case is confirmed the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment will promptly report this information to the public. This is consistent with the Ministry’s commitment to transparency, particularly with regard to public health matters, as demonstrated in the past.

In the meantime, members of the public are reminded that monkeypox is a viral disease characterized by a fever, enlarged lymph nodes and a rash. Monkeypox is spread from person to person by direct contact with the rash, bodily fluids (fluid, pus or blood from skin lesions), and scabs. Clothing, sheets, towels and other objects can also be a source of infection. The virus is also transmitted from pregnant a mother to her unborn child. Physicians are reminded to report any suspected cases monkeypox to the MOHWE’s Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit.

There is no specific treatment for monkeypox. However, the public is advised that social and physical distancing, frequent handwashing and wearing facemasks may prevent infection. Persons are therefore strongly advised to practice these public health and social measures to avoid becoming infected.

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    • But who really can blame her? This man of whom you speak, is he competent, is he well, isn’t it time that he is relieved from that job? Are we not ready for the dysfunction and blatant denial (rosecoloredglasses) in health to be addressed? For him alone, ALP might end up losing the election

  1. It’s a disease of homosodomites and of politicians looking for another repressive, totalitarian power grab.

  2. Antiguans should not be surprised that what is being called ‘monkeypox’ surfaces there. There were people that took the mRNA jab and someone with a weakened immune system will eventually show evidence of immune blistering.
    The first monkey’s that these pustules show up on were monkeys that were being tested with the polio vaccine. If you haven’t noticed by now, there has been an increase in disabilities and deaths since the rool out of these jabs and the regulatory agencies and media have made a concerted effort to blame everything else under the sun as the cause, but not tha new thang.

    • Good point Cannibis and thank you for that link, I wasn’t sure if the “powers that be” allowed hyperlinks.

  3. Dramatic
    So are you gonna have these letters of condemnation for every post out there?
    If antigua has monkeypox – big deal, africians were/are recently here, people travel everyday, and we have had some huge crowds with plenty skin2skin so it would be UNUSUAL if by now we didnt have it.

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