Ministry and Police to collaborate to end theft on farms



Praedial Larceny is one of the single most discouraging aspects of agriculture and has become a disincentive to investment in the sector and a threat to livelihoods in farming over the years.

The Agricultural Extension Division has arranged with the Commissioner of the Antigua and Barbuda Royal Police Force to address the issue.

It is envisaged that this meeting could greatly assist in facilitating dialogue and consensus building on this issue that has negatively impacted farming communities.

This meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th April 2022, at 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the Multi-Purpose Central Centre.

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  1. This meeting is for REAL FARMERS who actually work on their farms.

    Gnat a ting day on the 🐍 farm fu teef! 26 acres wallowing in wild tambran, old fridge, rubbish and smelly old clothes.

    All the best for a productive meeting and subsequent strategies for implementation to combat PL.

  2. Some people think it is ok to steal other people’s property. How did This country get to this state? Could it be that the thieves think that if the government Ministers can steal they can do the same? All them unemployed people in the country just making it difficult for farmers to make a living.

  3. … And don’t forget about dem people who ah teef gas canisters as well. Damn teefing wretches …

  4. Give these people work to do preferably at night and they won’t have time to steal. Anyway they are probably illegals just waiting for the next amnesty.

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