Minister Nicholas says threats to harm the PM’s baby girl made him cry


Information Minister Melford Nicholas said that he cried when he saw a social media user threatening to harm the Prime Minister’s 10-month-old daughter.

At a press briefing on Monday, Police Commissioner Atlee Rodney cautioned perpetrators to desist from the crime, saying the force was investigating several online threats.

Responding to a question at Thursday’s Cabinet media briefing, Nicholas said threats were made against him and his family.

“I think that those threats received an accelerant with the incident that took place in St. Vincent with the damage that was done to their Prime Minister,” he said.

“There have been not only defamatory statements made on social media but as well as attempts at my life and…the lives of my family members.”

“It’s not just directed at myself, It’s directed at the Prime Minister. I saw the most heinous and insidious one, really bring the Prime Minister’s infant daughter into the conversation and that one made me cry, to be honest with you,” Nicholas added.

“I could not believe that there is a human being on the face of God’s earth that would contemplate what was enunciated in that particular offensive public display.”

“It’s not too long ago I saw photos of the President of Haiti being gunned down so you do not take these threats lightly,” the Minister insisted.

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  1. Two wrongs can never make a right agreedbon that..

    But Mr. Nicolas while you are cry please also cry for the children who are hungry and without support, please by all means cry for the homeless, cry for the unemployed, cry for the widow and for the fatherless. Please sir do cry for those who are starving cry out for the oppression that is upon the land cry out for the crooked system that allows the rich to get richer and the poor poorer please. It’s easy to make everything about politics while we ignore the many things in this country that is of utmost priority as well…

    Can all be held responsible for what happened in St. Vincent? No!

    Also please can you try to get them to ship to the less fortunate families in Antigua thousands of food packages and just like you have been receiving thousands of vaccines?

    And also make it mandory the every home that is in need has food on the table..

    It’s not only covid killing out here so is poverty, sin, oppression, injustice, discrimation and the list will take more than today to go on.

    • Yes Ulan it is enough now with these people they decide what’s relevant and what’s not… Hypocrisy at it’s best.

  2. Yes Melford, are you and your boss looking sympathy for your new bill which will give you the right to deny Antiguans their liberty and freedom of speech? For all I know this could be just a government supporter posting this crap. The timing is just right.
    Suspicious minds. Next thing we are going to hear is that because of situations like this we need the bill.

  3. I pray for my Nation,God help us in this place. Continue to condone evil you hateful and wicked people.
    What’s next Gay Pride March
    The Almighty is watching
    Imagine the crimes you guys would commit .A man is a he thinketh

    • I grew in a time when I was afraid the put the Bible on the floor,a time when speaking to loudly in the presence of adults was deemed disrespectful. What type of society have we become.
      We have been educated by the university of WhatsApp and Facebook.
      Get real,prepare for the wrath of God

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