Antigua News Room- Prime Minister Gaston Browne has disclosed that his Cabinet colleague who has recently been accused of rape has proclaimed his innocence.
According to Browne the Minister made this declaration in Cabinet yesterday.
“I must say here that the Minister maintains his innocence. I am not here to determine whether he is innocent or guilty,” Browne shared on a radio programme this morning.
Nevertheless, the PM iterated that “if charges are brought against him, he has absolutely no other option than to resign voluntarily or perhaps involuntarily” as the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party Code of Conduct and Ethics outlines.
Over the independence weekend, news broke that a government official has been accused of rape.
A 22-year-old young woman reportedly filed a lengthy report of rape against a member of the Gaston Browne led administration.
The report was said to have been made to the Sexual Offence Unit about a week ago and an official letter was also hand delivered to the Commissioner of police Atlee Rodney.
But the police are yet to confirm the accusation.
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Academic research has shown that more than 85% of rape allegations made against men by women are false.
These allegations of rape are usually fabricated, and usually done as a method of revenge by women who feel scorned (most often because they are jealous the man is in love with another woman).
It is time to put these fake actress women in prison for making false allegations of rape. I say at least 10 years in prison for these lying women in Antigua, maybe more.
Put these faker lying women in prison, to send a clear message. Women are usually liars when it comes to sexual topics, even their fellow women know that!
Just saying
Sound like you get wan hot knuckle before. For your sake, I hope not. It can drive grown ass men into “little boy” mode. Wanting to jump over Devil’s Bridge, ingest chemicals and other dumb shit. Oh! And this is after they themselves have cheated on their woman. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust on these weak-minded “little boys” posing as men.
Don’t forget your crown ladies!
@Women who….in Prison…
By the time your pseudonym is read, the accused would’ve channel Bill Clinton, and swear under oath; “I, did not have sexual relations with this young lady, since, Calyso Shadow was jamming in the background. Yes, your honor, Shadow’s my witness!”
Now speaking of Bill Clinton, this young lady, could be pulling a Monica Lewinsky, on his azz!
At this point, in the investigation, that FIFTEEN(15) percent is looking more, like 100.85%(COVID-19 math) leaning the victims way.
10+ years in prison.
I reckon you would make this same comment if the accuser was your family member (mother, sister, aunt). Eh.
What would you say or do if it was?
A crime is a crime. Yes?
Did you fall on your head today got cheated on or abused as child. You sound like a tormented soul living in pain. You must not have had a Mother,Sister or Neice ect.One thing about the internet we can
all stay from the comfort of our home and make assenide statements like that WOW !
Damn you’re a weak brother . couldn’t even post a name or a simple initial says something .Joke Men like you probably make women give up and just go with another woman . How much men out treat women wicked Sisters ignore the fool he got his 2 minute of attention . Shuups
Is It A Fact…
A…according to Children Melee, Azsot, is setting up his colleagues? Annah me wan a get heart attack to rass!
B…in Parliament, the alleged rapist, told his colleagues; dem a treat me lakkah Bill Clinton, and she cyant hab non sperm pan frack! Me nuts dry, and tap produce milk, lang garling time.”
C…this is the impetus for #AntiguaMeToo Movement?
Dem rattling Legba bones say, nuff tun a girls, dun a cry, annah she wan! Me anall! Me Two! Me Tree!
In the meantime, Teddy Pendergast says, “somebody told me, to deliver this message….”
Ole people always seh, ‘Tory hab three sides.’
Me leff I’m rite dey.
If someone is charge does not mean he is guilty, where is innocent until proven guilty.
I agree with the first comment regardless of who the woman is women should know their place in life in the world and that is the reason why the world is going the way it is now but it’s all part of the beginning of the end… God help us all when the nuclear weapons start raining down on you absent minded blinded fools!
@Time is near…many of us are still paying attention, to the #RightHand on the Clock, on the wall.
It got below, “two minutes to countdown,” in 2018 and less than two minutes in 2019, and it’s said, the reason is the #Trump Administration, but I’m more inclined, to view it from the #Globalist Threat to HUEmanity!
This Nuclear war threat, coupled with global warming/climate change, the rapid extinction of several animal and plant species requires #URGENT and immediate attention!
Yes, yes, yes Time is(always)near!
That minister needs harsher punishment. Abusing his power. Gaston should resign too. How many times he bang up he wife? Unless banging up his wife is ok and his power gives him the permissions to do just that.
Me will support ah you with the wheeling and dealing and underhandedness but rape is a no no!!!!
The PM is right. We can’t have members of the cabinet charged with serious crimes continue to serve as business as usual. He should resign or be sacked.
Does anyone really thinks he would be charged? The Prime Minister is insinuating. He would have to resign if charged.In my opinion based on History of high profile persons in Antigua.The Police have do not have the “cojones” to charge that Cabinet Minister. Please prove me wrong,Police.Please,do.
Any woman who has a father she loves dearly,, a husband, brother, a son or any close male relative would agree wholeheartedly with the opinion that any woman who FALSELY accuses a man of raping her should be given a hefty jail sentence. This view is even more potent in light of the rabid clamor for a rape accused to be stopped of his livelihood and reputation on the strength of a mere accusation. If we are to be fair, honest and above board, we would understand that once a preliminary investigation concludes that there is sufficient “evidence” to warrant a charge being laid and the accused person has been as arrested, then and only then should the public expect the accused to resign o be asked to resign.
With respect to the latest sex scandal making the round, there seems to be far more in the mortar than the pestle. The scandal seems shrouded in ongoing attempts at a palace coup by a particular disgruntled party reject. Note well how the discussion concerning this alleged horrible incident is focusing less and less on the abominable act and more and more on the stance to be taken by the Hon. PM. It is rumored that a certain Ass in concert with a WADing duck are hell bent on destroying the PM each for his own glorification – 2 greedy misfits who think they have been overlooked for leadership. The stance of the Hon. PM is the correct one. Once an arrest has been ordered, then the logical next steps would fall naturally into place.
Mr. Hon. PM, do not be knocked off your crease. Watch them closely: the alleged rapist, the ASS and the WADing Duck.
Police can’t touch that politician.
Not in Antigua.
You hear me told you.
Case closed long time.
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