Minister congratulates police on arrest of suspects in violent crimes – including five underage boys

Cutie and Gaston

REAL NEWS: The Police are making progress in bringing to justice a number of people involved in recent violent crimes – including the May 22 murder of a Syrian businessman – and several of the accused are under the age of 18 years.

Two suspects have been held in connection with the Roti King robbery two Saturdays ago, during which a police officer was shot in the leg after he tried to interrupt that caper.

Additionally, Police have in custody five suspects who allegedly are connected to the recent daylight rape of a 46-year-old woman, which took place off the Friars Hill Road in the vicinity of Woods.  Reports say that one of the youth held is a 13-year-old, while two are 15 years old and the others are 17 years of age.

There was fresh outrage from members of the public upon learning that such violent crimes allegedly have been committed by mere boys.

Attorney-General Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin, minister of public safety, is expressing his appreciation, and that of the Cabinet, to the Police Force, praising officers for their speedy work in apprehending the suspects, particular those involved in the recent murder.

On Tuesday night, May 23, Benjamin met with the Syrian community, following the shooting death of businessman Roudi Shmaly, to discuss the rising crime situation.

Syrians make up a significant part of the country’s business sector; reportedly, they have said they are prepared, along with other businesspeople, to provide support to the Government’s crime-fighting efforts.

Benjamin says that further talks will follow to fine-tune the ways in which they can assist with crime-fighting initiatives.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet reportedly has discussed the spike in gun crimes and is concerned about the manner in which illegal firearms are being smuggled into the country.

Therefore, it claims that law-enforcement officials have been directed to increase their monitoring of the airport and seaports.

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  1. Stop talk rubbish cuz are you know how the guns a come in the country the people in high place a bring in the gun even some of then in authority

    • True dat. It’s like the movie welcome to Jamrock when politician turn a blind eye till things get out a control.

  2. Rumors are saying that these businessmen have been importing and selling guns. Remember the stolen container. So those in the community that are supplying these youngsters with guns If they want to assist as suggested must me stop. Antigua do not manufacture guns . These weapon are imported and sold on our streets and end up in the hands of criminals. Condolences to the family. However, if the rumor is true then you could have caused you own countryman death.

  3. Some of the big moddle eastern sponsors of Events, cricket etc have been known since, under UPP till now, to run guns in and through Antigua. But you get away with crimes if you sponsor the media or buy Ad space or sponsor campaigns. You just get more road works and contracts from the Government… sad part us law enforcement knows and does nothing!!!!

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