Labour Minister Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin has promised minimum wage workers in the country an increase if the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party is returned to office.
Speaking in Thwaites Corner on Thursday night, Benjamin said all recent increases in the minimum wage have come under labour party governments.
“In 1999, I was the minister of labour then and we had an increase in the minimum wage. It took us until 2015, the first of January when this government once again increased the minimum wage to EC$ 8.50,” he boasted.
Benjamin spoke to the issue of the minimum wage while making references to his government’s busy parliamentary agenda in the last three and a half years.
He told party supporters that another increase is on the horizon for people at the bottom of the pay scale.
“And I make this promise tonight, that when we shall have been returned to power on the 21st, very soon thereafter, we will look at the minimum wage and increase that too,” Benjamin stated.
He said the issue of the cost of living must be looked at.
A recent poll by Peter Wickham put the cost of living as one of the major concerns for residents at this time.
27% of Antiguans, the largest percentage claimed that cost of living was their biggest worry while Unemployment and Crime shared the second spot at 15%.
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the Jamaican ambassador to antigua here with more promises ,only now you looking at cost? If you serious about cost look at the rip off down at customs with dem exorbitant duty you a charge nearga and tap put the burden of minimum wage on the few businesses that left in antigua.
No pramise me come gee me um right awayyy
Cutie, you lie because The ABLP don’t care about poor people. UPP raised money for pensioners from $200 to $800. The ABLP raise work permit fees for non-nationals. Just more promises.
Morning Barbs good to hear from you. I missed you and your daily rants.
Why don’t u guys stop fooling the people u had 5 years but rush to call elections because no plans,No ideas no investment,No addition social program to benefit the poor ..so why would people fall for all these promises after the election and u still had time where all them thing could be done if u so wanted to do then.. .ABLP please..fool me once shame on u , fool me twice shame on me..Get lost u liard self centered .bastaards …PEOPLE EAT THEM OUT AND VOTE THERE ASSES OUT..
Only now chuppz!
Wasn’t government negotiating with some entity about pay increase? Has that matter come to an end or what? Oh, I guess it has! Smh! Can you build us 700 houses in 700 days? Am sure you can in your dream and with your speech! Imagine you taxes high, cost of regular items high and wages stagnant for times. Hey did you not promised salary increase last election? What has become of that promise? Oh it’s being reiterated. Look at the size of them people on the stage? Belt size and bank account surely increase for them, ha, ha laugh? When minimum wage increase so will the cost of regular things so it seems there’ll be no real benefits?
Let’s say we do this as a play, game or whatever you may. If the other say 6 what will your offer be 7? Good. If they say 9 the obvious better offer would be 10 won’t it? Good game ain’t it? Is it hard to be a politician as one seemingly have to promised (lie) to the people to get their vote. If by chance you failed to deliver over the years given what do you do? Make some more outlandish promises the people are brittle enough it takes little to break them. Yes mon some shirts, some hats, some water bottles, some whistles, some rental cars, full with free gas, some envelopes with some ECC or US can wok. No! Well cheap lands, low interest rate on mortgage on new house. No? Gots lots of Jaabs, see how all over the place people busy up making that cheddar. We got work aplenty anywhere you want one just say. No? How about we pay down on your new car, bus, truck? No! No? Come on can’t get no sweeter mon. See it is not easy being a politician the work is hard but the payout, the reward is exponential.
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