Mike Tyson Seeks To Move Antigua Investments Forward


Former Heavyweight Boxer Mike Tyson is preparing for an international cannabis conference here and has asked for permission to establishment a wellness facility in the country.

Nearly 500 experts and others are expected to attend the week-long seminar that is being organized.

On Wednesday however, Tyson sought to get the Cabinet’s nod for the establishment of a wellness center that will operate from an existing hotel property which the Tyson firm will purchase or lease.

The wellness center will rely upon medicines made from hemp and other organic substances to cure deathly diseases.

A similar center has been in operation in Costa Rica for seven years treating diseases including Alzheimer’s, depression, and other hard-to-cure illnesses that plague humans.

During the Cabinet meeting it was agreed that the law governing hemp will be addressed by the Parliament next month, February 2020.

“The Cabinet declared that its members continue to have an interest in making the Antigua and Barbuda population become aware of the changes in lifestyle that are necessary in order to produce a healthier nation,” a statement said.

The request received provisional approval, and was asked to submit their proposal in writing with supporting documentation.

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    Cabinet appears to have two things to watch;

    (i) …Its Ears; and

    (ii) …Its Mouth.’

    Not sure if ‘…Mike is going to ‘…Fight or Bite’ or ‘…whichever, ‘…Bite and Fight.’

    And still not sure which of these ‘…Mike would first ‘…Bite or Punch,’ but he seemed to have been focusing his ‘…ring exploits and propensity’ on something else.

    From this news report, it seems that he is getting through to the ‘…Ears of Cabinet,’ prompting its ‘…Mouth to speak.’

    With seemingly ‘…mere preliminary investment discussions,’ he has succeeded in obtaining ‘…Provisional Approval’ for an Investment that has not been documented and formally submitted for ‘…administrative perusal and/or consideration.’

    Do know that ‘…an egg could never tells a chicken farmer that it would be hatched to a ‘…hen or a cock.’

    Now he has been asked to submit ‘…an Investment Proposal.’

    Seems it would make better ‘…Administrative Sense’ to see what ‘…Mike is Proposing’ to be better positioned to make a definitive or informed decision as to ‘…Approval or Rejection.’

    Though the capital investments are important, do protect the ‘…Cabinet’s Ears and Mouth, and of course, its dignity’ before the ‘…loud foul-mouthed, erratically-behaved Mike’ is infuriated into a ‘…Biting and Punching’ rage.

    Not an adviser. Prevent a ‘…Bite or a Fight.’

    Don’t shoot though. Accept the advice.


      Clearly not teasing, but simply to provide easy comprehension, with ‘…Brevity and Simplicity,’ but specifically for my social media friends ‘…Nameless and Eulin.’

      They had earlier asked for comments to be written this way.

      Believe both have ‘…good brain’ until they start to write ‘…Smit or Skit.’

      Got to learn to ‘…figure or reason things out.’

      No reasoning is required and no logic shall be applied.

      Aint ‘goin’ happen though.

      Now, without a ‘…formally submitted Investment Proposal,’ it begs the ‘…Fundamental Question,’

      ‘…What ‘…Cabinet’ has given ‘…Provisional Approval,’ for – ‘…a chicken or an egg; or a ‘…hen or a cock; or a …pig in a bag; or to see it …dance a jig for a fig?

      Really not sure.

      • You hinted but did not elaborate…Mike Tyson has a very long rap (arrest) sheet which can be viewed online. The rap sheet includes but not limited to theft, sexual assault (including rape) and battery against women and not paying taxes. Not saying people cannot change but, as you hinted, it certainly should leave some questions!

        • You should take a good read regarding, the Robber Barons, the Beltway Bandits, and the Creature From Jekyll Island.
          They all have ties to everyone of these Americans mentioned in, the next paragraph.

          Now, if Donald Trump, George Bush, or Barack Obama brought an Investment to Antigua, Barbuda & Redonda, would you make the same “remarks” about them, as you did regarding Mike Tyson?
          If, the Vatican of Rome and their papal Orders such as the Jesuits, brought a proposal to the Government, to build a University in our Nation, would you be, as inclined, to instruct John Public, to access their track records, in the Judiciary, not mere accusations, but actual convictions?

          How many “convictions,” does Mike Tyson have, for the accusations made against him?

          Oh, by the way Donald Trump will remain America’s President for the next five(5) years, and he has a much, much, much longer RAP SHEET, than Mike Tyson.

    In as much your utterances are TONGUE and Cheek you should be more direct and do not leave so many things HANGING….I do not know what the HELL Mr. Pompey is talking about. Far too many CURVES.
    I guess I must read it another 6 times. I expect to take a hit from my contribution.


      Know what ‘The Truth,’ Your are not ‘…Talking Smit,’ therefore, ‘..No Hit.’

      Know what also ‘The Truth?

      Met ‘…Damani Tabor’ yesterday in the City of St. John’s.’

      Said he enjoys the ‘…Humor in the comments.’

      The truth is , ‘Truth,’ got to make the readers ‘…figure out some things by teasing their brains.’

      Some brains seemed to be too tired to be teased.

      So they seemed confused.

      The Truth, ‘…Six times to read?

      That is a helluva long time.

      Can cook and read though.

      Follow the news story closely ‘…The Truth,’ but after ‘…cooking and eating.’

      Might be useful to make sense of, and comment on it.

      You are bound to see two things;

      (i) …Provisional Approval; and

      (ii) …Request for the prospective investor to submit formal Proposal.’

      So ‘…What is Provisionally Approved?’

      After all, people should use their ‘…reasoning power,’ then they may see one or two things;

      (i) …The Light: and

      (ii) …The Truth.’

      It is expected that ‘…The Truth’ shall read until either ‘…The Light or Truth’ is revealed.’

      Curves, Truth! Na-a-ah!

      Though this is not cricket, ‘…Curve Balls’ are allowed to be bowled.

      Mind how you play them though.


        Now ‘…The Truth,’ you are ‘…expecting a hit.’
        But no way ‘…you are getting any hit from Rawlston Pompey.’ No Sah.

        Try ‘Pollster’ Peter Wickham.’ He conducts ‘…Polls.’

        He is the travelling Pollster.

        Did two recently; …one in Dominica and one if France.’
        One commenter appeared confused though.

        He had written ‘…polling.’

        Seemingly when he realized that, he corrected himself and used the word ‘…Pole.’

        Still not sure what the hell he was driving at.

        But to tell you the truth, ‘…Polling or Pole,’ do believe ‘…The Truth’ can get ‘…Peter Wickham’ to do either one.

        You might lose or bawl though.

    • @THE TRUTH.. what do you expect from an a$$hole and i only have to see the response to his foolery to know once again he a chat BS…..


    Still do enjoy your contributions. Damani Tabor NOT a good example . Damani Tabor is just a LOUD mouth.He is a very NEGATIVE Person.Not Good for an EXAMPLE. You are still my Friend Mr. Pompey . You should listen to the RHETORIC with Damani Tabor on the SNAKE PIT tonight. Very Ridiculous. Never use Him as an example. You should know BETTER.

    • SNAKE WHO?


      Pit with Snakes, ‘…venomous and dangerous.’

      The truth is, have no interest in what is discussed in that programming.

      Often too ‘…repetitive and monotonous.’

      Prefer to visit this news portal and offer, where possible, some information.

      As you can see, often interspersed with a ‘…little humor.’

      Damani Tabor is also a visitor to ‘ANR,’ seemingly if for nothing else, it is ‘…always up-to-date with current affairs.’

      Held no other discussions on what he apparently likes best to talk about.

      In the brief encounter, do know, he was very ‘…affable, jovial and respectful.’

      He suggested that ‘…Rawlston Pompey’ not respond to some of the ‘…nonsensical commenters.’

      Aint goin’ happen though.

      They can’t leave the news and jump me with ‘…Smit.’ Na -a-ah!

      Will quicker see a ‘…Pollster skimpily dressed in an Italian shawl,’ lazing in the sun on a ‘…St. Jame’s Beach in Barbados with a male companion,’ than see ‘…Rawlston Pompey’ cowed into virtual silence.

      Bluntly as it is written, that is the truth, ‘…The Truth.’



      Thanks ‘MAT.’

      A few people shared that with me today at ‘…APUA.’

      Even though some of the issues are ‘…very sensitive,’ and some people seemed touchy, the humor alone makes them laugh.

      Not ‘…ah darn thing’ to worry about.


    MR. POMPEY should be paid for His contributions to ANR . I have spoken to a few Persons who look forward for Mr. Pompey contributions. Mr. Pompey you have increased ANR readership. I also enjoyed how you deal with ‘THE TRUTH”…FANTASTIC COMMENTARY . Still LAUGHING.

  6. I also enjoyed your contributions @ Mr Pompey! Love the information, humor/ wit..definitely interesting the way you write/word things. SIMPLY TALKING and MAN AROUND TOWN got it all right. Ignore the Nay Sayers and Haters..There will always be those nipping at your heels.

    AS A post from Kermit the frog said..If you have a problem with me..Get over it..You’ll make yourself miserable waiting for me to give a fig (other words).

    We know sticks and stones may break bones but words (SMIT) coined by you.. will never Hurt you!

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