Michael Freeland: Igniting Change Through Sports Tourism To Unite Our Communities

Michael Freeland

Igniting Change Through Sports Tourism To Unite Our Communities

As a political candidate for our beloved constituency of St. George and the current president of our national basketball team, I have a deep personal commitment to the future of our island.

Today, I want to share a vision that leverages the power of sports tourism to bring new life, prosperity and opportunity to our St. George  community and others.

Sports tourism is an emerging frontier in the Caribbean, presenting a vibrant avenue for economic growth and cultural exchange. Our government officials have recognized the potential of this sector, highlighting its importance in diversifying our tourism offerings and creating sustainable development opportunities.

The St. George constituency has a proud history of contributing to the sporting sector, with distinguished athletes such as Guy Yearwood, Steve “Sancho” Andrew, Sylvester “Bouncing” Joseph, Hugh “Tamo” Huggins, Albert “Hardick” Lee, Merve Joseph, Gershum Phillip, Paulus “Promoter” Martin and Kimesha Anthony, all of whom have laid the foundation for our current athletes, Shawnisha Hector, Dwayne Fleming, Tevorn Henderson and Akeem Isaac, Siyolo Jospeh, just to name a few. Their achievements illustrate the immense talent that resides within our community.

By embracing sports tourism across multiple disciplines, Antigua and Barbuda can create additional revenue streams that not only bolster our economy but also showcase the incredible local talent that exists on our island. Imagine our fields and courts filled with the energy of regional tournaments, national leagues and international exhibition games across cricket, football, basketball and golf. Such events would attract visitors from near and far, generating revenue and providing a fresh platform for exposure. More importantly, they would open up formal opportunities for our youth, allowing them to earn scholarships, gain professional exposure and develop the skills necessary to compete on the global stage. The constituency of St. George’s is perfectly located and sufficiently expansive to be a primary participant in such ventures. This would not only empower our young athletes but also our young entrepreneurs.

While various forms of tourism are explored throughout the Caribbean, sports tourism spanning cricket, football, basketball and golf offers something uniquely powerful. It transcends mere entertainment; it fosters community pride, cultural unity and the forging of new pathways for young people. By investing in our sports programs and infrastructure, we can create a vibrant ecosystem where local talent is nurtured and every match, game and tournament contributes to the broader narrative of success and opportunity for Antigua and Barbuda.

The benefits of sports tourism extend beyond the immediate economic impact. It can enhance our island’s global visibility, attract investments and inspire future generations. Events hosted in St. George can uplift our local economy while building a sense of camaraderie among residents and visitors alike, reinforcing our identity as a welcoming, vibrant community. Is my goal to empower St. George to trail-blaze a sports tourism model which could be adopted by other communities.

My vision is clear: we must champion sports as vital components of our tourism and economic strategy. This initiative will not only enhance our island’s revenue but also build a lasting legacy; one where our youth can thrive, our culture is celebrated and our communities stand united.

Together, let us embrace the potential of sports tourism and in doing so, pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for not just  Antigua and Barbuda, but moreso let us Unite and Connect our St. George’s Communities and Ignite Change.

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  1. Just move fram de place and go look hard work fu do, na baddy want you, na rememba if arewe ebba get back de money. Chups

  2. Michael Freeland!! Michael Freeland!!! Michael Freeland!!!! Never do a good did for public attention. Rather do it out of a genuine heart.
    Have you known that what you speak of was possible all along or has that knowledge come about now that you have a second chance at political life? If people were paid for hypocrisy you would be a multimillionaire. Not that you are not one with your inheritance and from auctions and auctioneering of our tax dollars. It is hard for me to conceive that you have had that level of knowledge however because of a mishap you put your tail between you legs and allow the prime minister to elevate his wife to stardom with your help ahead of you. Certainly you are a more eloquent and competent person than Pixie. However one has to dig deep into the book of excuses to come up with a reason why you stepped aside just to allow the PeeeeeeeeeM to build his family dynasty. Look in the dictionary or in the thesaurus and next to nepotism and cronism you will see the prime minister, his wife, his sons and his extended family of past lovers. Yet you approved of that and today want to raise your head in a different location and claim to love the people there. Did you not love the people when you first signaled your intention to run for political office? Was Maria’s love for the people stronger than yours? Was it about serving the people or serving Gaston? In your quest to serve the people as you are now claiming have you spoken about the hardship that has been brought on the backs of the people by the government which you are affiliated with? Are you only now seeing the possibilities that exist between tourisn and sports? What have you done to advance the possibilities or are they only possible with you as an elected official?
    Oh! Help me not to forget this one. Is it only now that you remember that the schools in the constituency exist? When Antigua was going through a merciless heat wave last year and schools were clamoring for fans did you have an ear to hear them? Did you come to their assistance? If not why not?
    It is sad that laboRATs have changed the definition of politics. It has become transactional and pulling the wool over the eye of the poor citizens to keep them begging while theybamass wealth beyond their ligitimatebsalart. May i remind you that the ground that you traverse daily to fool the people just to join the gang of thieves will certainly, certainly, certainly be your roof.
    Play games with God and see who wins!!!!!!

  3. Michael Freeland!! Michael Freeland!!! Michael Freeland!!!! Never do what you believe to be a good deed for public attention. Rather do it out of the goodness of your heart.
    Brilliant idea!! Brilliant!!!! Has the realization of those possibilities hit you now simply because you are a political hopeful or have you known of those possibilities all along? If you have known of those possibilities why have you not brought them to the attention of you party which is in power. Your political leader and our PeeeeeeeeeM said that he would rather be an ordinary citizen in a prosperous country than the leader of a failing country. He has done the opposite. You likewise are doing the opposite. What is good for antiguanis good irrespective of the representative of government.
    It seems to me that those brilliant ideas have only now hit you since your political reincarnation. Have you known of those possibilities since, before or after the PeeeeeeeeeM politically beheaded you to make way for his wife to rise to pllitical prominence?
    What would have prompted you to pen this article? Is it out of genuine concern or looking political prominence? Why have you not shared this knowledge with your governmet and if you have what stops them from even discussing it? Is it achievable only with you at the helm and with you as a political elect?
    I have noticed a trend with you laboRATS. In your questbfor political prominence youball come up with a manifestonand ideas most of which are in direct cintravention to the aims, possibilities and wishes of your party. You do not realise that whatever you sprout has to be in line with the budget. If your government cannot give us the basic needs of the poorest society how do you expect it to meet the lavish plans that you sprouted just to gain the vote of the poor resident who do not understand a word from what you proposed?
    Where have you been since the PeeeeeeeeeM shut your down and mandated that you supported his wife to build their dynasty? Have you gone and acquired new knowledge which is translated in your article? Why did you so politely step aside and deemed Pixie a better candidate than you? Was your actions for the betterment of Antigua or the party? Why have you resurfaced in another constituency? If your choice was to represent the people of Rural East what has changed that you are not selling your soul to gain relevance in St George?
    I know i will hear you say that you have decided to contest the elections to represent the people of St George because you love them. Did you not love the people of Rural East when you rolled aside to allow Maria to become the representative? Was her love for Rural East stronger than yours? Are you now in love with St George residents? When did your love for St George dawn on you that you should seek to represent them?
    If you love St George as you will continue to sprout where were you last year when the head wave was making learning difficult and they schools were clamoring for fans? Did you not love them then? Today as you are seeking relevance you are ready to leave home in jacket and tie and return home only in your boxers. You know every photographer in Antigua. They follow and catch your very move and it is publicized. However there is no e to show of you assisting the schoold during the heat wave. Your love for St George is only for public attention..
    May I caution you. The ground that you walk on to fool the poor people so that you can join the gang who have wealth beyond their legal salary will certainly, certainly, certainly become your roof. Let greed and corruption continue to be your guiding principle and see how God smiles at you.

  4. That picture seems so fake. Freeland looks like he is feeling the weight of the actuon money bag on his shoulder.

  5. Guess we know who the frontrunner is in St. George.

    The creativity is unfortunately very low today from the usual suspects. It must not be easy trying to run interference and deliver suppressive fire for the dying UPP. I sympathize.

    People are so panicked they’re even double-commenting:

    Hope this isn’t just talk—looking forward to real action and results!

    Hope this isn’t just talk—looking forward to real action and results!

    Hilarious! I don’t even need coffee this morning.

    Try to get more creative with the copy pasting of your AI generated comments. Are regular people using em dashes in blog comments now? SMH

  6. start by doing meaningful change and growth to the organization you currently sit a the head of. if you can not develop abba how are we to trust you can develop a sport tourism project. by works you will be known.

  7. A true patriot and statesman. Good luck in the upcoming primary. You have the INTELLECT, PERSONALITY and ABILITY to SERVE the people of St. George


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