Mentally Ill Man Injured After Alleged Inappropriate Touching Incident, Resulting in Hand Amputation


SOURCE; REAL NEWS: Persons are appealing to the Government and, in particular, to
Minister of Health Sir Molwyn Joseph to put mechanisms in place to properly address the issues of mental health and persons who are suffering such challenges.



This call is being made once again after a mentally disturbed man was beaten by residents in the Tinning Village area – an assault that has led to the loss of an arm.

The man is alleged to have indecently assaulted a 13-year-old girl on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 9, on the compound of a Perry Bay business.

Apparently, the incident was reported to the Grays Farm Police Station by the teenager’s grandmother and an initial search for the perpetrator proved futile.

However, officers who continued their search for him found him in the presence of a large crowd in the Tinning Village area and took him into custody.

The lawmen later observed that the man had several lacerations about his body, and so the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) was summoned and he was transported to the hospital.

Reportedly, up to that time, officers were unaware of the man’s name and address. But an online source has since identified the man by an alias: “Robo.”

A video now in wide circulation, and captioned “Robo touch a lil girl and run, ” two persons can be seen raining blows on the allegedly deranged man.

Meanwhile, a young girl in school uniform and a mature woman are
unrelenting in their attack on the naked man, who appears confused
as he pleads with them.

Even onlookers who came to his assistance had a difficult time
quelling the rage of the two females.

While it is alleged that the man deliberately touched the teenager in
a sexual way, others say that his action was unintentional.

More seriously, however, a source tells REAL News that the mentally
unstable man did not only receive a thorough beating, but he was
also stabbed – and had to hide in a nearby gutter to escape his

Allegedly, from hiding in that unsanitary place, his wounds became
infected; hence, doctors at the hospital were forced to perform
surgery and amputate the affected arm just above the bicep.

Sources say that medical officials are now waiting to see if the
patient has circulation in the part of the arm that remains.

One resident says she is appalled that Sir Molwyn continues his
lacklustre attitude towards persons with mental-health conditions –
and appears to be doing nothing  to tackle the growing number of
mentally ill people on the streets.

Others say this latest situation is outrageous and sickening, and they
urge the authorities to do something quickly to address this mental-
illness crisis.

Questions are also being put to the society regarding the treatment
of this mentally ill young man.

“How could anyone mistreat a mentally challenged person like this;
and allegedly return to stab him and beat him further?” a concerned
woman asks.

She opines that those involved in his mistreatment should be
charged with several offenses.






























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  1. While I make no excuse for the mentally ill man inappropriate touching of the girl, the matter should have been reported to the police for them to take the appropriate action. The video being circulated was horrifying and paints a sad and regrettable picture of the treatment that was meted out to him There are proper ways for dealing with every situation and we must discourage citizens from the habit of “jungle justice” or taking matters into our own hands. We risk turning our society into one of chaos and confusion by so doing.
    How we treat the homeless, the disabled and the mentally ill people among us really defines us as a people and a society.
    I am appealing to the authorities once more to do more to help and to remove the many mentally ill persons that are roaming the country. We can do more to help them.

    • agreed tske them off the street they are danger to society this parent did it out a Anger her daughter could a been rape who knows what sick he has but fair enough what police go do????
      hes metal he doesn’t understand

    • They say touch like it’s just touching her on her shoulder, he grab her butt in his 2 hands and end up hitting her in the head, I am not saying what happen to her and the man is right, but if anything should have happen when he hit her what the public would say, and to make it worse eye wackiness was saying he was still braging on the play field saying he knew she was a country girl that’s why he grab her, everyone saw what he did . I run to the station but if it was your child what would you do really it’s just a sad situation.

      • This is what happens when those in authority fails society, total lawlessness like the wild wild west.

  2. It’s high time for rapists to be handled as rapists. Mental illness is being used as an excuse far too often. I personally applaud the villagers. He plaid stupid games and won stupid prizes. He knew what he was doing. The trauma the child has endure will end up going for naught because he is so called mentally ill.

    • I want justice for my grandchild I try to protect them the don’t walk the street like wild animals we protect our children, we let them know what is an inappropriate touch they don’t know about things like these I don’t even let man come to my home, so we try our best to keep them safe I am angry what happen to her we feel violated, the shame I feel for my grandchild, you guys just don’t understand how we feel, everyone saw it happen se is mark as the child how do we heal she don’t want to come back to the shop why are the people out there not reaching out to her be everyone talking about boy mental when after everything he still brag about it some have an addiction and say they are mental so they hide behind this and do their foolishness, we are hurting, and we are not happy either.

      • Did this help? Did beating and stabbing him help? Instead of her getting the justice she deserves now the law may turn on you. Does that help? That is all I want to know. How did it help? I pray for her to heal from her trauma and I hope she doesn’t have any further trauma to deal with because her friends and family run a foul of the law.

        • Advocate my family did nothing to that man, the ppl of the community did what they did. Stop pointing fingers at my family, because trust and believe, it wouldn’t have been just a hand. My child is traumatized, shaken up, scared 2 walk from the bus station from school. Everyone is talking about him, what about her mental state? What about my family? What about me, that has to watch my child smile fade away with fear? Justice isn’t served, and it will never be, because my child has to live with this for the rest of her life..

  3. If this mental ill man had killed the girl what would you all say!!! fear is fear government should removed mental I’ll person from the street!!! he could a taken the little girl an rape her etc look at the mental I’ll man who had stab the innocent man down heritage quay area an say a voice told him to do it…lot a ppl almost loose there life because of mental I’ll ppl I dnt believe its fair for us to fair our life because a mental I’ll ppl
    an we should understand just because they dnt know what they doing kmft I remember a mental I’ll gay guy took my 6 yr old nephew an tie him up in bushes an was gonna rspe him so I have no reguads for mental I’ll ppl
    GET THEM OFF THE STREETS!!! AWAY FROM PUBLIC YOU ALL HERE GIVING RIGHTS TO MENTAL ILL PPL police will not lock up an charge a mental I’ll person so why report it kmt

    • Where is his family. They should make the first move and then involve the government. I wonder how some people sleep at night knowing there loveone is on the street ?

  4. beat hi s ass yes but I believe they went too savage on him
    to cause him to loose a arm that part wasn’t right but I concern about with did to poor 13 yr old he could a rape her etc THEY NEED TO GET ALL MENTAL ILL PPL AWAY FROM US LOOK AT THE MAN THE MENTAL ILL MAN WITH AIDS WHO GOING AROUND AINT HE STILL OUT IN SOCIETY GIVING PROBLEM if the government won’t protected society from mental I’ll person they have to protect themselves as I say that Savage beating isn’t right at all

    • They say touch like it’s just touching her on her shoulder, he grab her butt in his 2 hands and end up hitting her in the head, I am not saying what happen to her and the man is right, but if anything should have happen when he hit her what the public would say, and to make it worse eye wackiness was saying he was still braging on the play field saying he knew she was a country girl that’s why he grab her, everyone saw what he did . I run to the station but if it was your child what would you do really it’s just a sad situation.

      • I just want the public to know what happen after the the fight in the parking lot, we have nothing to do with that, when the police drop me and my grandchild at perry bay it was a little past 4 and while we were on our way home the officer call me back which was 4:45 we were already on our way home the call was to tell us they had him so if they had him early how can we go back to fight him, they police know the story and we know, what happen down there have nothing to do with us, I do hope you the public out there know the truth.

        • Why should they be held accountable? He lose his arm,he will never to touch again. Unless your not in the situation you won’t feel it until your in it that’s why some of you talking like this. Justice where? Do we still get these things done in Antigua? Aru better wake up and smell the coffee nah. Things change big time here in Anu. The law sucks and they do things backwards here. How many mentally illed person’s committ murder here in Antigua? How many mentally illed person’s have done harm to some of the citizens of this Country. Some a Aru a sleep in this place. They go use this mental thing as an excuse. Again y’all give my ass a break. I’m not saying it’s right but it’s the only way to get justice right now is to do police work cuz them nar do them work. Once he better he going back on the streets believe that.

  5. It’s a very sad situation it hurts not only the family but the mentally ill patient and all persons living with mental health concerns the message being sent that if you are in a crisis and acts wrongly then you will be assaulted by the public it’s the wrong message being sent he is of unsound mind and often times family members abandon these patients and there is lack of support but being in the wrong for the alledge inappropriate touching of the child does not give his attackers the right to assault him and the police must do their investigation and those on camera seen in the assault be held accountable it’s wrong and must be condemned Mentally I’ll persons in crisis as seen in the streets should not be there it’s their relatives duty to keep them supervised at home or be institutionalized for their care we cannot envisioned community psychiatric care once this is happening it’s not the human thing to assault mentally ill patients it’s wrong and must be discouraged

  6. Mentally ill man is wrong. He mentally ill.Look here in canada , you dear not touch one of them.
    I wonder what that family or whoever beaten the man, how would they feel if that man was related to them .
    All those who can be identified by the video must be locked up. Everyone of them including the 13 years old child. A bet if it was a school boy who she likes , her mother would not have been told.
    I blame the relatives of that poor man. Take you all family of the streets man. Take them off and take them to the mental home.
    You all expect government to do everything.
    Look, I had a mental breakdown down but my relatives, mainly my sister and my children kept it a secret . God I love my sister up to the common ground she walks on.
    God bless Dr Sharon Cordner .Some Antiguan people don’t have no love in their heart for themselves, worst for others.
    I wish that man a speedy recovery and I hope all those who hurt him get the full penalty of the law.

  7. I honestly believe if you truly have a mental problem,you wouldn’t conscious enough to Touch some one in a sexual way…

    We must put a law in place to Stop people from smoking in public places…. as well

    • So what you are saying all them people who sexually assorted a person, is crazy, and all them person who hold and rape people broad day light is mentally ill that’s the excuse society making for those people now, it’s no wonder so many things happening in this country and nobody know nothing I think right now here in Antigua we are all mental or pretending to be crazy. So right minded people don’t have the right to defend themselves now once the person is mentally ill, we should just stand and let them have their way with us, we are not protect by the law once it’s a mental person anything happen we should go like that no justice for it, this man not only grab her he hit her also but that is ok he’s mental she should have just run and laugh so tmw he can do the same until the worse happen ok I see now .

  8. Funny how the police couldn’t find him but an entire village could. The persons who did it should now claim mental illness too.
    He went looking for trouble so trouble paid him a visit. Pretty sure he won’t use the hand to touch anyone else. Elderly parents would say… if you can’t hear, you will feel.

  9. All of a sudden he a one mad man his family narnknow he mad for teck him off the road so he must do ppl as he like a more than one time this boy bome after me in the parking lot he know what he doing he know what he is saying but now he meet his match he mad their is a next black one he will just hit u hard any way on u body he spat in my friend daughter’s face on the bus at west bus station so we down at the perrybay area for just teck it ok when it comes to that we all crazy

  10. I just want the public to know what happen after the the fight in the parking lot, we have nothing to do with that, when the police drop me and my grandchild at perry bay it was a little past 4 and while we were on our way home the officer call me back which was 4:45 we were already on our way home the call was to tell us they had him so if they had him early how can we go back to fight him, they police know the story and we know, what happen down there have nothing to do with us, I do hope you the public out there know the truth.

  11. He deserve it he came after me plenty times nasty he nasty make he go in the gutter why his family never come for him all of a sudden he mad he do ppl things then say do something bout it so the ppl did He deserve it he came after me plenty times nasty he nasty make he go in the gutter why his family never come for him all of a sudden he mad he do ppl things then say do something bout it so the ppl did

    Ppl at the perrybay area go through alot everyday

  12. Charge him for what he did and charge the so-called little girl and the big fat whatever too.

    • Straight cross the border, charge my daughter for what again?? U really mad. He sexually assaulted her, then hit her in her head when my sister confronted him, and they were wrong to retaliate against a man, that ppl speak of so highly, saying how intelligent he is and how much sensible conversations they have with him? Y’all call that mentally ill? He’s just a crack head, that’s all. Dem two little blow he got In the video from my daughter and the big fat whatever which is my sister, did nothing to him. Y’all some real rapist an pedophiles walking around in this country.

  13. Give my ass a break talking bout it wasn’t intentional. See the a walk cross the road and speed up Pon them see if them nah hustle cross the road all the crazy them crazy. You will never see them stand up in the middle road fah car knock them. Aru leh mi lone see.

  14. The good news is the “mentally ill” person’s hand will never molest another minor again. If he does it with his remaining hand, I hope they take that arm off too.

  15. I don’t like that boy he is anucent rude and very very very disrespectful especially to woman he always trying to irritate people in his crack head RS but what they did to him he no deserve it I hope he gets justice ♎

  16. If if was my family that man be… trust me it wouldn’t go so… all the child was sharing blow… 🙄 😒 ofc he was wrong but beating him between a hot truck min suffice?? You can tell how some yall think but memba time longa dan rope… justice for the mental man…

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