MEMO: Unvaccinated civil servants ordered to take PCR test twice monthly


Re: Vaccination Policy


Please be advised, that the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda has taken the following

stance as it pertains to the government’s vaccination policy for government sector



As essential frontline workers, we are at heightened risk to the Covid-19 virus and its

many variants. In an effort to protect and maintain the stability of the country’s tourism

product; and ensure the continued health of all workers, the following decision has been



Effective immediately, all Officers and Auxiliary staff members are duly encouraged to

become vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus or subject themselves to a Polymerase

Chain Reaction (PCR) test every fourteen (14) days, at personal cost.


Further be advised, Covid-19 Testing for all unvaccinated staff members commences

fourteen (14) days following Monday 26th July, 2021.


All Covid-19 PCR Test results must be submitted to the Human Resource


Please be guided accordingly.


Juliana Browne

Human Resource Officer

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  1. What is the price for a PCR Test in Antigua and Barbuda. Those Civil Servants have an issue on their hands in the Immigration Department. Do they make enough dough to pay for those two tests monthly. If they do not get the Tests. Then what is next? I could see this going into the Courts.

    • It may go to Court, and those who bring a challenge against the position of the government WILL lose. The Constitution makes it clear that government can legislate on any public health matter, particularly when it pertains to infectious diseases. Your rights end where mine begin and if you have an infectious disease that threatens my right not to be infected by any that I’ve taken all precautions to prevent then the government can compel you to get vaccinated or tested at your own expense. That is the crux of the matter here.

      What I’ve explained has been tested in the Courts many times before, and the result has always been the same. It has even been tested in this era of Covid in Europe, the USA and other places. As a matter of fact, there has always been a requirement for people to be vaccinated in order to attend school, travel, and to work. Why do you think in the past people were always asked for a health card when transacting certain business? Do you think it was just for style? There is strong legal precedent for vaccinations from time immemorial.

      • “The vaccinated” are also spreading this “virus”. That fact seems to be conveniently omitted from your contribution. It is biased to only test the “unvaccinated”. That is where “the government” will lose.

  2. SUPPORT UPP THEY ARE TOTALLY OPPOSED TO THIS……..solidarity for ever, solidarity for ever, solidarity for ever because the union hands are tied.

    Anybody see Wrigley George and the AT&LU, are they waiting on an invitation when they know their members are under siege…..

    Anybody see David Messiah and the TUC, are they waiting for an invitation when they know their members are getting black mailed.

    Anybody see Joan Peters and the ABPSA, are they waiting for an invitation when they know their members are getting attack by Boko Haram.


  3. Yes, straight to the Courts we will go. Do not force me to put something in my body Gaston and your Cabinet. God made us all, not man. You all know that people like us working for little and nothing and then to test every two weeks wasting $600.00, then what will leave back but nothing.Advantage will never done in 🇦🇬.

    • Go ahead and spend thousands of dollars paying a lawyer to go to court. You will LOSE. The law is clear. You do not have the right to put other people’s lives at risk with your stupidity.

  4. Not a single vaccine has been approved by the FDA yet this dictatorship govt is forcing people to get it. When and if they are fatally affected the same govt will say what, “We sorry.”? All good and well for them to say so. They don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves.

    We the people need to stand up against the govt and its dictatorship ruling. We are headed down the same road as Cuba.

    Stand up for your rights

    • Stand up for your rights? You mean the right to die from covid? The right to catch covid and spread it to your family, friends and even strangers? The right to spread covid and kill other people? When your anti-vax stupidity endangers the lives of other people, society must be protected against you. That is why the government has instituted these covid testing requirements in the civil service. To protect people against your anti-vax stupidity.

      • What is wrong with death? Do you know something about death that people do not know?
        Politicians are already killing people with a $8.20 minimum wage and this is after 187 years of working for $0. TALK ABOUT THAT .

  5. I get it. I’m vaccinated, but if someone doesn’t want it and they get sick I’m protected. It’s only the un-Vaccinated that will have a problem. 99% of the persons in hospital in the USA are UN-VACCINATED, that should tell anyone with a little common sense that vaccinations work. Mr. PM don’t force anyone to get vaccinated, they can’t hurt me or you, only themselves.

    • They can hurt the vaccinated as they are preventing Antigua from achieving herd immunity and returning to normalcy. They are preventing us from removing restrictions and full opening our economy. They are keeping many of us in poverty.

  6. Election is around the corner, would be so sad to see so much proud un-vaccinated ABLP supporters turn against the government for this policy. There are more un-vaccinated people than vaccinated. People wise up.

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