POINTE XPRESS: Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister Ambassador Lionel ‘Max’ Hurst is the latest government official to have contracted the COVID-19 virus.
Hurst, who is fully vaccinated and has received a booster shot, told this publication a rapid antigen test returned a positive result yesterday morning and he has since gone into isolation.
A PCR test was also done, the results of which will be made available later this week.
Ambassador Hurst, a kidney transplant recipient who takes immunosuppressant drugs daily, said he has no symptoms. “Thus far all of my coworkers have also taken the tests and they have all proven negative.
“My sister, with whom I share a home, has also taken the test and she is proven negative,” Mr. Hurst reported. “My close family members they too have taken the test and they’ve proven negative also.”
In addition to Hurst and Cabinet Secretary Konata Lee, four ministers of government have tested positive for the virus.
They have since been cleared to resume their ministerial duties. Ahead of today’s Throne Speech, COVID-19 testing was carried out on all MPs and senators who will attend the joint sitting of parliament.
It is unclear what provisions have been made to accommodate a full parliamentary chamber.
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Speedy recovery 🙏🏿
Max, bun two(2) extra spliff!
LOL… burning cannabis will get you high but doesn’t confer very much medicinal value. Ingestion (chopped up) of the raw plant won’t get you high (heating is required to do that) but will get into your body and interact with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). Endocannabinoids help regulate sleep, pain, the function of your immune system, mood, memory, and other vital aspects of being human. When the ECS is out of whack, you are more susceptible to disease and other disorders. Cannabis smoothies anyone?
I will take some infused 🍿 thank you…
The movie of the crashing vaccines (no early treatment, one size fits all) narrative will be airing shortly.
Sir, wishing that you a speedy, safe recovery
There is a new strain of Omicron Sub-Variant BA2 detected today in Texas,not a joke.
…and what about his car. Please dont tell me his car is doing better than him at this time!
Still better than driving a vehicle like Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS 🚌
I guess it too…needs a booster!
Please note: “… Hurst, who is fully vaccinated and has received a booster shot …”
Get well soon Mr Hurst.
Please note that a fully vaccinated elderly gentleman with significant comorbidities is infected, but suffering no symptoms. Unlike the 115 unvaccinated people in ICU in Guadeloupe (yes there’s 1 vaccinated in ICU as well)
I don’t denigrate or disparage the unvaccinated, but I object to people like you continuing to spread misinformation.
Well said. A recent study carried out by the US CDC makes clear that vaccinated persons have a higher level of protection from hospitliztion than un vaxed persons who had a prior infection
… And I object to people like you SWALLOWING all the one-sided misinformation from global GOVERNMENTS, and not allowing other experts to give a BALANCED view on what’s really going on – but people like you ‘hide’ from this, and will NEVER address this OBVIOUS BIAS …
@Ras Smood – @Sugarapple – @Brixtonion and the rest of you patriots….
The war has entered a new phase…. there are things you need to know.
Search for clif_high videos (on bitchute) and watch one called E, S & T WOO – EXPLORERS’ GUIDE TO SCIFI WORLD
@Brixtonian, I’m in total agreement with you –the discrimination/exclusion needs to end.
It should have been a risk stratified targeted approach used to combat the virus instead of the one size fits all madness. But the official narrative is finally crumbling and the Covidian Cult is starting to implode.
Since Max now know that being boosted does not stop transmission and transmission was the PROBLEM.
I hope will become an advocate to end the stupidity.
Get well soon Max
“A new study conducted by the University of Bristol Aerosol Research Centre in the United Kingdom found that the SARS CoV 2 virus loses 90% of its virulence within 20 minutes after being exhaled into the air. Further, researchers concluded that the virus loses 50% of its ability to spread after only 10 minutes of being airborne in an average office setting.”
https://thevaccinereaction.org/2022/01/study-finds-sars-cov-2-much-less-infectious-after-20- minutes-in-air/
Thanks for posting that study Sugarapple. Encouraging and hopeful results.
Even though you are “fully” Vaccinated. You must continue to observe those things put into place known as THE PRADACALS. Washing of hands,wearing of masks,wipe and wash all things bought in the Markets and avoid large crowds. Even though you have done those things you could still get the Variants. So just be extra careful and use your good judgments.For it is your life.
I guess his lying ass was double or triple vaccinated too.😂😂😂😂
Still, I wish no man ill. So get well soon.
Can someone pls explain to me.The article said Max Hurst was fully vaccinated and he also had taken his booster.I am indeed confused.I used to be strogly against the people who did not want to be vaccinated.But you know what let me leave those people alone..Perhaps they were so right.SMH.
@Rock of Ages: According to the brightest among us. You must be Vaccinated with 2 shots and then get a Vaccinated Booster Shot to be “fully” Vaccinated.That does not prevent you from getting the Covid Disease.
Prayers are being offered on behalf of the Ambassador throughout the land. Recover soon. We need you.
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