Marshall defends involvement of Chinese on Bolans Playing Field Project


St. Mary’s South Member of Parliament Samantha Marshall has been explaining the presence of Chinese workers on the Bolans Playing Field.

Plans are ongoing to upgrade the facility.

A photo circulated on social media led to rumours that locals were being left out in the development.

Minister Marshall provided the explanation on a recent #DADLIPOLITCS Space.

Here is what she had to say:

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  1. Daddy’s girl how long now you and your daddy going to use Bolans play field to get votes, every election the same BS you all come up with and after the election nothing get done. All I will say to the Chineses keepout of Antigua and Barbuda election. This lady don’t learn, I thought the CIP fix to rent house money was a lesson what not to do, but no with these Labour party people…..Smdh. Only in Antigua!

  2. “More jobs! less taxes!” More jobs for the chinese less taxes to be paid by locals , continue to trust liards and see if you prosper , put them in power to enrich themselves while you struggle

  3. All thiefing,lying Politicians,must be sent to 1735 Hotel. Have them go and enjoy the three beautiful meals and the stench there.

  4. Cde. Marshall is a woman of high quality and principle. Thank you for your faithful service. She is a comrade of quality and knows exactly what she is about, and the people are blessed to have her.

  5. This government can’t get any construction work done without Chinese involvement? Antiguan people don’t need work took. But when you think about it, the Antiguan government owes the local contractors so much money that I doubt any of them want to work for government.

  6. Kudos to the next PM of A & B! One of (if not) the HARDEST working Politician in A & B. Your constituency speaks for itself. The detractors will always try to spin things and confuse those that do not think for themselves. Thought the ‘Spinners’ were in Philadelphia, didn’t know they migrated to A & B.

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