Marshall announces state-of-the-art Early Childhood Development Centre for Bolans Village


Samantha Marshall:

It’s with delight that I announce that a state-of-the-art Early Childhood Development Centre will be built in Bolans Village. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATSAPP GROUP.

The government is committed to providing quality education and care to our children, even from the foundation of their growth and development.

Moreover, this is another promise delivered in my mission to level up opportunities for children in St Mary’s South and beyond.

This new development follows the recent renovation and expansion of the St Mary’s Secondary School into one of the finest schools in Antigua and Barbuda.

More details will follow as to the features of the centre.

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  1. Follows the recent renovation and expansion of the St Mary’s Secondary School…. ‘built by the UPP’, United Progressive Party. When the UPP does good y’all take credit, when it is bad, it’s the UPP’s fault.

    • Idoit Bwoy! The UPP did NOT build the St. Mary’s Secondary School; it was built by the Lester Bird Administration. As a matter of fact, the UPP cursed and said Molwyn Joseph was doing it for vainglory and that the school was built in a “swamp”. So please, do not give the UPP credit for what it did not do!

      • Go and check your facts LIAR, LIAR, all you guys do on here is just lie, lie lie to the people and try and fool them. The school was built by the UPP administration and recently opened with a fanfare to give the impression that the ABLP is doing work in the community.
        Just like ‘just saying’ recently lied and said Harold appointed his wife as an ambassador when in fact he had no such powers to do so, just so USEFUL IDIOTS spout foolishness and lies to earn your salary.

        • @The numbers man…. You obviously do not know what you’re speaking of. St. Mary’s Secondary was built when Hugh Marshall Sr. was the representative for St. Mary’s South. The name of the school was the St. Mary’s Centre of Excellence and it was a primary school. When the UPP government introduced Universal Secondary Education, the primary school was turned into a junior secondary. It was then renamed as the St. Mary’s Secondary. It is a FACT that the structure was built during the Lester Bird Administration. As a matter of fact, when the UPP came to power, there was talk of shutting it down because the area is prone to flooding. Boss, the records are there to prove it.

        • Wow…you have lost your brains. The structure of the school was not built by the UPPITES government. Why do it yourself in making an ass of yourself? Goodness…Gracious…you have to be infected with Politicalitis syndrome to believe your folly.

  2. I told you folks! The other day I spoke about the government’s MAGIC money tree 🌳 and I was wondering what else it would be bearing soon … and LOW AND BEHOLD money has been mysteriously found for a state-of-the-art Early Childhood Development Centre.


    Make the most of this wonderful monetary deliverance by the ABLP, and then kick them out of office for treating us all like we dunce …

  3. Go ahead girl do your thing make your announcements election is in the air.
    Ring the ring the bell🔔🔔

  4. All the best 👍🏿 The children are the future 🇦🇬

      • Not changing my name. I use both.

  5. All of a sudden the Election is coming soon. Now all of the scrambling and election gimmicks are going on. It would not work this time around. Here is where the bullshit stops. 2014 to 2022,you have not done one damn crap in the Constituency. Now you coming out wanting to sell a blind man a periscope. No way,larger one.

    • Are you not delighted that our youngsters will be getting an education? Why everything have to be played as you’ll filthy duttie political foolishness? How do you expect you “UPPITES”, to govern ( which may not happen again) when you blind followers opposed everything and spouting political nonsense.

      • Colombo:It is a damn gimmick. I am not a LABOR,DNA,True Labor,GO GREEN or UPP.Like I said,it is a damn gimmick to get Votes.She has not done one damn thing in 8 years. Now she is trying to sell,DUNG. You should know,what is DUNG.

  6. This sounds like a continuation of the Maria Holder Memorial Trust (a Barbados based foundation) ‘Continuing development and growth through Play’ program, of which the new center at Buckley’s is part.
    This Barbadian Foundation is doing stellar work in Antigua, look at the Home built on some Holberton land, for our most physically and mentally challenged young people, look at the support to Lady Scotland’s anti-bullying program.
    Fortunately for Antiguans, the Maria Holder Trust is not political and will continue it’s focus on children in our region.
    I for one, give them kudos and heartfelt thanks

  7. WOOF WOOF WOOF said the barking 🐕 🐕 🐕 while the WAGON CONTINUES TO ROLL ON.

    Kudos to the Hon. SAMANTHA N. MARSHALL, PM Browne and the Labour Party government 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
    Having a VISION is crucial 🎯

    Forward together all 🇦🇬 #EconomicPowerhouse #Transformation

    • @ SMH smut the only barking dog 🐕 is you .
      Lol you whose comments are silly and almost childlike at best..
      🤣 Find a playpen to go into this is adult conversations

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