A man who was attempting to visit his girlfriend after curfew hours has been fined five thousand dollars for the offence.
Akeem Brookes was arrested, charged then brought before Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh in the St. John’s Magistrates’ Court where he pleaded guilty to the charge.
Brookes was fined $5,000, which he has to pay by June 19 or face imprisonment for six months.
Brookes, who was caught riding a bicycle at about 7:30pm, more than seven hours after the curfew began, told the court that he was on his way to his girlfriend’s home when he was stopped by the Police.
He admitted that he knew the curfew was in effect.
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That is real sad. What could he or she could have wanted for him to be riding during curfew hours.
sex. They wanted sex!
Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
Wow, i wonder how much will she be contributing to that amount in order to help him pay that fine……. She seems to be an expensive commodity to maintain 🙂
She should pay none. Common sense should prevail.
Maybe she noh send call he
Maybe he is the one who cost himself by going on his own free will
That’s some expensive tail. I hope she is worth it come next year. Ms.Palmer must be sick or she must have gone out of business.
Ms. Palmer leads to migraine headaches and carpel tunnel syndrome. She just can’t cut it anymore
Is it a certain type of people paying $5000 and 6000 while other pay $25000 and send to jail.
This is so disrespectful to the Country, but that’s what he get… Rather than the Flesh, he got a Fine..! I don’t feel bad for him..
u r cold n heartless
Smh only in Antigua
Tarl. Not just in Antigua. Even a U.S. President was brought down by the mighty vagina. It is so mighty that men declare themselves transgender in a futile attempt to obtain one. Vagina is (perhaps) the second most powerful thing on Earth.
I hope she pay the $5000 for him.
Best you min wait and go whore house ca it wayyyyyyy cheaper lol. Bet r coupe u go coupe the woman….
I have some empathy for the young man and there is no reason for john public to resort to nasty references about this natural but “illegal” act. Magistrate Walsh could have exercised more discretion in meeting out “justice”. Couldn’t he have been charged $2500 like the expatriate yachties found hosting a fete in the English Harbour area recently. Smh
Empathy or sympathy? So is the “little head” control the “big head” now?? No wonder some man will forever get in trouble. A little pum worth your freedom? wow. Next thing he go over only to find her husband and kids at home with her.
Two different magistrates.
He deserve what he got, although a little jail time might teach him a few things, too.
u r a cold hearted monster
Oh my them shoulda leave him.
I do not support the fact that the young man broke the curfew law. But from a realistic point of view we know how difficult it is for all of us to adjust to these draconian stipulations and confinement. Maybe indeed, his hormones were playing havoc with his self control and prudence thus he decided to take a chance.
Albeit, he is guilty yes, but some partiality is obviously being given to certain offenders. Just very recently, some caucasian residents and tourists were caught having a party and barbeque on the dock at a popular harbour, and none of them paid more than a $1000 00 each for their offense.
How then some leniency could not have been shown by our supposedly impartial judiciary to this young man? Do they know how difficult it is to find $5000 especially at this time? Come on. The law must not always be punishing to the extreme but also corrective and humane. We are all in this hell hole together, and its just a matter of time before a open social and civil rebellion starts globally.
This unprecedented global incarceration is sending many people on the brink and over the edge of insanity. I sympathize with any person who has been a victim of the judicial system as a result of breaking the curfew law. It is not right but it is understandable.
Its not too much for the law and the courts to also show some more discretion when meeting out their judgements. Just saying…..
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Your compassion is noteworthy. That is too huge a fine in light of the severity of the curfew laws.
Mark Caesar, I fully endorse your comments. Fine I think was a bit draconian.
totally agree wit u bro…of all the comments posted yours is the most reasonable n make sense… the punishment does not fit the crime, it is too n is harsh n draconian…ppl forget u r humans n the punishment inflicted inflected on this young man and on so many other will do so much worse damage… they system is not only unjust and fair as it continues to punish n penalize ppl for just normal, natural behavior… going out seeking sex is natural n human ,,,he was not out there hurtin, killing raping , robbing anyone
#feel the man # no fines
i agree
I totally agree with you…well said
Folks,there are many of us sexually involved humans.Who cannot go too long without it.We would get all stressed out.I would have broken any curfews to see my woman and pay the consequences for my behavior.That is me.I am a law abiding citizen.But curfew when it comes to my sex.You cannot stop me.I would run up and down Boggy Peak and or Mount Everest.And tell the world I love my woman and sex.Which is healthy for us,HUMANS.
again totally agree man… we r humans, we are sexual beings, being locked n coped with no activity, no interaction leads to social isolation n depression, loneliness.. sex is a healthy, relieves stress n overall good for well-being…i would do the exact same thing.. he was by himself, he was not in a crowd.. give da man a break, damn… and worst of all and what pisses me off is that the ppl who impose the fines n the lock up including the police are corrupt and fucking dishonest n get away with their crimes..i totally get the need to be careful, safe and follow the recommendations but damn they tryin 2 make ppl prisioners in their homes, this is an overreach, damn now u cant even breathe, talk a walk or have sex
#feel the man # no fines
“Yuh p**** dream seh you see mi girl….”
“Di f*** deh come down (ha-ha-ha)”
“Hold me like you’ll never see me again”
“Bet mi money”
#Free the man #no fines #protest
Just some food for thought for all those who saying his punishment is to harsh….. Some of these person who are fine there is a little something call their CRIMINAL RECORD that plays are part in their sentencing. If the person is known to the court, on probation, on bail or have a suspended it all can play a factor in their sentence. Further if he would have TAP AH HE YARD he would not ended up where he is now.
P.S. IDGAF if y’all come for me.
bla bla bla..if this, if that…….so already u criminalizing the man, u do not kn this for a fact…..basically saying he has a record so impose harsh n unreasonable fine that he cant pay…….so everyone who they pick up n fine thousands of $ they r criminals… u r an idiot
Wow you must personal know the man then. Or even worst you must be him. Look how you all up inna ya feelings. I said what the f’ck I said. If he r@$$ would have TAP AH HE YARD he would not have to find $5000.00 to put in the treasury. For all we know he could have been one of those thives who are breaking into people business place but as usual you people quick to buy what ever bullshit story they tell the media. #idgaf #isaidwhatisaid #mybackbroad #tapahmayard
u just vex n angry cus da man out there gettin some pussy u u nar get none only to use ur hands n pump lol.. stop hating!
#free da man #nofines
Hope you have the $5000.00 to put in the treasury cause where you going you going you will get all the sex you want #tapahyayard #payyourfine #1735
Let us all find away to help this brother pay that fine.
You can send a wire transfer from some of that stimulus money you got.
@BLACK-MAN the last person who took their fastness to defend a curfew breaker ended up on ending up regreating doing so when it was exposed in court that the woman was a liar. I will advice you before you waste your money and pay this man fine get to the bottom of the story. There is always three sides of a stroy: the defendant, the police and court and the truth.
nonsense – only Antigua – not even half the money
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