Manager of King’s Casino And Several Others Receive Awards from Governor General


The owner of King’s Casino, Emilio Fagalde and 12 others received awards from the Governor General for their respective contributions to national development.

Read more in the citations below:

His Excellency, The Governor General, Sir Rodney Williams KGN, GCMG, KSt.J, MBBS, Grand Master of the Chancery of the Orders and Decorations of Antigua and Barbuda, has been graciously pleased after consultation with the Chancellor, to present the Governor General’s Personal Honours on Tuesday August 13, 2019.



  1. Karl Bernard James to be a recipient of the Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service – Cross – For meritorious performance in yachting and sailing


Mr. Karl Bernard James GOH, learned to sail as an adolescent. Forty years later, Karl has every reason to be proud of his achievements and contributions in a sector which has become both his passion and career.


He has served as Antigua and Barbuda’s Sailing Athlete for the past 37 years; Karl James has competed in sailing challenges all over the world and amassed an impressive collection of over twenty-one (21) in just 1st, 2nd and 3rd place positions alone!


This distinguished awardee is the ONLY sailor to have competed in two Olympic Games; the 1996 Atlanta, USA Games and the 2000 Sydney, Australia Games in Sailing, in the Laser Class to be specific. His score sheet reads as follows:

–    The highest level of achievement by any national sailor – Out of a fleet of 90 boats, Karl won the Silver Medal in the Sunfish World Championship in 2001

–    Record Holder – 13 Championships out of its 17-year history in the Antigua Laser Champion

–    Record Holder – Caribbean Laser Champion for five (5) consecutive years from 2001 – 2005. Most consecutive wins by any single sailor in the Caribbean Laser Championships.

–    Record Holder at the TEAM level of the Caribbean Laser Championships, as Captain of the Team, most consecutive wins 1997 – 2003

–    The first to represent Antigua and Barbuda internationally in the Laser Class at the Central American Caribbean (CAC) Games – 1994

–    Gold Medal Winner, Laser Class, Olympic Classes Festival, Puerto Rico

–    As the Tactician, Main Sheet Trimmer and Rules Expert on the J Class Ranger, Won 3 World Championships in 2007, 2008 and 2010 at the Rolex Maxi World Cup and the Mini Maxi World Championship

–    As Professional Crew, won First Place in EVERY MAJOR CARIBBEAN EVENT – Heineken Regatta, St. Maarten/Rolex Regatta, St. Thomas/BVI Spring Regatta, St. Bart’s Bucket Regatta/ Puerto Rico Heineken Regatta, St. Croix Regatta, Antigua Sailing Week, Antigua Classic Week

–    MOST RECENT WINS – 2017 Caribbean Laser Dinghy Championships for the sixth time; 17th out of 69 in the 2017 Laser Master World Championship in Croatia; 12th in the 2018 Laser Master World Championship in Dublin Ireland.

– Karl James has distinguished himself as being one of the few black Caribbean sailors competing convincingly at the International level.


Not only has Mr. James developed a professional career in the marine industry, he has also volunteered his services and skills for thousands of hours.

– Manager, Dinghy Sailing and Youth Training at Antigua Yacht Club for the past 26 years;

– A Member of the Antigua Sailing Week Regatta Committee for the past 19 years;

–    Director, National Sailing Academy for the past 8 years;

–    National Representative on the International Optimist Dinghy Association for the past two years;


Mr. James is a pioneer in sailing education and training in Antigua and Barbuda and has, over his 40-year career trained thousands of young people, mostly between the ages of 6 – 25 years old, how to sail. Additionally, Karl, through his connections in the sector has arranged a number of college scholarships for youth in the community and donations for developmental purposes, most notably the restoration of Clarence House through an introduction of Sir Peter Harrison for whom he sailed for 10 years.


Mr. James has contributed significantly to economic development in the marine tourism industry in the following ways:


–    Creating competitive sports sailors as well as marine employees and entrepreneurs. Many of the youths trained in sailing are now successfully employed in the sector as skilled tradesmen, captains of charter yachts, tour boat captains, ships pilots at the Antigua Port Authority, water sports attendants at hotels, coast guard officers, US Navy officers, competitive racers and international sailing coaches.  number own their own businesses.


–    He was a member of the committee, headed by Paola Vittoria, which successfully presented the national bid for the 2019 Optimist World Championship which was held in Antigua and Barbuda, July 6 – 16, 2019 for the first time. Over 250 young sailors from over 65 countries participated in the event and brought the usual slow season alive.


What philosophy drives Mr. James to contribute to his community and nation as a whole?

Love for his country and people drives Mr. James to continue to serve selflessly. The following is a quote from Mr. James,

‘I believe that one must practice what one preaches therefore I am constantly aware of being a role model and ambassador for my students. I continue to compete internationally as one of the few Black professionals in amateur and professional sailboat racing. I am a strong advocate of healthy living and good behavior, as a reflection of your responsibility to the community. I do not smoke, do drugs, or drink alcohol, a life style parents often ask me to counsel their children about’.

Mr. Karl Bernard James to be a recipient of the Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service – Cross – For meritorious performance in yachting and sailing

  1. Elvira Bell, Ms. Christal Clashing, Ms. Samara Emmanuel, Ms. Kevinia Francis and Ms. Junella King to be recipients of the Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Cross – for meritorious performance in sports as members of Team Antigua Island Girls in the 2018/2019 Talisker Whiskey Challenge


When Team Antigua Atlantic Rowers arrived home in second place on January 13, 2018, the challenge was issued for an all-female team from Antigua and Barbuda to be next. Several women answered the call but only five women cleared to the final list – four athletes and a skipper. The fabulous five as they called themselves were named as Elvira Bell, Christal Clashing, Samara Emmanuel, Kevinia Francis, and Junella King. They officially registered as Team Antigua Island Girls and with the support of their Patron, Her Excellency Lady Williams and several corporate and private sponsors, set their sights on being in the top five contenders in the 2018/2019 Talisker Whiskey Challenge. Team Antigua Island Girls set their sights on being in the top tier of the challenge. They had the support of tough taskmaster and coach Eli Fuller and other experts in physical and mental fitness. They created international ripples both on sea and on land as they made history. History was made as the first female team from Antigua and Barbuda to compete in the Challenge and the first all-black female team in the world to row across the Atlantic Ocean arrived at the scenic Nelson’s Dockyard a fanfare and resounding applause from thousands of welcoming fans. Forty-seven days, eight hours and 25 minutes. That’s how long it took Team Antigua Island Girls to row 3,000 nautical miles across the Atlantic Ocean from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to their homeland.


The women selected Cottage of Hope as their charity. Cottage of Hope is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 that houses and/or serves girls

who have been abused, neglected or orphaned. Needless to say, the beneficiaries, the Cottage of Hope are profoundly grateful to Team Antigua Island Girls for understanding and supporting their cause so generously.


Ms. Elvira Bell, Ms. Christal Clashing, Ms. Samara Emmanuel, Ms. Kevinia Francis and Ms. Junella King to be recipients of the Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Cross – for meritorious performance in sports as members of Team Antigua Island Girls in the 2018/2019 Talisker Whiskey Challenge.


  1. Carlo Falcone – – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold – For meritorious performance in sports and community development


In 1954, Carlo Falcone entered the world in the port city Leghorn, Italy with an Italian Navy Admiral as his grandfather and a yet unknown future as a mariner and successful marine sector businessman. Sixty-five (65) years later Mr. Falcone has made Antigua and Barbuda his second home along with his four (4) children, three of whom were born here.

Prior to his journey to the Caribbean, Carlo, a graduate of Nautical Studies landed his first major job as Head of the Purchasing Department with the company, Yacht and Sails in 1973. He went on to work as the Harbour Master in Sardinia, sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1979 on the vessel Cecilie and in 1980 accepted an assignment by Horizon Sail USA to build and implement the Horizon Italy Sails in Capalle (Florence). One year later, after training in the USA he successfully realized his objective and started the production of sails in Capalle. Four years later in 1984, following the sale of shares Mr. Falcone purchased the S/Y Caccia alla Volpe and sailed it to the Caribbean and decided to make Antigua and Barbuda his home.  In 1985 Carlo established a local company called Italy Imports Ltd to import Italian products on the island. Two years later, he was successful in his application to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to build a marina which would later open in 1988 as the Antigua Yacht Club Marina with expansion and the inclusion of a resort in 2005 and 2006 respectively. The Harmony Hall Yacht Club was also the brain child of this this accomplished athlete and businessman. Carlo Falcone progressed in his business ventures but never left his sport of choice sailing and his love for car racing. His sporting achievements and contributions include the following:

  • Representing Antigua & Barbuda in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics Games in the Star sailing class.
  • Participating in a number of races and ocean crossings in his vessels Caccia alla Volpe and s/y Mariella. Carlo has participated and medaled in a number of races to include the ROLEX and many other International regattas.
  • Serving as head coach of the Antiguan and Barbudan Sailing Team which participated in the 1994 Pan-American Games of Mar del Plata in Argentina. At the Games he also accepted the post of Vice President of the Pan-American Sailing Federation that he took for four years.
  • Circumnavigating the globe to include a visit to his son Shannon (who celebrates with his dad here today) who was racing in the America’s Cup in Auckland, New Zealand in 2000. Shannon, like his Dad, is passionate about the sport and was the first Caribbean Athlete to win in an America’s Cup Race in 2013.
  • Serving as coach of Antiguan and Barbudan Optimist Sailors to include Louis Bavay and his son Rocco Falcone as they competed regionally and internationally. Once again, Carlo’s son Rocco performed creditably, with podium wins on more than one occasion.
  • Accepting Chairmanship of the very popular and world-renowned Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta, hosted annually by the Antigua Yacht Club in April. Since chairing the event in 2018, the level of participation was increased and new classes introduced to ensure growth of the prestigious event which features some of the most beautiful classic and vintage yachts from all over the world.
  • Championing the cause, along with Sailing Athlete Paolo Vittoria, Rocco’s Mom and Champion Sailor Karl James, to bring the World Optimist Race to Antigua and Barbuda this year. It was a record-breaking event with the most participants in its history. The economic benefits to the community was palpable with three weeks of fully booked accommodations at a time when most of the room stock would normally be unoccupied.
  • Car racing all over the world including European rallies in Greece, Italy, Spain, Finland, San Marino and circuits in USA is a pursuit of our awardee. Carlo has been a proud winner on the Daytona, Sebring and West Palm Beach race tracks. In 2016, he served as the local president of the Federation International Automobile (F.I.A). During his tenure as president, safety standards for motor racing were established to include roller cages, fire suppressors and full protective clothing for drivers. Race wardens were also sent abroad to become certified in race management.

As part of his civic duties, Carlo Falcone has served as the Honorary Consul of Italy for Antigua & Barbuda since 1991 and 2014 he was nominated as Tourism Advisor to the National Parks Authority.

Mr. Carlo Falcone – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold – For meritorious performance in sports and community development


  1. Emilio Fagalde – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold, for service to community development, sports and the needy


In the year 1988, forty-three (43) year old Emilio Fagalde journeyed to Antigua and Barbuda to take up duties as the Cage and Credit Manager of the King’s Casino, a position he held for a few months before being promoted to his present of General Manager.

Emilio was born in Chile but on graduating from secondary school he was awarded a scholarship by the State of California to attend Junior College and later the University of Nevada. While in University Emilio became exposed to the casino business which then led to his employment in the industry for 15 years before he was transferred to Antigua and Barbuda.

Upon his arrival to the twin island Caribbean island, Mr. Fagalde took a special interest in helping the less fortunate including the residents of the Fiennes Institute and the inmates of Her Majesty’s Prison. He believes that such persons are often neglected by society and is convinced that a prison reform programme including work opportunities for inmates will make a significant difference in their transformation.


Under Emilio’s direction, King’s Casino has become a major contributor to the economic and social well being of the country. In addition to sponsoring numerous sporting clubs and organizations and hosting dinner at the Fiennes Institute, Emilio Fagalde has specifically set aside resources to assist in the following areas:

  • Donation of a house for a fire victim through the Adopt a Family Programme
  • Sponsorship of the Police Shooting Competition for thirty-one (31) years or since 1988.
  • Sponsorship of the Junior and Senior Calypso Competitions as well as the Queen Shows
  • Sponsorship of building materials for house repairs for those in need
  • Monthly contributions to the Adopt-A-Family Programme
  • Regular contributions to the Glaucoma Association
  • Contributions to the Barbuda Relief Fund and
  • Sponsorship of numerous police officers for education, training and urgent medical attention
  • Weekly contributions to Her Majesty’s Prison HAPPI Programme

Undoubtedly, the zeal, energy and initiative of Mr. Falgade along with his above average charitable giving has impacted positively on the cultural, social and economic fabric of the nation. His outstanding efforts over the past thirty years that he has resided in Antigua and Barbuda as exemplified by his support for those who are vulnerable and programmes which provide a social safety net demonstrates the qualities of good citizenship. His family celebrates his recognition and have journeyed from California to be with him today.

Mr. Emilio Fagalde – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold, for service to community development, sports and the needy




  1. Victor ‘Babu’ Samuel – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold, for meritorious performance in Music

Born on April 19th 1958, Victor Samuel spent his early years growing up in Church Lane in the City of St. John’s. In 1966 he moved with his family to the Grays Farm Community. Young Victor experienced primary school at the St. John’s Boy’s School, where inspired by his musician uncle, Mr. Pat King, he was drawn to membership in the school’s steel band in 1971. As his educational experience advanced to the Antigua Grammar School, his interest in pan music did not wane. He enlisted in the Supa Stars Steel Band which was led by Mr. Cornell Brookes and had made his secondary school its home. This was where he also got his nickname Babu. African in origin, the elders in the Steel Band, selected the name for him in recognition of his willingness to follow their instructions and to quickly run any errand he was given. The name stuck and has now been officially passed on to his son, Victor Babu Samuel Jr. who is a cultural artiste in his own right.

Victor’s first pan arrangement became a reality when he relocated to Bolans Village in 1975 and joined the South Stars Steel Band. The Band performed creditably with a 4th place finish in the Panorama Competition for that year’s carnival.


On reflection, 1976 would prove to be a pivotal year in the life of ‘Babu’. He joined the Halcyon Steel Orchestra while still being a member of Supa Stars but made a complete commitment to his new band in that same year. The relationship would last for forty-three (43) years before his retirement and subsequent recall this year to play with the band in the street parade. Babu’s influence on the Halcyon Steel Orchestra grew and he was soon appointed as Captain and Arranger. Under his direction the Steel Orchestra were declared Panorama Winners in 1986, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2008 and 2010. Captain and Arranger Babu is very quick to add however, that he did not accomplish this feat alone. He speaks of a turning point in the life of the band in 1978 when renown Trinidadian pannist Len ‘Boogsie’ Sharpe was brought to Antigua and Barbuda to arrange for Halcyon. When Len heard Babu play he was so impressed that he promised take him to Trinidad so that Trinidadians could realize that other good musicians existed besides themselves.

This promise was kept when Babu travelled to Trinidad in 1981 and 1982. Since then he has become quite well known and even took up the challenge of being the Driller or Practice Master for the Curepe Scherzando Steel Band in Trinidad.


Following his employment on a Cruise Ship in Miami, Victor’s musical knowledge excelled. He met many college students who had music degrees who peppered him with questions about the theory related to pan music. When he explained that he played from instinct and by ear, one college student offered to explain the theory of what Babu was already doing. Victor acknowledges the fact that once he was able to connect the theory and the practical components of his music, his career took off positively. He soon developed a very strong lover for jazz and transformed his pan pieces into jazz style. During the five years spent living in New York City, his gigs described as Pan Jazz were very well received by a wide range of audiences. Being a true pannist, even in New York Babu could not resist the invitation to became the Captain of a Trinidad steel band called ‘Moods Pan Groove’ with Len ‘Boogsie’ Sharpe as the arranger.


In 1989, Victor Samuel became the first Antiguan and Barbuda to arrange for a band in Trinidad Panorama – Tunapuna Pan Symphony. While they did not make it to the final list, they progressed almost half way to the top.


2010 saw a career change for Babu the Panman, He became Victor Samuel the Police Officer. He has worked hard and moved up the ranks and presently serves as a Sergeant in the Police Band. Once again, he could not leave his pan and became the first person to introduce pan in the Police Band, which now boasts a full pan section.


At the community level, Babu served as Drill Master for East Vibes in 2017 and 2018 and most recently for the Original Steel Orchestra which practices close to his residence in Cassada Gardens.

When asked what drives him, Sergeant Samuel will say ‘My life is dedicated to the art form of pan; I am a very strict disciplinarian and I believe that one should have manners for their elders’.


His advice to the youths; ‘learn to play pan, it will keep you off the streets and out of trouble. To get the most from the art form however, one must have manners and discipline which is mandatory in any pan yard. Pan will only survive if our youths are seriously dedicated to the art form’


Sergeant Victor Babu Samuel is married. He has three surviving children.

Victor ‘Babu’ Samuel – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold, for meritorious performance in Music

  1. Quincy S. B. Etinoff – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Silver, for service in the arts, especially in music.

Quincy Stewart Brian Etinoff is an organist, choral director and educator.

At an early age, his interest in music and education was developed under the influence of his grandparents, the late Mr and Mrs. Walter Etinoff. He attributes the majority of his musical skill to the influence and tutelage of three persons; his grandmother, Mrs. Rosetta Etinoff, Mr. Philmore Hallpike and Mr. Winston Bailey. Regarding his love for teaching, he credits the example and guidance of his grandmother and his elementary school headmistress, Ms. Daisy Pestaina.

In 1995, at the age of 10, he began to play the organ and piano in church, under the mentorship of his grandmother. Four years later, in 1999, he became an assistant organist at the Spring Gardens Moravian Church, where he served for five years until September of 2004. His tenure there provided him with much growth, and the opportunity to serve as organist for various national religious events.

In October that year, he accepted the call to become the Principal Organist and Choirmaster of the Ebenezer Methodist Church, where he served until May of 2011. During this period, his musical involvement spread throughout the length and breadth of the country, where he was able to serve both church and community in various musical capacities. In June 2011, he accepted yet another call to become an organist and choirmaster for the Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine and continues in that capacity presently, specifically serving the 6:15am congregation. Notably, the choir which serves that congregation, continues to grow numerically and develop skillfully, to the glory of God.

In 2010, he was appointed as Director of the Antigua and Barbuda Chorale; an ecumenical group of dedicated choristers and musicians, committed to a professional standard of performance. During his tenure, the Chorale has made three ambassadorial tours to date; to Anguilla in October of 2011, St. Kitts in December of 2012 and Jamaica in May of 2018. This year, the Chorale hosted the renowned organist and Director of Chapel Music at Yale University, Mr. Nathaniel Gumbs and Ms. Marla Browne, professional soprano based in Huntsville Alabama, for its twenty-first anniversary weekend of music, during the first weekend of July.

The love for learning and the desire to share his knowledge and skill served greatly to influence his desire to become a teacher (which is not surprising since both of his grandparents were teachers). He began his career as a teacher in January of 2004 at the Jennings Secondary School, where he served as teacher of Music and Science until July of 2006. During that time, he was privileged to form the school’s choir, which performed for various occasions in the community; ranging from the school’s graduation ceremonies to funerals of community residents.

In September of 2006, Quincy Etinoff was called to the Antigua Girls’ High School, where he served as teacher of Music and English Language until July 2008, enjoying participation in the school’s rich and diverse musical culture. In September 2007, he was asked to bear additional responsibilities at the Ottos Comprehensive School for one year. From the year 2008 to 2010, he enrolled in the Antigua State College, Department of Teacher Education with a focus on Music Education.

During the years 2012 and 2013, he had the privilege of serving on the National Independence Thanksgiving Service Committee of Antigua and Barbuda, as Coordinator of Liturgical Music; a duty that he thoroughly enjoyed. Notably, in November of 2013, Mr. Etinoff was awarded the National Youth Award for National Service in the areas of Music and Education. In October of 2015, he received the International Bridge Builder’s Award from the CEOS (Collaborate to Educate Our Sons) Organization based in Washington D.C. This was conferred in recognition of his work, over several years, toward the educational advancement of black boys.

At present he enjoys his daily duty of developing young musicians at his Alma Mater, the Antigua Grammar School, where he has been posted as a teacher of Music since September of 2010. He is proud of the fact that the musical abilities of his students, both vocally and instrumentally, continue to flourish. His greater joy though, is the relationship that he shares with his students. He notes that many of his students need firm, positive male role models. His daily prayer and aim is to be such a role model to all the students who need such. One can find his music lessons craftily interwoven with lessons on teachable virtues for honourable living. During recess times one can easily observe several students gathered around him in the Music Hall, not only to eat, but to seek advice and discuss their pressing issues. He considers this opportunity to be a sacred privilege.

Music and education are his passions and it is his desire to continue to serve God and this country to the best of his ability in keeping with his life’s motto, Soli Deo Gloria (To the glory of God alone).

Mr. Quincy S. B. Etinoff – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Silver, for service in the arts, especially in music.


The Halo Humanitarian Awards


  1. Mr. Jahrel Pelle – The Halo Humanitarian Award – Tertiary Level – For humanitarian services rendered to the community

Mr Jahrel Pelle is a dedicated, passionate and goal oriented young man. He was born in the beautiful twin island state of Antigua and Barbuda and he is the son of Rupert and Carol Pelle. Jahrel is 20 years old and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology at the Saint Mary’s University and later hopes to become an Optometrist as his grandmother suffered from Glaucoma, and now his father along with himself have been diagnosed with this eye disease. Therefore, by becoming a specialist in eye care, Jahrel will be able to offer a great service to his family and also to his community.


This vibrant young man believes that he would be able to make his dream a reality, and will never let anything deter him from doing so. Over the past few years Jahrel has made many achievements. He was the valedictorian of the Villa Primary and the Antigua Grammar School where he also served as head boy. While at the Antigua Grammar School, he was apart of the Jr. Science Quiz Team, Debating Team and A.G.S Steel Orchestra, demonstrating that through hard work and determination, one can become very successful and reap many benefits. Jahrel has a deep affection for music, he loves listening to various genres of music. He enjoys playing the violin, and is also a member of the Antigua and Barbuda Youth Symphony Orchestra.


To date Mr Pelle has made many achievements in his life, but his most important accomplishments would be in the area of humanitarian work. Jahrel was an active member of the St. Johns Seventh-day Adventist Pathfinder Club, and is now involved in the Advent Youth Ministry. By taking part in these ministries, Jahrel was able carry out frequent visits to Elderly homes within Antigua, and to the Project Hope Community Centre. He willingly participated in the free distribution of hot soup, breakfast, clothing, toys and books to individuals in the community. Every mindful of his long term goal of qualifying as an optometrist he volunteered at Dr. Jillia Bird’s Office, where he was able to learn new techniques and the opportunity to assist Dr. Bird at various summer camps across Antigua and Barbuda. The camps provided great practical experiences for Jahrel as well as the children who attended. Jahrel is also an active member of the Saint Mary’s University Halo Society which seeks to offer aid and give back to its community in any way possible.


All this paved the way for Jahrel as he was awarded the Henley and Partners Hero Scholarship managed by the Halo Foundation. Jahrel expresses his deepest appreciation and gratitude to the Halo Foundation for his selection as the 2018 Halo Humanitarian Award Recipient.


Jahrel believes that he could be the individual to pave the way for the youth in his community to aspire to reach their full potential and to never let anything hinder them from attaining their goals. It is his belief that through hard work, determination and faith in God, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

Mr. Jahrel Pelle – The Halo Humanitarian Award – Tertiary Level – For humanitarian services rendered to the community


  1. Ms. Nathania Silston – The Halo Humanitarian Award – Secondary Level – For humanitarian services rendered to the community



A Form 4 secondary school student, Nathania loves life and loves to interact with others and help those in need. She has opened doors for accessing such opportunities through her membership in a number of organizations such as the Inter-Schools Christian Fellowship, Interact and the Optimist Clubs of the Antigua Girls’ High School. As if this was not enough, young Ms. Silston is also an active member of the 9th Antigua Girl Guides Unit. Nathania is described as a star girl guide who is very courteous and kind and whose willingness to help and to bring cheer to others has assisted her in gaining a number of badges for kindness and bravery. Her guide leader recounted that on one occasion, a new girl joined the unit and appeared to be withdrawn. While other girls kept their distance, Nathania made it a point to befriend her in a most touching way, bringing a smile to her face. It turned out later that her act of kindness went a long way in assistance a fellow teenager who was experiencing the trauma of being bullied at her school. The transformation in the young lady by this act of kindness has also brought encouragement and comfort to her family members who are truly grateful to young Ms. Silston. Not only is she kind, she is also brave and willing to participate in hiking and other adventures, even in less than sunny conditions. She approaches a challenge in the same way she approaches those in need, with eager anticipation that all will be well in the long run.

Her talents are displayed through her participation in her school’s steel band and choir. She has also represented her school in the Junior Science Quiz educational programme.

A devout church member, who assists with teaching young children spiritual lessons, Nathania believes that loving and serving others is a core value which must be demonstrated in everyday life.


Born Nathania, Aaliyah, Beyonce, Lynea to Lydia Davis -Silston and Barrymore Silston, this young lady who will celebrate her 16th birthday later this year, is a role model, not only for her peers but for many older individuals who really have no excuse for lack of love for or desire to serve others.


Ms. Nathania Silston – The Halo Humanitarian Award – Secondary Level – For humanitarian services rendered to the community


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  1. Gambling is contrary to to the law in the Christian society named Antigua and Barbuda.
    Parliament must make special amendment to the act to allow gambling.

    How can someone whose core job is contrary to the substantive law receive national honors?

    Gambling has destroyed many homes. Many persons has serious addictions to gambling. How is this contributing to the welfare of this country?

    Paddy Simon can call 365 persons that was born in Antigua and Barbuda that is more deserving.

    Wait no body in Barbuda merits a national honour?

    Well since that man can get a national award I can think of a few girls on Pope’s Head street that is making significant contribution to the economic activities if the country.

    And while we are it, it is time that Ocean gets a national honour for his contribution to the economy and well being of the country
    . CHUPZ when is it Antiguans first, second, third etc When,……

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