Man Stabbed While Riding His Bicycle


A 20-year-old man has been hospitalised after being stabbed several times in the chest over the weekend.

Kashat Harris was also beaten across the body in the broad daylight assault.

The incident occurred in an area known as Spanish Town in St. Johnstons Village.

Harris told police he was riding his bike when a man from the same community attacked him.

Police are in search for the suspect while Harris recovers in hospital.

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  1. How will the police find this man? He would have to give himself up…..

    These migrant communities are a country within themselves. They have an Antiguan passport that’s all we know about them.

    They do not integrated just like the Chinese, Syrians, Lebanese, Europeans, Americans, etc. They separate themselves from us.

    • And how you know the nationality of the people involved? Cuz he was riding through spanish town? Does Kashat Harris sound like spanish name to you?

      • Nothing “Spanish” about that name…NOTHING. “Harris” is NOT Spanish and neither is “Kashat”. What kinda name dat be??? “Harris” we know, but what is KASHAT?

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