Man Ordered To Compensate Victim For Visual Impairment


Quincy Marshall has been ordered to pay 70 thousand dollars to Patrick Alexander after the man smashed a bottle into his face during an argument.

The incident occurred two years ago and left Alexander blind.

High Court Justice Stanley John ruled that $10,000 has to be paid to Alexander this month, and monthly payments of $1,000 until the full amount is paid.

According to reports, Marshall and some friends were out drinking in Villa in August 2017 when Alexander showed up and there was a confrontation.

It is also reported that during the incident, Marshall smashed a glass bottle into the victim’s face, causing damage to his eyes and subsequent blindness.

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  1. Given the reasoning of this Judge, how will the rapist compensate his victim while serving time?

  2. The court system is a big joke, these judges should be judging animal fights, because they seems not to know anything about humans


    Recently an apparent irate jilted lover shot though the eye of a suitor with a fish gun.

    Though not so graphically reported, instantaneously, the injured man reportedly pulled out the arrow and everything else in the eye socket.

    The injured man subsequently died, and the assailant was charged with murder [IWN: July 14, 2019: ANR: July 20, 2019].

    Some may say if you can’t ‘…Beat Them, Join Them.’ Still, there are those who may say ‘…Bang Dem or Blind Them.’

    Though it can be said both ways, it is really not so it goes.’

    This has always been problematic, and has always brought serious consequences to those who behaved violently reckless and uncivil.

    Find another way to resolve conflicts or solve personal problems.

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