Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment Sir Molwyn Joseph has accepted a shipment of AstraZeneca vaccines and rapid antigen tests from the Government of Malta on behalf of the people of Antigua and Barbuda.
The donation of 20,000 doses of AstraZeneca and 25,000 rapid tests from the European nation is to aid Antigua and Barbuda in its fight against the COVID-19 virus.
The items arrived here after Malta informed Minister Joseph of their intention to offer them as gifts, following a meeting of representatives from the two islands on the sidelines of COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland in 2021.
The gesture is Malta’s way of expanding its level of cooperation with other countries around the world.
“It is amazing to me that after one meeting in Glasgow, within such short period of time, we have advanced bilateral relations with Malta, from which we are now benefitting, and so I want to acknowledge and express our appreciation to the government of Malta for their tremendous generosity to the people of Antigua and Barbuda.”
Sir Molwyn said the vaccines have arrived just in time, since the Ministry of health has depleted its AstraZeneca stock.
“The last supply of AstraZeneca ended yesterday [Monday] and so it is coming at the perfect time to resume the distribution of vaccines in Antigua and Barbuda,” the health minister told a ceremony last evening at V.C Bird International Airport.
He credited the government for continuously ensuring COVID-19 vaccines are available to citizens and residents for them to inoculate against the virus.
Currently, five vaccines are available to the general public and persons are given the opportunity to select what best suits them.
Despite vaccines being readily available, the decision by the government to convince the citizenry of their benefits has proven challenging.
However, with fully vaccinated numbers at 60,492 and partial vaccination at 2,752 as of 30th January, 2022, Antigua and Barbuda remains the leader in vaccine compliance among English-speaking nations of the Caribbean.
Sir Molwyn Joseph used last evening’s brief ceremony to reiterate the importance of vaccination during the pandemic.
“As of this very moment, the best defence against COVID-19 is to be vaccinated. These vaccines expire at the end of February, and so it’s going to be very important that we succeed in getting as many people in Antigua and Barbuda to either take their first dose, or first and second doses as well as to get the booster.
“Vaccines are available and we cannot assume that this is the end of covid. We do not know what new variant might erupt, so under those circumstances, I think it is advisable that the people of Antigua and Barbuda take advantage of this opportunity,” the health minister advised.
He is remaining optimistic that the country can achieve a 70 percent vaccination rate and is appealing to advocates to assist in achieving that goal.
“We are hovering about 61, 62 percent, another eight percent we must achieve within a short period of time.
“We are depending on the media. We are depending on those who have been vaccinated to be advocates, and I’m sure we will achieve that by the target date that was given to us, that is, June of this year, established by PAHO and WHO, for us to get to that 70 percent, and that’s a challenge for all the countries in the Caribbean and South and Central America,” Sir Molwyn admitted
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You got the rapid tests for free and now you are going to charge over $100 per test for them?
Wicked, wilful and worrisome. This government continues to use the AtraZeneca vaccine on the population. Even the UK will not use this drug anymore, that gives – WELL KNOWN – dangerous side effects.
Why won’t the ALP listen to INDEPENDENT medical advice that can save the lives of (and serious harm) Antiguans?
The ONLY saving grace in this, is that ministers like Sir (?) Molwyn Joseph, have stood by this particular dangerous drug, so that if any Antiguan suffers serious harm, Sir (?) Molwyn Joseph has nowhere to hide … in the future.
Here you go again with your half truths and downright lies. AstraZeneca is still an approved vaccine in the UK for the first and second dose. The UK booster program is using Pfizer and Moderna only (unless there is a medical reason why the patient cannot take those in which case they will be offered AstraZeneca). So your statement is false, misleading and is clearly aimed at sabotaging the efforts to increase the vaccination rate of Antigua & Barbuda. I would say to get your facts straight but I know you won’t listen, so I guess you’ll continue spouting your crap!
So you are denying that the AstraZeneca vaccine hasn’t caused Myocarditis; pericarditis; tinnitus; blood clots and menstrual problems … I suggest that you are the one in denial and SPOUTING CRAP.
Here’s one for you?
What’s do the vaccinated (the likes of yourself) and unvaccinated have in common?
Neither of us will ever be seen as FULLY VACCINATED by big pharma – PONDER ON THAT YOU DAMN SHEEP!
… Oh, and by the way ‘sheep’, what are your views about the breaking news coming out of New South Wales in Australia, that the death rate of the vaccinated is now higher than the unvaccinated by 76% (including those who have taken the booster jabs).
Source: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/news/pages/20220201_01.aspx
Also, I normally find those who are SCREAMING about ‘misinformation’ are usually the ones SPREADING IT!
Ooohhh. Looks like I hit a nerve. You don’t like being called out do you! Also, your statistics on NSW are not taking the broader study into account or looking at the bigger picture. As usual you’re only picking out the parts that suit your agenda. Read the full set of statistics! There is a much higher chance of an unvaccinated person dying than a vaccinated person. But you won’t read deeper into the stats will you because that would invalidate your narrative. Joker
I knew you couldn’t answer my question correctly! I know when I am being attacked by the PRO-VAXXERS, I must be doing something right …
Remember, a clear conscience sleep a tunda
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