Mag. 3.0 earthquake recorded near Antigua


A light magnitude 3.0 earthquake occurred in the North Atlantic Ocean near Desirade island, Guadeloupe, in the early morning of Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 1.44 am local time (GMT -4).

The quake had a very shallow depth of 17.4 km (11 mi) and was not felt (or at least not reported so). It was also recorded near Antigua.

Mag. 3.0 earthquake - North Atlantic Ocean, 69 km north of Desirade Island, Guadeloupe, on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 01:44 am (GMT -4)

Light magnitude 3.0 earthquake at 17 km depth

30 May 14:49 UTCFirst to report: RENASS after 9 hours.
30 May 15:07: Magnitude recalculated from 2.7 to 3.0.

I didn’t feel it

I felt this quake


Date & timeMay 30, 2024 05:44:10 UTC – 19 hours ago
Local time at epicenterThursday, May 30, 2024, at 01:44 am (GMT -4)
StatusConfirmed (manually revised)
Depth17.4 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude16.9098°N / 60.8441°W GuadeloupeAlso near:  Antigua and Barbuda 89 km (55 mi) away
Seismic antipode16.9098°S / 119.1559°E
Shaking intensityII Very weak shaking
Felt0 reports
Primary data sourceRENASS (Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique (RéNaSS))
Nearest volcanoSoufrière de Guadeloupe (130 km / 81 mi)
Estimated seismic energy released2 x 109 joules (554 kilowatt hours, equivalent to 0.477 tons of TNT) | about seismic energy


The closest larger town near the epicenter is Beauséjour, a town with 1,700 inhabitants in Guadeloupe, in 72 km (45 mi) distance to the south, but it is unlikely that the quake was felt there.

72 km (45 mi)S of epicenterBeauséjour(pop: 1,720)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
84 km (52 mi)SW of epicenterLe Moule(pop: 22,700)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
86 km (53 mi)SW of epicenterAnse-Bertrand(pop: 5,150)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
86 km (54 mi)SW of epicenterSaint-François(pop: 12,700)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
90 km (56 mi)SW of epicenterPetit-Canal(pop: 8,550)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
95 km (59 mi)SW of epicenterSainte-Anne(pop: 22,900)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
100 km (62 mi)SW of epicenterLes Abymes(pop: 53,500)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
102 km (63 mi)W of epicenterLiberta(pop: 1,670)I: Not feltParish of Saint Paul Antigua & Barbuda
104 km (65 mi)SW of epicenterLe Gosier(pop: 28,700)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
105 km (65 mi)SW of epicenterPointe-à-Pitre(pop: 15,200)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
107 km (66 mi)SW of epicenterBaie-Mahault(pop: 30,600)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
109 km (68 mi)W of epicenterSt John’s(pop: 24,200)I: Not feltParish of Saint John Antigua & Barbuda
110 km (68 mi)SW of epicenterLe Lamentin(pop: 14,900)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
111 km (69 mi)SW of epicenterSainte-Rose(pop: 20,200)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
113 km (70 mi)SW of epicenterPetit-Bourg(pop: 25,000)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
123 km (76 mi)SW of epicenterCapesterre-Belle-Eau(pop: 19,800)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
125 km (77 mi)SW of epicenterGrand-Bourg(pop: 5,870)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
126 km (78 mi)SW of epicenterPointe-Noire(pop: 7,750)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
131 km (82 mi)SW of epicenterBouillante(pop: 7,540)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
132 km (82 mi)NW of epicenterCodrington(pop: 1,330)I: Not felt
134 km (83 mi)SW of epicenterSaint-Claude(pop: 10,100)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
139 km (86 mi)SW of epicenterBasse Terre(pop: 11,500)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
146 km (90 mi)SW of epicenterPetites Anses(pop: 1,310)I: Not feltGuadeloupeGuadeloupe Guadeloupe
146 km (91 mi)W of epicenterBrades(pop: 1000)I: Not feltParish of Saint Peter Montserrat
160 km (99 mi)S of epicenterMarigot(pop: 2,670): Not feltSaint Andrew Dominica
162 km (101 mi)SW of epicenterPortsmouth(pop: 3,630): Not felt
169 km (105 mi)S of epicenterCastle Bruce(pop: 1,390): Not feltSaint David Dominica
179 km (111 mi)S of epicenterSaint Joseph(pop: 2,180): Not feltSaint Joseph Dominica
181 km (113 mi)S of epicenterLa Plaine(pop: 1,330): Not feltSaint Patrick Dominica
188 km (117 mi)S of epicenterRoseau(pop: 16,600): Not feltSaint George Dominica
189 km (117 mi)W of epicenterFig Tree(pop: 2,920): Not feltSaint John Figtree St. Kitts & Nevis
193 km (120 mi)S of epicenterBerekua(pop: 2,610): Not feltSaint Patrick Dominica
205 km (127 mi)W of epicenterBasseterre(pop: 12,900): Not feltSaint George Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis

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