Lunar Eclipse Sunday starting at 9:32 pm Antigua time



The first lunar eclipse of 2022 will take place on May 15 and 16, depending on your time zone.

A total lunar eclipse, which happens as the full moon moves into the deep umbral shadow of the Earth, will be visible in total phase from portions of the Americas, Antarctica, Europe, Africa and the east Pacific.

Meanwhile, a penumbral eclipse, an event arising when the moon is in the lighter penumbral shadow from our planet, will be visible in New Zealand, eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Eclipse scientist Fred Espenak has listed May 15th’s full moon as a so-called supermoon, in which the full moon is at perigee (its closest to Earth of the month), making it a Super Blood Moon eclipse.

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  1. From one eclipse to the next things remain the same in this country. The government use the local contractors and suppliers and downright refuses to pay them. Yet the big company that is doing a piece of road here and a piece of road there getting big fat checks. They do not hire one local piece of equipment. The minister of public work should put all those engineers to work and hire local equipment and of course pay them. They road company you are using had some old equipment. Now they are buying up née ones with our money. Our local truckers working for PED don’t get paid from the treasury. Our local contractors are owed for years upon years. They get what the treasury call a little thing . Hope you contractors are telling your families, your friends, your employees what you are going through. Why you cannot give them an increase. Why you have to lay them off . Why you cannot pay social security and Medical benefits and education levy and your taxes on time. Why you cannot meet these obligations because the same government is doing this to you. While government ministers and their foreign friends now involved in everything gets their big fat checks.

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