The opposition in Antigua has commented on recent developments in neighbouring St. Kitts and Nevis where the ruling Team Unity administration is divided.
United Progressive Party leader Harold Lovell commented on the issue during his weekly radio interview on Progressive FM.
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And you Harry will NEVER be PM of Antigua and Barbuda 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Harry is not even close to being the Prime Minister of Antigua, and holds no seat. Pringle is the man, and he’s the best they got. Comments like this are beyond HARRY’s political expertise. He should be considering what he will do with his life after the next election when he gets thrown to the curb by the nation and his own party. He finish. Let the big boys deal with issues like St. Kitts. He’s got enough trouble of his own, right in his own party. Chuups.
@Mmmm: Would you like to put your white cornered mouth where your money is? I would put up US$5,000 and you put up the equivalent in EC$.I am going to win and give it all to Charities in Antigua. Bring it on now !!
Do you have dementia? You seem to keep saying the same thing over and over in different comment posts and so I am wondering whether you forget that you already posted and simply repeat yourself unbeknownst to yourself. Go and see a doctor to check for dementia or Alzheimer’s.
If Lovell is such a spent force, please tell me why the ABLP so scared of him? And why Gastank Clown na carl de election now?
Looks like you’re right. I thought it was a robot but I had not considered dementia. We should all respect our elders. This could be someone’s great grand parent who is frustrated about their late pension. I understand!
As they say “It takes one to know one.” Chuups.
Hope you done have the cheque ready for the charities cause Harry will NEVER be PM of Antigua and Barbuda 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😋🤣
And you Harold Lovell will not be the leader for the UPP for much longer cause after you done lose the election deng go kick you out 😁😁😁
Lovell you will NOT be party leader for much longer!!!! You are reaping what you sowed! Final reaping will occur when the ballots are counted on election day
Pringle, Damani, Richard “BULLY BEEF” Lewis et al are simply WAITING WITH BAITED BREATH for LOVELL TO BE KICKED TO THE CURB LIKE A CHEATING EX come next general elections! Once Lovell gets that kick, the ELITIST ELEMENTS like Gisele and Shawn will follow suit. Then the 3 stooges can try to salvage the wrecked UPP. I hear a new name, logo, brand and re-launch are in the works once LOVELL IS KICKED TO THE CURB LIKE A CHEATING EX! Hold strong Richard et al…. LOVELL SOON GONE.
When is his next cardiology appointment? Hope his heart nah give out jack.
Hey “Hmmmmm”, this Harry guy is already on the way out. Friends in UPP say the leadership fight is already on. They’re falling over each other to be the New leader! New logo! New ideology! The youth going to take over!!!! And Harry knows he’s yesterday’s man. The party going to move from “center-right” to “left wing”. It’s about time.
#UPPNEARGA. We have then on the defensive.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 KING LYADD LOVELL LIMPY JOE is yet to tell the public what he ordered at the ITALIAN RESTAURANT with Choksi.
– Did he follow through with giving Darren the name of his “source” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If Lovell lie wan mo time …….
And you labournearga are the biggest fools there are. You are happy with a government that gives all the lands to foreigners. The labour government allows the Chinese to destroy an indigenous Antiguan farm. The government allows an English woman to be preventing an Antiguan from building his house. The government wants to take away a university from black people and give to Chinese. The government now wants to start importing eggs and put the local egg producers out of business instead of subsidizing the local farmers Like what other countries do. Prices for food have gone up all over the world. You don’t comment on anything that affects Antiguans. The government that you love don’t spend any money to fix up the rubbish heap that is St. John’s but is a get rich enterprise. When ever they spend a part has to go in their pockets. They can’t fix the leaking water pipes and have no shame blaming UPP for sabotaging the pipes. Gaston knows his idiotic followers will believe him.
You people don’t write on issues affecting Antigua and Antiguans. You just write crap.
A lot of us are asking for deliverance from this thieving government and will vote for anybody but them.
#UPP NEARGA. We are labourites are trend setters. Everything we do on this blog you all copy. #UPP NEARGA
Oh.. and you’re looking for relief from that incompetent slate that UPPNEARGA want to put in front of sensible Antiguan’s ? I wish you would be bold and identify yourself and be sued for the “this thieving government” comment you just made. Some of you should be held accountable for the slanderous claims you guys make in ignorance. I wonder if you understand that the ABLP base remains broader than the UPP’s. Instead of calling people foolish for supporting the party of their choice, which is their democratic right , you should be out trying to woo them over to UPP.. because without them UPP will never be government of this fair land. Coming on here as if Antiguans don’t remember the ten years under UPP!
Is that all you got from the post about the thieving government? Why don’t you ask them to declare their assets and how they got them including all the people’s lands they now own. Do you have any comments on the Antiguan farmer whose farm has been polluted by the Chinese cement plant. What about the other issues raised? And you are only concerned about thieving corruption politicians who entered the government poor and now millionaires. You labour supporters never write anything in support of Antiguans and Barbudans but always coming on this portal writing crap in support of labour.
@ DC Are you really for country or party.. because if you were you would not be supporting persons to run this island who clearly are out of their element. I was not in support of UPP for the waste of all our tax $$ building fences.. buying buildings for way more than they were worth… I wasn’t for the building of the can’t park ( I actually was a part of the march) I was not for the sale of the Telephone Business Unit or State Insurance (which by the way are much better off today under Labour.) I was against the UPP for investing 30 million of MBS’ money to invest in CLICO to build houses in Miami. (of course you know what happened with that venture ) I was also against the 13 million UPP placed in Antigua Barbuda Development Bank to buy the boat that never sailed, plant cotton and pineapple.. ( by the way this venture was lead by Damani Tabor .. who was in charge of investment for the MBS board. I was against UPP for the 7.5 million dollars they paid for the former dews lumber yard namely Wapping Beach .. I am against UPP for the 1.5 billion they claim to have spent on roads and fences (maybe if you can identify some roads that cost this amount I will retract) .. I was against UPP for closing down Tango in order to facilitate the building of the Wadali Power Plant that cost taxpayers $55 million. Do really want to talk about issues my dear DC? You must be suffering from Amnesia.. I still have yet to see value for the over a million dollars they claim to have spent in according to you, (the rubbish heap that is St. John’s” ). I don’t believe I need to remind you of what happened to our banking sector. Anyway I don’t have the time to continue for now, it would probably take me the rest of my afternoon. However before I go, ” Why don’t you ask them to declare their assets and how they got them including all the people’s lands they now own. ” to answer your ?? UPP passed this law and to this day, the PM is the only person to have done so. As to the lands ownership part I can’t answer that . I thread lightly with things I have no proof of, but if you have the info why don’t you post it to educate the voters on the fence . Make sure to include the names of the culprits and your name as well.
Oh.. and you’re looking for relief from that incompetent slate that UPPNEARGA want to put in front of sensible Antiguan’s ? I wish you would be bold and identify yourself and be sued for the “this thieving government” comment you just made. Some of you should be held accountable for the slanderous claims you guys make in ignorance. I wonder if you understand that the ABLP base remains broader than the UPP’s. Instead of calling people foolish for supporting the party of their choice, which is their democratic right , you should be out trying to woo them over to UPP.. because without them UPP will never be government of this fair land. Coming on here as if Antiguans don’t remember the ten years under UPP!
@aStarry read dem #UPPNENEAGA to filth. Dem think people forget
@Well Starry
Has the labour government ever done anything wrong? I asked you to discuss the other issues raised but you default to UPP as usual. You people are political prostitutes paid by labour. Gaston government threatening to start importing eggs and put the local farmers out of business. Are they going to go out and demonstrate against the government or are many of them labour supporters that will still vote labour after the Labour Party piss on them? UPP is not a one man pony show where ministers will have to shut up and concentrate on self enrichment. There are many professional and educated Antiguans who can be consulted. And remember, most of the educated and professionals are UPP. Labour supporters are mostly the backward, beggy, beggy poor people and a few opportunist. Don’t worry when you and Gaston fall out he will go on his radio station and talk about you.
You’re just full of bile and rhetoric.. Has the labour party done anything good in your eyes? The other day I bought local eggs for $20. (A tray that is) They are now going for $25 , and the poultry farmers are asking to increase the price again. Don’t you follow current affairs? Sometimes my dear it is better to import because it’s more beneficial for us consumers. Also can you please tell me why you think so many persons have jumped the Upp ship? You need to think long and hard about that before you answer.. in the words of Katt Williams… I’ll wait!!
By the way I have yet to insult any UPPNEARGA. I just stated some of the issues I had with the Upp government . You also need to stop your CRAP about people being paid to vote for labour. It is just nonsense. You must be listening to many of the fanatics on Observer. Do have a blessed night.
How much is a bottle of cooking oil? How much is a pound of bacon? Do you know how much the costs of feed has gone up?
DC, first you must understand how demand and supply affects cost. Then ask yourself what is driving up the cost of goods and services. If you can figure it out you can answer your question.
By the way, ” And remember, most of the educated and professionals are UPP. Labour supporters are mostly the backward, beggy, beggy poor people and a few opportunist”…. so why are you questioning me?
Well Lovell is right. Timo along with his stooge Akilah Byron will soon be gone along with their crooked comrades in PAM (People After Money) and CCM.
Lovell isn’t “right”
He’s stating the obvious. It’s like saying the sky is blue our he plunged this country into the IMF latrine
@Starry WELL SAID 👍🏿
You really #DUNDEM incompetent wasteful baxide fu chew.
Dem UPP leeches mussa tink people forget what they did to Antigua 2004-2014.
The “NEW” engines at Crabbs, the WADADLI POWER CAN’T and the CAN’T PARK………
$22,000,000. 00 OWED TO SEMCORP so water supply was suppressed under UPP and now the HYPOCRITES blaming the government.
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