Prime Minister Gaston Browne is again appealing for the cooperation of the Booby Alley residents as the government moves ahead to start the redevelopment of the area.
Recently, a protest action was held by residents after workers from APUA showed up to disconnect utilities from the first resident to be relocated.
Browne argues the project is developmental and not political.
“I want to make it abundantly clear; my government has done nothing wrong in this issue, it’s just natural fears that have been exploited by some”.
PM Browne says it’s the responsibility of the Government to provide climate-smart homes for the people of Antigua.
“We have a responsibility as the government to build them climate resistant homes to ensure that their living conditions can improve so that they can enjoy a better quality of life”.
Leader of the United Progressive Party Harold speaking on Observer Radio says Booby Alley development is about urban renewal.
Lovell says when it comes to the Booby Alley situation, something is not adding up.
“Something is not adding up, why is it you tell people I’m going to move you from these conditions which are very bad, which we all agree, we said we would do something about it and yet people respond in this hostile way, so it’s a trust issue, it’s a communication issue and it’s a governance issue”.
So far, one resident has been asked to relocate while government technicians began the process of development of the area.
It’s still unclear whether the resident has relocated or not, however, things have quit down in the Booby Alley area and a consultation is set for this weekend with PM Browne to discuss the ongoing issue.
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Thank you Lovell. You grew up in that community so you know exactly what the folks in Booby Alley are going through and have been going through for the last century.
You should run in that constituency next general elections. You are guaranteed to become their MP and our next Prime Minister. Remember the sky is pink, not blue.
Lovell talks big when he knows his talk means nothing. But when you put him on the hot seat it is one excuse after a next.
This whole thing stinks like under the arm of a Booby!
Duncy Bat- Dont think it’s as stink as Booby Alley itself.. Why go look for a booby to smell under it’s arm when the stench is right there where they want to remain..
the booby alley project sounds good but it need proper planning not just do anything any how. the people in charge have no idea whatsoever
How u know “the people…have no idea whatsoever”??
Do you have any?
if they have any with proper dialogue with the people every thing would go smoothly. do you have any ovals??
when I say people I mean the politicians not point people, ovals
Lovell,when last have you driven or walked across independence Drive? Next time you do just take a glance directly east of the APUA building-that sir is the 10 year legacy of the United Progressive Party.. And the next time you decide to go check out the Yida project,just pop in at Crabbs and visit the Wadadli non-Power Plant.. Those Sir are excellent Governance..BTW ,what about the revenues from the Romantic Rhythms? Just thought i would ask..
Mind you don’t raise his blood pressure or distress his poor heart.
Anthony Stuart said that for Lovell, become PM is just a dream. He just wants the title. He does NOT have what it takes. Look how easily Butch Stewart hoodwinked him into holding on to our ABST. He would be mauled by potential investors. Gisele Isaac has more balls than Lovell.
Wet you hand and wait for that Romantic Rhythms report.
Yes smart one. The Booby Alley houses are just for Gaston and his family. I follow your “deep logic” and you make so much sense. The family in question owns a home courtesy of the gov’t via the HAPI Program. They stand to get another one from this housing grant. That is TWO HOMES that they stand to own.
Perhaps they should have moved the house with the electricity still attached. Transport the wires and lightposts attached to the wires too.
Well, its a trust issue. Its simple….there will be better housing at the end of this. Hiwever, the residents want guarantees that they will be able to rreturn and partake in the improvements. Your asking them to jump from a plane and trust you that you have a parachute. Very sensitive situation and the people want guarantees. Guarantees that must be given. Or the trust will remain broken.
What would you want to see the government give them as a guarantee?? If we do not trust in God who gives us breath,who else can we trust? There will always be a trust issue,especially when there are operatives in the background messing with the minds of the vulnerable.. What most there have now is akin to nothing,you cannot lose something from nothing-i am almost sure that no right thinking politician would do something soo deceitful and expect to go back to the people in a few years for a mandate..An action like that would be political suicide.. They can stay in their filth then,until they gain enough trust..
Such Hypocrisy of Lovell to suggest that it is due to Poor Governance . Lovell should be a shame of Himself. Why when The UPP was in power nothing was done to Grays Farm. Hon. Gaston Browne is for the People. I am at a loss to understand why The Booby Alley residence are behaving in this Dogmatic way when The Prime Minister is trying to help. Mr. Lovell you will never win another ELECTION in Antigua again. You should form a POLITICAL called CPP(COMPLAINED POLITICAL PARTY) and have SERPENT , KNIGHT ,JANICE ,MRS.POTTER ,SPENCE and the Observer Crew on your slate. You Guys will complain forever. Please stop doing Antiguans INJUSTICES.
Why would the people be objecting to a situation that would improve their lives? We know they are poor and not very smart because they keep voting for GB. But then they probably know more than I do about the big plans for the area that do not include them.
Your 2nd sentence is a low-blow.
In the end the family said that they will move once everyone else moves. They now prefer to move at the same time as the other residents.
Your 2nd sentence is a low blow. Grays Green voted for Baldwin Spencer for 15 years and what has he done for them? Are they also “poor and not very smart” because they kept voting for Baldwin Spencer?
Don’t know if the people in Grays Green would be dumb enough not to accept better housing. Anyway this community has not been offered any development yet. GB says this community will be his second choice. We know there are big plans for Point.
Really Jackie?? You people have some real short memories.Do you recall a man named Allan Stanford?? Do you recall what caused the fall out between him and the former PM Spencer? If my memory serves me ,it was his offer for Urban renewal in Grays/Green..This action from the UPP operatives is nothing new,it is just the norm of a very ruthless ,ignorant and un-caring bunch who will do anything to get and hold unto power,which they clearly cannot handle..Keep the people in Slums and they are sure to keep depending on you..
Some of you are real idiots- where the PM’S mother in Law has her business isn’t a part of booby alley,its on the opposite side of the street.What does that have to do with the housing renewal for the residents of booby Alley? Some of you are coming off as been Bad minded.That woman has been in business for over 30 years( Xland) i can recall i use to buy small fragrances etc from her store,the woman isn’t a pauper waiting on the government money. You,ll are envious.
Didn’t know there was so much money to be made in the Booby alley area. I must have been sleeping all these years. I am now awake and looking for a business in the area.
@Jackie, what money? selling Chubby, icepop, and soda from a cooler? Maybe you can set up a snowcone stand with gluten-free flavours and knead 2 dumplings to go with that.
@Hmm, thought JHA said this woman was making a lot of money. If what you say is correct, then her business must be a front, do you think?
Who Woman did i say was making a lot of money?? Please read and understand..i said the Woman(the PM’S MOTHER IN LAW) has been in business for a # of years,i even made mention of her former business(XLAND) .I said that to say,the Woman isn’t grabbing for money,everyone has the right anyway to do business where ever they choose..Her business has absolutely no connection to booby Alley or to the people selling from an Ice box.. Do not misquote me please.
Why Serpent and Knight don’t stop spreading FAKE NEWS ….They are supporting the BOOBY ALLEY Residents
not to move. Very disappointing. Observer will do anything just to go against the Government. You Guys should be locked up. Hon. Gaston Browne the best Prime Minister in the world. Serpent and Knight just read article without doing research. Don’t worry because They will be complaining for the next 50 years. They all are the UPP. Hope Gaston Browne will be able to SUIT Serpent soon. KAKE NEWS COMPANY.
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