The Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP), Harold Lovell, says he is giving the recipients of his letter, regarding the attempted murder of customs officer, until November 25th to reply and if no reply is forthcoming, he will make his next move.
Lovell did not say exactly what that action would be.
His letter, dated November 11th 2019, was sent out to five persons: the Governor General, the Prime Minister, the Public Safety Minister, the Acting Commissioner of Police and the Comptroller of Customs.
The letter was an appeal to the government officials to “spare no effort” in arresting the perpetrators of the “gangster-style” attempted murder of Customs Officer, Cornel Benjamin.
Lovell reported that only the Acting Commissioner of Police, Atllee Rodney, has responded so far.
Rodney, in his response, says the police force is taking the matter very seriously and is utilising all avenues available.
“I am holding him to his word but I am still not seeing the sort of energy that I think is required in such a matter,” Lovell commented.
An alleged attempt was made on Cornell Benjamin’s life just over one month ago as two gunmen shot and severely wounded him.
Benjamin, who sustained gun wounds to his leg, is reportedly attached to the customs department responsible for under-evaluation, false invoicing and smuggling.
He is currently receiving medical attention in Jamaica.
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Blah..blah..blahhhhh…. You need to give up the ghost.. Just ride into the sunset nah jack.. Cha man!
Harold Lovell I heard you on the Radio this morning. My advise to you Sir you have lost sooooo many elections that whatsoever you will say on the radio no one will take you serious . You and your UPP Supporters should RENAME your Party ” THE COMPLAINERS PARTY”. The UPP is completely FINISHED. ABLP will rule Antigua for the next 30 years.
The Negative Comments usually come from the UPP and Their followers. Something just came to mind. Please take note of the following . The following is the UPP slate of Candidates to contest the next General Election. I hope Beef and Kentae of POINTE FM 99.1 will see this post and read it on Their program / show tomorrow evening.
The following is the UPP Slate of Candidates to contest the next General Election 2023.
Anyone in Antigua will believe the above mentioned names can form a Government in Antigua ? Antiguans will never vote for these People . I believe the DNA will form a much better Opposition. Labour All the way.
I swear that Mr. Lovell wakes yp everyday and chant to him self “I will be PM someday” Gosh man give it up and go enjoy your pension.
It seems so for real. Kinda like a male Snow White. “Mirror mirror on the wall. Who will be the best PM of all?”
His days are long gone. He already caused severe, irreparable, traumatic brain injury to the political mindset of the electorate.
Not one thing positive is affiliated with the Lovell brand.
LMAO x100
This man does NOT listen!!!
Antigua nah want you. Just disappear jack. Not even the majority of the UPP want you as “leader”??? HOW MUCH LONGER MUST YE MAKE AN ASS OF YOURSELF IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN jack Lovell??? Well sah. He haffu hab wan harden hoarl pan he two earbell.
My ADVICE to the UPP . Please keep Damani Tabor off the Radio. As I write these few words I am listening to Him on Observer . Damani Tabor is a DISGRACE to ANY POLITICAL party . He repeats the same NARATIVE every week. Sounds AWFUL. SHAME ON THE UPP .
Wait! Didn’t Lovell punish him for siding with Richard Lewis by appointing Mr. Marshall as the new spokesperson for the weak UPP? Guess he beg pardon and promised NEVER to betray Lovell ever again.
Max Hurst appears to have a problem with the ninth commandment so I am thinking that he needs to go home and purge his soul, don’t you think?
Lovell appears to have a problem with covetous behaviour and killing. He kill Antigua and Barbuda with taxes, IMF, fences etc. What a wicked, heartless, spineless wimp!!
Max Hurst is by FAR a more INTELLIGENT than you . JEB you should PURGE your soul . You are just a UPP BLUE KOOLAID drinker.
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