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Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
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Once he’s elected he will say “we found some information we didn’t know about before being elected. The previous government lied and now we have a big financial hole, so sorry Liat workers, we can’t pay you”. Also be careful what he is saying in the detail. Is he gong to pay every cent your are owed, together will backdating it and other benefits you should get? Has he ever made similar promises in the past, did he reneg?
How you know that is the script?
Lovell, will you take our country back into an I.M.F. Program?
Tell us. We the electorate deserves to know.
Disregard the negative comments Lovell.You have me, my family, their family and all of our friends vote!! Even if you fall short on your promise at least we have some element of hope for our severance and someone is talking about us the workers getting it. Compare that to the PM and his Ministers who have told us to take it or leave it!! They don’t care that we are are suffering while they boasting about going into farming, renting homes for 55,000 per month and their young wives are already multimillionaires! At least you Mr Lovell are saying that the workers DESERVE their full severance! Gaston on the other hand said: “Want all get none at all!” That is how he feel about LIAT workers. Wicked!!
I disliked the UPP, almost hated them for the near 10 years of failure and mismanagement. However, Mr Lovell has just gained my vote and that of nearly 15 family members.
The way that the LIAT fiasco was handled is disgraceful and we willl be marching to the polls to vote against it.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nice try, but we already know who you really are and all the other usernames you post under 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
King Lyadd Lovell Limpy Joe is a LOSER & LIAR!!!!
Say he ain’t flush for so many years so he also full ah $$hit
So to get your vote, in essence government must take from its treasury, money its not legalllly obligaated to pay? It has already indicated a wiingness to do so compasssionaately by 50 perccent, but you want all or nothing. Destroy it all (Liquidate and cause the remaaaining workerss to lose their job) if you can’t get your way
Really? Where’s he going to get the money from? He will say anything to get into power, so will all the others, both UPP and ABLP. WHY does he have to scream? What’s the point?
in upp’s tenure half moon bay workers severance was not paid,standford workers even,jolly beach workers were not paid but lovell thinking about bring back the same 10 years mismanagement for romantic rhythms,fencing,road,wadadli power plant etc .What makes you think we the rest of the voters want our taxpayers money to be used to pay 100 % of Liat workers severance, LIAT as a company suppose to be responsible for that just like any other company.pensioners cant get paid,workers cant get paid,local contractors cant get paid, cost of living high, salaraies remain same.high unemployment,housing crisis,where are your priorities? both UPP and ABLP are failures…bad administration of the peoples resources.
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