United Progressive Party leader Harold Lovell has called on his political opponent Melford Nicholas for answers.
Lovell’s question is in relation to a branch office constructed in City East.
The UPP leader wants to know whether any materials used in the construction of that office came from Barbuda.
He wants to know whether materials intended for the reconstruction efforts following hurricane Irma in 2017, was used on the construction.
“I am asking him to stand up and to give an answer unequivocally.”
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Please JUST SAYING when you have nothing sensible to contribute just say nothing.
I beg of you to use your retainer fee wisely and leave my blogs alone. Then again I guess you have no choice but respond in order to earn your keep.
Charles Tabor leave (JUST SAYING) alone. Tabor concentrate on Your Boss ( LYAD LOVELL) . Tabor did you watch the UPP CLOWN SHOW virtual meeting ? UPP Candidates looked very tired and sounded very DUMB and IGNORANT.
ERIC CARDEN of course I watched the fantastic, innovative and informative third Virtual Meeting of the UPP. I am happy to see that you watched it as well. Since the topic is the Barbuda hurricane relief supplies that was taken by Melford to build his constituency branch, what is your view on this malfeasance in public office? Do you think he should replace the building materials for the purpose for which they were intended? Their are many Barbudans still living in tents.
Harold Lovell just throwing mud to see which one will stuck to the wall.This is just stupid. Tabor I hope you watched or listened to the BROWNE and BROWNE program on POINTE FM on Saturday to educated yourself . Hon.Gaston Browne outlined the $94,000,000 cost for the RUNAWAY. 1735 is waiting for your BOSS HARRY. Tabor that is what you should be worried about and stop talking NONSENSE. Medford Nicholas will kick Harold Lovell A****S again in 2023. Tabor you will be on HAROLD LOVELL payroll for LONG TIME.
This “red herring” attempt is pathetic Lovell. Come better than that!
Gaston call an Inquiry into that. Yes, You would not because you and the ABLP are all so corrupt.
That is heartless. That is cruel. That is so ABLP.
Wicked, wicked, wicked set of people.
God nar sleep
And the upp is such Angel’s huh????? U think we antiguans forget when upp was in power u think we forget and want come and talk corruption???!! not again!!! Upp!!!
Thought you went into hiding. Glad that you have surfaced. DESERT ROSE is chatting STUPIDNESS as usual. DESERT ROSE and CHARLES TABOR are paid OPERATIVES of the UPP. Do not expect anything better from Charles Tabor and DESERT ROSE.
You sound like a LONE WOLF in the WILDERNESS. The INQUIRY will be conducted shortly and your BOSS Harry will be heading to 1735 .
You sound like those stupid Antiguans Gaston is begging on his show to come and be vaccinated. He is surprised that they don’t realize that being vaccinated protects them from covid. Why should he be surprised when these are the same people who will vote for him. Obliviously, a lot of Antiguans are not really educated.
As for the enquire, the worst that can happen it that the government was over charged. Can it be proven that Lovell benefitted financially, no, because the banks made the payments to the contractor.
Sensible people know that Gaston is just puffing smoke to try to discredit Harold going into an election. He says his government is broke, where will he find the money to pay for this enquire?
Hope he doesn’t hire his lawyer from Dominica who seems to be always feasting on taxpayer’s money.
No, but some came from the material planned to help make Lovel’s coffin come 2022 (General Elections).
Harry seems ubsessed with Melford. Isn’t he the guy hwo kicked Harry to the curb TWICE!!!! Is he looking for another beating at the polls? Harry, not everything is political. Please.
And the upp is such Angel’s huh????? U think we antiguans forget when upp was in power u think we forget and want come and talk corruption???!! not again!!! Upp!!!
MELFORD NICHOLAS will kick Harold Lovell AS*****S again big time. Harry let Us talk about the $94,000 000 cost of the RUNAWAY . Harry is trying to DEFĹECT. It would not word.
Harold Lovell I heard from good sources that a few of the UPP Candidates will UNSEAT You before the next election. They are of the view that Harold Lovell cannot win His seat. Also He will definitely let the UPP lose All Their seats in Election 2023.
This is why the Snake keeps inviting the candidates to his radio station. He wants to lure them away from King Lyadd to undermine confidence in King Lyadd as leader of the UPP.
Mr. Lovell, can YOU explain where a broke Party who could not pay their rent got money to be opening Branch Offices all over the country? And where did you get the money to rig your Primaries as well?
These are questions that need answers. If you are living in a glass house, don’t throw stones.
More importantly he needs to explain why the buses GIFTED to Antigua and Barbuda were registered in the NAMES OF UPP CANDIDATES
Are you interested in knowing how Gaston’s wife acquired substantial assets when she wasn’t even thirty and as far as we know she never held a job. What about his children who are in their early thirties and are millionaires?
Continue to focus on old buses while the country’s assets are being looted.
@ Hmmmnmmm
Totally in agreement with you. This UPP have so many SCANDALS…How can UPP go into 2023 election with so many baggage. Registering buses in Their names. Alister Thomas living in 92 year Old Mr. Warner house and DO NOT want to rent. $94,000,000 for the RUNAWAY. SHAME. SHAME. UPP.
I mean this guy has no clue how to run an opposition. It’s laughable. The PM has called him to account for the overrun on the Airport Runway project and he turns around and calls on Melford to give account for something so frivolous. I mean come on guys. At least put up a good opposition.
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