Locally-based Overseas Bank Ordered to put client’s US$ 2.5 million in separate account until matter is determined



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  1. Will Gassy tell the world – again – that this depositor is being greedy as well for wanting HIS OR HER MONEY BACK?

  2. Wow! Another one bite the dust. I am waiting on Landy Bozo to tell us about this greedy depositor, another depositor fighting for them money.

  3. Tell Gaston leh Franz lone!! Franz situation is small time compared to dem world gangsters. Gaston know all the dirt about the UPP candidates but in the mean time, he is “chilling wid de big boys”


    ‘…So weh de depasitah’s Monee garn?’

    Cud Nevaeh bee guassah’ (Vernacular).

    Watch it ‘BOY!

    Wherever, there is ‘…Very Poor Oversight,’ expect ‘Depositors’ to bawl for their Deposits.

    Why ‘…Antigua and Barbuda?’

    This ‘..Court Order’ speaks volume.

    No way, this financial institution could meet the ‘Court’s Deadline for Remittance.’

    It has not only showed a pattern of ‘…Behavior By Banking Operators,’
    but also ‘…Very Poor Oversight’ by those charged with responsibility
    for ‘…Keeping Periodic Checks’ on these financial institutions.’

  5. This article is false. What the court ordered was essentially the establishments of a escrow account. It has not made a judgement on whether the bank must move forward and pay the depositor They have 3 days to establish the account. The bank has taken the commission to court in order to prevent it from taking its planned actions

      • … and sadly a lot of his supporters probably WON’T condone his past and present behaviour …

        Isn’t reverse psychology just great! 😁


      The Bank shall set up the ‘ACCOUNT’ in the ‘Ordered Sum of just over $2.5M.in ‘…72 hours.’

      Seemingly, a ‘…Very Tall Order” For Banks like these.

      These often border ‘…PONZI SCHEMES. Spent ‘Depositors’ ‘…Money to make Money.’

      These are ‘…Risky Business.’

    • @thetruth: What I want to know. Why did the FSRC move to seize the depositor’s money? You know the Facts. Speak up and be truthful since this article is false.

      Also you said that an escrow account was established. Who are the owners of the escrow account? Should the court decide not to return the depositor’s money. Who would the funds default too?

      If you become confused as to my questions. Refer back to the first paragraph and answer the first question. Thank you kindly!

    • @thetruth you seem to be carrying water for this Bank. do you not think that the bank should have move forward and pay the depositor, before they went to the court?

      were they also claiming that the person’s money was used for national development and waiting for Gassy to float another bond? is a mare $2MM going to cause them to close?
      The so-called regulators should have been looking at this institution a long time ago. bunch of jokers!

  6. That is one of the reason things like that happens. At least Brick and Mortar Banks are fully regulated and carries a certain level of Insurance.Off Shore Banks are not regulated. They accepts monies from all,regardless of where those monies originated no question asked.Poor Antigua,your name is being tainted again.

  7. A little bit of back story would be appreciated for those who are coming across this story for the first time…

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