Yes or No, Did You Buy a Boat?
By Concerned Citizen
February 3, 2025
In the spirit of transparency and accountability, the people of Antigua and Barbuda are demanding answers from the Honorable Kelvin Simon. The question on everyone’s lips is simple yet pressing: “Did you buy a boat?”
Over the past 12 months, rumors have circulated about the potential purchase of a boat by the Hon. Simon, a prominent figure known for his vocal stance on government transparency and accountability. As a public servant who has consistently called for openness from others, particularly regarding the Prime Minister’s assets, the public now turns the spotlight on him.
The following questions are being directed at the Hon. Kelvin Simon:
- Did you purchase a boat within the past 12 months?
- If so, were campaign funds used to finance the purchase?
These questions are not merely speculative; they are rooted in the principles of transparency that the Hon. Simon himself has championed. The people of Antigua and Barbuda deserve to know the truth, especially from a leader who has consistently attempted to hold others to high standards of accountability.
The Hon. Simon’s calls for the Prime Minister to disclose details about his assets have been met with widespread support, but the same energy must now be applied to his own actions. As the saying goes, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”
The public’s demand for answers is not about casting doubt but about ensuring that all leaders, regardless of their political affiliation, are held to the same standards. Transparency is not a selective principle—it is a cornerstone of democracy.

Antigua and Barbuda is watching and waiting. Hon. Kelvin Simon, the ball is in your court. Did you buy a boat? The nation deserves to know.
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APOSTLE SHUGY SIMON OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH did not deny the allegation of using campaign funds to buy himself a boat. He tried to laugh it off when the PM put the question to him on Miss Knight show.
This is the double standard that I can’t take with UPP. always trying to paint Labour Party as bad and tout UPP as a paragon of virtue. MP Simon likes to call for transparency and accoutability, but he cannot seem to answer one simple question
concerned Citizen are you not concerned about PMBrowne and his wealth? You are too caught up with concern about Kelvin Simon. You are so drunk drinking from the Red coolaid cup. There are too many other questions to be asked about what’s going on in Antigua. Mind your Business and leave mr.Simon Alone.
The irony of the photo accompanying this story 😆 🤣 😂
Very interesting location……..the place where boats can be found.
Shoogy just lie. He bluffed the people of SMS by pretending to care. He obviously had no sincere interest or care to represent them. It’s all about what he can get while sitting next to the snake 🐍 on the “rude boy stand”
Did you laboRATS ask Gaston about his boat and the source of funds used to acquire it? Isn’t Shuggy a working man? What’s wrong if should by a boat?
Shuggy, invite all those who want to know if you purchased a boat or not to the intersection of Market and High Streets at midday. When they have all assembled, lower your trouser and brief and show them where the sun doesn’t shine.
Does Gaston have tge copyright and monopoly on boat ownership in Antigua?
Get a life you slaves!!!!!!
You are definitely the PIG squealing the loudest 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Y’all worried about the wrong things, Antiguans are really special smfh
Smh are you getting paid by Grabston or his imps to make a public fool.of yourself? Just aaking because you wrote an article then come back and comment under it, you really desperate to make a point.
Here is a question for Gaston Brown Prime Minister WHERE YOUR SUDDEN WEALTH CAME FROM. Since before he dead you good friend Asot asked you, you can’t answer up to now.
What you Gaston Brown using Government resourses to do, the public want to know. Definitely not to fix road, definitely not to help lower cost of living, definitely not to give us
water. Just creating distractions, but so u think!!
Not getting paid by anyone. You?
You get anything out of the JOHN ASHE “Donation”???
“According to the testimony of the FBI agent, “during the same period”, Ashe sent the then Prime Minister (Spencer) approximately US$170,000.”
Shuggy just full of himself. It’s all about PARTY, FETTING, JET-SETTING, LIVING HIS BEST LIFE OFF OF PEOPLE. He nah really k bout nonbaddy
If this clown can BACKDATE HIS RESIGNATION LETTER JUST TO COLLECT GOVERNMENT SALARY, then he is capable of much more.
No integrity
No morals
No honesty
i believe a woman buy a boat for shuggy.. it happens
The public might not suspect it’s Dwayne George asking shuggy if he bought a boat? And I want to know why Dwayne George tried to clear that drugs at the customs post office? Is it to show off his newly minted powers Gaston bestowed upon him?
But wait is shugy a member of parliament wa the problem be if he buys a boat?? A public money he use??? He is not part of government
I’m willing to bet, that EVERY politician in Antigua, from the past to the present, used campaign funds at one time or another for personal use. Imo, none of them have any moral high ground to call out their colleagues; some are just better at hiding their kleptomania than others.
It’s also my opinion, that the 1million USD donation for Barbuda weren’t directed into that off shore bank to gain interest; it was directed there to invest in the FTX ponzi scheme to make a quick turnover for the fraudsters who thought they could get in and out before anyone noticed.
There are no politician with CLEAN HANDS!
So what if MP Simon bought a boat? He has a job, he’s Antiguan and is entitled to live his life as he chooses. He also made political history by beating PM Browne twice within a year. Donald Trump is now President of the United States of America. His Secretary of States is the Cuban hater Marco Rubio. The UPP is already broken by the Union busting PM Browne who is not interested in raising another grassroot Labourite like John St. Luce, or Hugh Marshall Sr in St. Phillips North, and other Constituencies that built the House of Labor. He prefers dirty transactional politics with UPPites who will take a dime to sink their Party. PM Browne and Foreign Minister Chet Greene ought to save their energy to defend the Caribbean and Latin America against Trump and Marco Rubio who will aim to put us back in the Stone Age. We’ll see if they have testicles or they are emasculated. A betting man would bet 100% on the latter.
The issue is not merely whether or not he simply bought a boat. It is with CAMPAIGN FUNDS!!!! In other words, what was supposed to be used for his political campaign was pocketed for PERSONAL USE. Eerily similar to UPP politicians REGISTERING SHCOOL BUSES IN THEIR PERSONAL NAMES!!!
It’s good to see citizens demanding accountability from their leaders—this is exactly how democracy should work. If public funds were misused, the people have a right to know. However, while pressing for answers is necessary, it’s also important that accusations are backed by facts rather than speculation. Let’s ensure that calls for accountability are fair and based on evidence rather than political bias or assumptions.
while accountability is crucial, we should also be mindful not to rush to judgment without concrete evidence. The focus should remain on ensuring transparency while allowing due process to take its course.
He without sin cast the first stone. Why is it, that only certain persons are allowed to play the game. God help us all
SHUGY take back the DAMN boat and give the money to your constituents. You are too SCAMPISH. AWFUL. AWFUL. AWFUL person you are.
Shugy promised MILLIONS FROM INVESTORS leading up to the by-election 👀
What the black history month am I reading here. So, you are telling me, that, a black man, in he own country, can’t buy something, whilst aada races ah people have so much, that they can even buy cemetery? Are you telling me that only red people must have things in Antigua, red people who have access to government funds, I mean the country’s money? If he spen upp money, as you claim, how come dat yuh business? This character assination has to stop. Apparently only blue people corrupt and dey even not in power. We as black people are mentally bankrupt.
Is well
Known among his branch members and the people
Of bolans that he bought a boat with campaign funds. In fact the reason he lost on of his close friends and right hand man was because the told
Him on his own staging of king of the south, that sound clash that he put on which turn into disastrous event for him, when the guy openly said for the entire nation to hear, that “you can’t buy a boat and me can’t buy a by cycle” was the gentle man exact words. This is not hidden amongst the people of bolans. He told the guy that he would run the boat for him, but the guy is an ambitious young man, he don’t want to be under shugy orders, which I agree. The same good he wants for himself he should want for his close friends and his people.
From the start he acted dishonestly his entrance was marred by the court case of dishonesty a whole lot of drama and most people said he would expose and piss on himself one day but no one expected it to happen so quickly he wants to get rich quickly very ambitious driven with the mask and the big talk this narcissistic maskarade always being disrespectful to our PM and knowing the PM ‘s commitment to transparency he can sniff out dishonesty a mile away so he is on his radar did you buy a boat. No answer. Did you buy a boat , scared little boy no answer. Boss the P M done do his checks long time ago so did you buy a yatch or a boat we want to know and see all the paperwork