LETTER: Why is this hotel employing so many Filipinos?


Dear Editor,

I read an interesting letter to your news site yesterday called “Fire Robin Now”. and something struck me…


It was a comment about 500 Filipinos being employed by Pussy Salad’s hotel boss and linked Pussy Salad’s daughter at Immigration.


That is a dangerous link.


The letter also states that the Filipinos are underpaid.


The Oriental people are by nature quiet docile and coming from poor countries are easy targets.


Are these persons on Work Permits? How did this happen?


Are there different rules for different people? Caricom nationals are having a hell of a hard time and it just goes to show how useless the UPP is as a political party.


These are real issues and if the UPP was a proper party they would have jumped right in. T


hey have a chance now to steer the entire Caricom vote their way as the recent immigration amnesty was a hoax.


The UPP should also be calling for an Official Enquiry into this situation. But maybe Pussy Salad’s hotel boss is too big.

He now has a monopoly in hotels and supermarkets and has become bigger than the government.

True Davis

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  1. According to reports from several years ago, the proprietor(s) of the establishment located at Devils Bridge National Park was supposed to erect proper Restrooms and other amenities, to accommodate the Vendors and Tourist, who ply their trade and visit Devils Bridge National Park!
    Allegedly, this was part of the MOU with the owners of the establishment.
    As recent, as 2019, just prior to the full operations, of this hotel, the RESTROOM was erected with Five(5) wild tamarind tree post, wrapped with red, black, white, yellow, blue fabric surrounding a porto potty, I think! I did my think behind the rocks.

    …The writer is correct about UPP – …These Useless Pretentious People
    …who’re once again, trying to lead the sheeple!
    …who’re under the #Spell
    …of, the Antigua & Barbuda Labour Party
    …so, as you can see!
    …from, sea to shimmering sea!
    …no matter, where you turn?
    …you still, gonna get burn
    …by what they call, #Political_Party
    …just to live, and to earn!
    …but, please listen to me!
    …’cause, you know what I mean!
    …as, Papi Kum een, pan de seen!
    …and, sing BURN! Burn Baby Burn!
    …burn UPP! A useless sourpuss Party!
    …Burn ABLP! Political Gangsters of the Century!
    … ah want, All of you! You! Yes you, too!
    …dressed, in your Browne, Yellow, white or blue!
    …and, no matter the shades of #RED!
    … You feel me! A firing Shots! Nuff said!
    …hot! Hott! Hot!☠️☄️🔥🔥🚒
    …BURN! Burn! Burn Baby Burn!

  2. UPP is a weak POLITICAL PARTY. KINGHT is LOUD SPEAKER for UPP. I heard KNIGHT this morning on ZDK. CJ I am sooo DISAPPOINTED in You. This morning Knight DISRUPTED and DERAILED your program. CJ you allowed DJ ZEE to take over your program with KNIGHT. ZDK sounded like a FISH MARKET THIS MORNING. DJ ZEE was planted in ZDK to disrupt your show. Why give KNIGHT such long time on your program ? Knight does not allowed Tanny on His program.

    DJ ZEE is a UPP plant in ZDK. CJ , please take control of your program. DJ ZEE is pushing you out of ZDK. CJ if you keep this up, you will fired from ZDK before 2023 election is called. CJ read the TEA LEAVES.

  3. KINIGHT should NOT be given AIRTIME on ZDK. KNIGHT IS a selfish CRONY. He DOES NOT allow TANNY ROSE or ABLP SUPPORTERS on His show. CJ has lost control of Show. It is a shame what ZDK become. SHAME. SHAME.

    • It’s better than listening to that guyanese lady, with her ridiculous accent…every time she comes on I turn my radio off!!
      I love dj z.. I love the social buzz..
      I love cj too..
      Lady from guyana. Stop calling!!!

  4. What is the name of the Hotel? I could come on here and made up any stories. It seems to me that the Editors of ANR do not fact check and or do any due diligence. That is a damn shame.Why would the Hotel in question bring workers in from the Philippines instead of hiring Nationals,and other Caribbean Nationals.

  5. “Why would the Hotel in question bring workers in from the Philippines instead of hiring Nationals,and other Caribbean Nationals?”

    Unfortunately that’s easy to answer. In my experience, Philipino are dedicated, enthusiastic and skillful workers. They tend to work hard and try to advance within the workplaces they are in. While some Antiguan/Caricom nationals share these traits, the majority do not. As a manager, I know which group I’d prefer to work with, and it’s not the generally lazy, entitled group.

    • @Tragic…I concur with your sentiments regarding, those “entitled people,” especially, the enthusiasm aspect. It’s a habit/trait which must be broken, otherwise, they’ll be,
      …bawling more than #murdah!
      …soon, it could be blood or cry_water!

    • @Tragic: It would appear as if the landscape has change drastically since I left Antigua. In my time in Antigua,many Antiguans held top Management Positions in the Hotels all around the Island. From Curtain Bluff in the South to Anchorage Hotel in the North. From Half Moon Bay and Mill Reef in the East to Hawksbill Hotel in the West. All of those Hotels in Antigua back then hired locals to handle most aspects of their operations and they were financially solvent. You could count the amount of foreign workers in any Hotel on one hand. They were usually the Head Chef and Tennis Pro. Where did we go wrong as a society?

  6. The ALP loves foreigners! The ALP yard fowls will be begging in the streets while the foreigners take all the jobs. It’s going to get worser and worser.

    • @Mr Byam…plain and simple, Antiguans & Barbudans need to step up their game, as in being more productive with less nudging and prodding to do so. The same way they do, when they go to Europe, Asia or North America to make a better living for their families!

      A high time, fu bury #Dung_K_Dam work habits.

      • Ras Smood, Don’t fall for the fake news. The ALP shouldn’t be importing all these ungodly people to suppress wages. Historically, Antiguans have been the most productive workers on the planet. Antigua jobs for Antiguan workers.

        • @ Mr Byam…I am not falling for anything!
          As a Supervisor in the late 1980’s to the early 1990’s for a private company, I’ve witness and experienced the #Dung_Kay_Damn attitude of Antiguans.
          It’s very prevalent in the Public/Government Sector where the simple thing of Customer Care aka Customer Service is like being outside after midnight, in St. John’s during the #Shit_Cart days.

          The Antiguans of which you speak are a dying breed! Today, it’s the Get Rich by any means necessary! The FAST FOOD GENERATION.

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