LETTER: UPP seems to be having regrets … Wa dog a play wid cat well want um


Dear Editor,

Throughout my childhood, I’ve learnt of the cliche  ” what is rubbish to one man, always becomes a treasure to another “. In addition, there is also a local saying ” wa dawg a play wid cat well want um “.

Of course, I can also  make reference to the popular biblical translation that ” a prophet has no honour in his own hometown “

Now, when I look at the progress of Senator Dwayne George, from where he came from to where he is now, credit must be given to the Antigua Labour party for such foresight & vision to see the metal & strength that is embedded in Mr. George. Lammin is another youngster who was stifled while with the UPP and now he’s making headway with the Labour party.

It is very obvious that the above cliches can apply to them & the relationship that they both had with UPP.

From my vantage point, I think UPP needs to get their act together. It is very evident that UPP focuses more on the grounds of nepotism &  popularity, rather than quality & fairness.

Of course, I will agree, in choosing a candidate to win an election, the popularity factor should be a criterion not to be overlooked.


However,  should that popular candidate win their seat, it would be very frightening if that very same candidate does not have the expertise required to manage the affairs of a constituency & furthermore a govt ministry that they are assigned to?

In my view, focusing solely  on the ” popularity  factor ” has been UPP’s downfall.  Pringle & Serpant are two examples who I think are quite popular but just do not have what it takes to manage any political office.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that Shuggy is now fitting into the same boat with Serpant & Pringle.

Senator Dwayne George, Shuggy’s political opponent has clearly exposed Shuggy’s weaknessess and shortcomings and has shown to the public, that Shuggy is definitely a misfit to be a constituency representative and moreso hold any political office.

Senator Dwayne George’s personal & professional attributes have certainly casted a dark cloud over Shuggy & the senator has also shown us that Shuggy is definitely not the best candidate for the St. Mary’s South constituency.

Shuggy is yet to present to the constituents, a 5 year program that can upgrade the standard of the constituents and the constituency. To this point,  I am still confused as to why Senator Dwayne was overlooked by UPP.

Senator Dwayne may not be as charismatic as Shuggy, but his youth, his simplicity, his humility, his intellect and his cordial personality makes him a better role model & moreso, a perfect candidate to be the people’s representative.

The many students he has taught at the tertiary level have all ended up making an invaluable contribution to our nation building. His track record clearly shows us the quality of the man.

I am sure UPP now has regrets & will perhaps learn from their mistakes for the future. ABLP has clearly demonstrated that  “wa the UPP dawgs were playing wid, the ABLP cats have now made great use of um”.

According to reports Shuggy has clearly become intimidated by Senator Dwayne George & his programs that he has outlined to the constituents of the St. Mary’s South constituency.

Records are now showing that some of Shuggy’s supporters are switching allegiance.  Senator Dwayne George is now their choice.

The senator’s name seems to be in every household in the constituency.

It looks as though the constituents of St. Mary’s South are now realizing that the better person of the two candidates is the humble & Intelligent Senator.


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  1. Elston Adams……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Gregory Athill ……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Lamming Newton ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Malayka parker …………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Ambassador Goodwin…………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Colin Browne ……………………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Colin Derek ……………………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Anthony stuart …………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Joanne Massiah ………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Dean jonas …………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Winston Williams …………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Erika Joseph …………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Mervyn Richards ………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Phil more Benjamin ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Errol Cort ………………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    John Maginley ……………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Terry Smith……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Chanlah Codrington ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Clephane Roberts ……………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Dr. Edward Mansoor ……………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Donna Chaia …………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Trevor Young………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Kyron Simon………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Chaniel Imhoff………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Lenworth Johnson………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Luther Lee………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Anderson Carty………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Elmore Charles………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Bishop Dorsette……………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
    Garry Edwards……………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP

    • WOW. So many Negar jumped ship. I never really studied that but it’s frightening. And if Brixtonian jump ship too what will happen. I’d better be prepared to jump from here and go somewhere else.
      Brix, please do not jump. Please be like Ricardo Drew last Carnival Road March and be “The Last Man Standing”.

    • @ Hmmmmmm they must jump ship because UPP has a lot of dead weight on it. Dead weight tends to be extremely heavy and so can sink the ship at any time. Those that jump are very smart

  2. Let the games begin!
    May the better man win!!
    Stay tuned my people!
    Get your popcorn ready!
    Time for another episode of the
    Young and restless!
    Staring judas and one of his disciples..
    Boy, some people have nerves🤔

  3. Try as you might @ Fitzroy, in trying to turn the rising tide of the UPP support. You cannot deny that the ABLP have made some terrible economic decisions since returning to office.

    You won’t mention this in any of your editorial letters to ANR – I wish you would though!

    Furthermore, many of us aren’t surprised that as the by-election in St Mary’s South draws closer and closer, you’ve decided to come out of your POLITICAL box once more.


    Try and be more consistent (like the rest of us) in your correspondence, instead of only commenting when there’s vote at stake.



      UPP has no KNOWLEDGE about SKILLS and TALENT within a person. Take a good look at UPP ticket and MPs. These are the Dumbest set of Politicians in Antigua history. Look at SERPENT , PRINGLE , SMITH and Shuggy ..What a disgrace ..Bunch of IDIOTS.

      All the Idiots endorsed by BRIXTONIAN the Opportunist

      • But all the idiots that you mentioned here won their seat big big, so would u say about the ones that oppose them during the general election?

    • @Brix, please list ALL the terrible economic decisions that Gaston made. I would really like you to educate me about them.
      As they say, you never too old to learn

  4. Somebody really have time to waste. What has Dwayne George done? Nothing has changed in St. Mary’s South. The Piango Fest was a total flop. The Cades Bay Bridge, the roads, the clinics, the Urlings basket ball court. Nothing Tarl!
    He trying to do in 9 weeks what Samantha couldn’t do in 9 years. He can fool Labour Party but round South people know better. Stop with the big chat and call the election.

    That boy going get more blow than Samantha. Mark my words.

  5. Garbage stinks!!
    Those UPP rejects is right where they belong with ABLP. Keep dem right dey, gasping for air, aboard the ABLP sinking ship full a soldier 🦀 crab . Circling round and round in the belly of the ship. Trying to get to the top. Labourites say not so fast , wait your turn. Tap a de bottom. The real red kool aid drinkers come first. “A u dey purple”

    As for Dwayne George he cannot sleep at night because he knows that all the king’s Horses and all the kings men cannot put boy George back together again when he lose.

    Kelvin Shugy Simon rule de world.

  6. I’m aware that Gaston is a lunatic but why do his allies think that they should be like him; or are they just stupid instead? When the exercise is done in St. Mary’s South we are going to listen to them tearing away at the four in St. Philips North and then they will all exalt the one that Gaston chooses. Remember that there isn’t going to be a primary; the dictator will make his decision.

  7. Just another one for the Cooks Landfill .What utter trash. This from a desperate ALP that has done nothing to advance this country except for scandals galore. How can any right thinking individual applaud a traitor of the caliber of Dwayne George and all the others that @Hmmm mentioned? These are unconscionable, treacherous, gold diggers, not worth a damn except to grease Gaston Browne’s twisted ego.
    Stay calm Antiguans, the idiot Dawg is desperate and nervous. The end is in sight and he knows very well that when he’s removed from office, there’s no hole big enough for him to hide. Then,watch all the traitors scatter.
    Let’s not be fooled by his empty promises. He will promise anything to stay in power. Raises, land(if there’s any left) duty free,you name it. But don’t forget he said civil servants can expect no raises anytime soon,now he promises 14%? The man is the epitome of a pathological liar.
    Hey,Gaston Browne, or whatever the hell you call yourself on this platform, while you’re at it,pay cicil servants their back pay BEFORE the bi-election. LMAO. What a bunch of clowns, propagating the ALP circus!

  8. @hmmmmmm and since they “jumped” to ABLP, the last election shows that now ABLP has become the more unpopular party. Don’t forget 4 votes separated the government. So jettisoned, to lighten the ship, might be more appropriate than jump…perspective..

    • You know whenever you lie you need to make sure that no one can verify your lies.
      Just go to ABEC website for the results.
      ABLP Total Votes 20,067
      UPP Total Votes 19,267
      DNA Total Votes 466
      BPM Total Voted 624

      How the hell you get to a difference of four (4)votes beats me.

      And in case you cannot count, the difference is 800 votes between ABLP and UPP
      And between ALP and UPP and BPM together its 176

      Aren’t you guys tired of being showed up for constantly lying. You all don’t get tired of that.

  9. Giles, how are they the idiots when Gaston Browne has been scammed by the Africans behind Antigua Airways andddd those who benefitted from Alpha Nero. He is the blasted IDIOT who believed any and everything that he was told! Everything that he boasts about turns to dust. Is best we put a donkey to lead this country cause it couldn’t do no worse!!!

    • @ Fiztroy and you are singing loud for your supper…. We all know this is just another attempt to deflect and confused the good people. There is a reason why ALP lost that seat overwhelmingly. Your new candidate suddenly becomes this scholar simply because he joined your party is just laughable to hear you describe him. Everyone knows this is Just another desperate attempt to win that seat….I suggest you focus on your party and get them ready for the inevitable ass whopping in St Mary’s South.

  10. Clearly team red is beyond desperate . A bunch of idiots that think they full of education but dunce like the mad man dem in the streets of town. The ABLP nega a dem sick dawg tomach. They depend on hand outs to sit down & write bull like this. If common sense was a person it’s definitely not ABLP people. The red team mention everyone in this article that they fear the most. 4 thefting votes from the Africans is the only reason you fools still in power. Who is Dwayne George ? Anyone with common sense will know not even a talent show he can win. I have friends round south that say they just leading him on 2 think he stands a chance & get what they can from him & when it’s time to vote he won’t even see it coming. The level of dunce to sit down & write this article don’t surprise me cause that’s the red team background. #Dunce‼️ I don’t know why Dwayne family still support his none sense. I lie yes I do the money they getting cause they are desperate . Even if god come down & tell the labor party that Gaston full of shit they will turn against god . SMH this letter needs a lighter to burn it. Stupid labor pains …. #Desperate #Broke #Nosense #Theyallgoinghell

  11. The ABLP freaks come out at night. Honestly you guys need to shut up. This country is in a poor economic condition yet the PM speaks of us being a powerhouse. GTFOH with that nonsense. I’m ready to vote and it won’t be for ABLP.

  12. Base on my conversation with 2 of them, pm the flip-flops hate your guts. They further went on to say you can never change and they’ know that, but if you want to play the game they can do a better job. Mr. Pm love your labourites some of them have your back. What am saying is the truth, look out for alp supporters and not traitors, this is a warning.

  13. Ha ha ha , the distractions are real.
    This by election is just a distraction from what should really matter to us in 🇦🇬. Climate Change hoax lockdowns are coming, food shortage and starvation on the nearest horizon. What are 🇦🇬ans going to do when , the Powers that be, lock down the supply route all together? No matter who wins, the agenda of The 1%ters elites, The Pope, an The World Economy Forum continues. 🇦🇬 is a sinking ship no matter who wins.
    🇦🇬ans , stop follow politicians, they are all paid to take us to hell , maybe one quicker than the other.
    🇦🇬ans , we have no food here to last a month , so what will we eat politicians? Are you better done are you foolishness with this political party agenda, it’s a killer of all nations.

  14. We Antiguans and Barbudans have had different political perspectives and experiences and together that has shaped the support that we given to each political party overall and by extension all politicians and or those who seek to represent us. The world is changing and evolving and so are its people. More and more to effect improvement and change those who seek to represent us must be smart, qualified and visionary. Perhaps popularity and charisma maybe secondary as the electorate becomes more “educated” themselves. So instead of getting upset and engaging in rumour mongering we the people must take a dispassionate look at our candidates in the upcoming bielection and make a choice as to which candidate has the best chance of delivering for our community.

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