Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter to commend and give some advice to UPP candidate hopeful Mr Anthony Smith of the All-Saints West.
Last night I listened to Mr Smith last night on Observer Radio and he sounded really good. He sounded so humble and intelligent which was a big plus as an Independent voter in his constituency. However, I would like to give a bit of advice to Mr Anthony Smith.
I would first suggest that whenever he is going into a specific area of his constituency that he announces it on the radio and on his various social media platforms so that persons would know that he is out there doing the work. Mr Smith can also post photo and videos on his various social media platforms of him in the constituency as much as possible that he is out in his constituency doing the work. I would suggest also that he comes to people homes when they are likely to be home like on the weekends because most persons who lives in his constituency works during the week and would not be home most of the time.
Next, I would suggest Mr Smith reminds the people of his constituency on a regular basis of the false promises the current MP Michael Browne has made to the people of his constituency such as promises to fix roads in Freemans Village, Buckleys/Montrula/Olivers Estate/Renfrews/Law Pasture and Seaview Farm, lack to access to government water in Buckley’s/Montrula/Olivers Estate/Renfrew/Law Pasture, failure to upgrade the football fields in Freemans Village, Seaview Farm and Buckleys’s where the football field has been totally abandoned amd doesn’t even has flood lights nor football nets.
When you drive up Buckley Line starting ffrom the roundabout bush is overgrown into the raods scrating up peoples cars and potholes galore and tourist and tour vehicles also with people who lives in Buckleys, Sweets and Johns Hughes traverses that road daily and the current MP has done nothing to address this vexing issue. The current MP has also failed to provide jobs for the young people in his constituency which he has not done since he got in to represent the people. Please Mr Smith engage the young people and hear them out and never make promises you know you can keep to them when you get into representation of the constituency.
The current MP has also failed to open the Clinic, Community Centre and Day Care promised to the people of All Saints West in Buckleys. Mr Smith you need to make clear that if elected you will make these failed promises will come to fruition and be a thing of the past.
Wishing you all the best and every sucess to become the next representative of All Saints West Constituency and I am 1000% behind of you. #Fed of the failed promises of MP Michael Browne.
David Williams
All Saints West Constituent
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Little boy you need to go and talk to CHANLAH CODRINGTON! Chanlah was badplayed and DISRESPECTED by the UPP. The UPP NEVER GAVE HIM A MINISTRY TO RUN. They made him a junior minister. Which ministry do you think they will give you to run in your wildest dreams?
Sounds like a man for the people, and hopefully, Antigua 🇦🇬 and All Saints will benefit in the future – GO UPP 👍
Straight forward and to the point.
Truthfully, he was very demeaning! Note, my degrees from NYIT WAS WITHOUT ANY GOVERMENT ASSISTANCE.
Yes he one must have dacta ret
I listened and naive was the word that came to mind. I am commenting as I see it.
BTW the Barbados bus system is seemingly somewhat disadvantageous to its drivers
The people support Browne overwhelming. You wasting your time. Don’t expect much support, but I commend you for giving it a try. The IS Michael Browne country all the way. He has the hearts of the working people.
My dear Selinda.You should correct your statement by saying Michael Browne used to be supported by the people in All.Saints Wesrt overwhelmingly .For your info not any more.I guess your ears are not to the ground or you are not listening to the people in Aeoplll.saints West or you perhaps are pulling a stinking red , red herring accross the red, red trail.The people of All.Saints West has very good memory..Here are a few questions to you.Where was Micheal Browne to represent us shortly after he won his seat.Did we see him, he took off about this foolishness that he is studying.How can you be studying when you ask people to vote for you, didnt Micheal knew he wanted to. Pursue his studies, when he came asking for the people vote.Did he tell them while he was campaigning that he has to go to study.What a deceitful liard act.Lol fool who fooly. about studies.What about the E__Book scandal oh my God.What about the recent situation.Yes people might not have
been found guilty.But the peoples court is a serious court room for anyone to enter..Where is the water for places like Montrula, Olivers and Buckleys.People has to pay $400 and more to buy water from the water truck..Where is the water for 8 yrs now?We are still waiting.So Selinda a liard tongue is one that God despise and so does the ASW people.Bring on Smith he is who we want not pathological liard people.
Well said 👏
As usual UPP candidates think observer radio is their constituency. So stay on there and campaign.
Very constructive advise from a constituent.
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