LETTER: Gov’t paying people to stay home for 2 weeks


Dear Editor,

Antiguans should no longer be coddled.


The government will be paying people to stay on their behinds for two weeks if they chose not to get vaccinated while vaccinated people have to go out to work.


Granted I believe the government sector could run efficiently on half the number of people under its employ, my problem is that people are being paid for not working.


We sometimes wonder why many Antiguans fail to advance in the workplace but the culture we practice breeds endless laziness.


It would be better if government workers who are unvaccinated stayed at home from October instead of rewarding them for their hesitancy by paying them for staying home for two weeks.


I understand the immediate threat of COVID and agree in mandating vaccines but what I don’t understand is being so hasty that you don’t note the grave error in how this works for the unvaccinated for this period.


The government has already admitted the wage bill has ballooned since coming into office. So now, we have the young lady who has next to no subjects placed behind a desk in a government office wearing long lashes, extraordinarily long nails and slippers on her ashy feet while providing horrible customer service because her parents’ government is in power.


The barely literate young man who has been unable to keep a job in the private sector finds a home in the public sector.


The person who has done nothing to make themselves more marketable has another income because they’re placed on a board to discuss matters on which they have no experience. There are many who are appointed to big positions who barely show up for work.


The government with its practices and this latest policy continue to enable laziness and the squandering of public funds.


Vaccinated workers who show up for work are doing the government and people of this country a favour because they could have declined to show their vaccination cards until October 1st when the policy could interfere with their cash flow.


I hope vaccinated workers get a bonus for working for these two weeks… since the government has no problem in paying people for not working.


Signed, Observer.

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  1. Here we go divide and conquer vaccinated VS unvaccinated while we are being distracted our freedom is being slowly but surely been taken away from us….. But anyways carry on

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