LETTER: The Financial Secretary must give us answers


Dear Editor,

Thanks to an Opposition Senator, we were made aware of a memo to senior civil servants about payments from the Treasury.

Apparently, there is a July/August hold on all new payments as the government tries to get its financial house in order.

Or maybe its just to slow down payments and hope that money comes from somewhere to pay those bills.

The difficulty with students getting their scholarship money is evidence of this dire state.

It wasn’t enough in my view for the FS to simply write to senior public officers. We members of the general public who provide services to the government deserve an explanation too.

So invoices are pilling up at various government departments for two months now.

There is no guarantee that the Treasury will be able to make those payments. The government continues to make use of our services and we are not getting paid.

This cannot be right. After this so-called hold, when will get our money? I am no financial expert but this doesnt make any sense to me.

The treasury now is using this memo as an excuse not to pay people, even those who have outstanding bills there for months.

Please pay us our money and stop use us.

Hungry and Angry

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