LETTER: Stop sending us to COVID HMP for minor offences


Dear Editor,


The outbreak of COVID-19 at Her Majesty’s Prison was expected. The congestion at the prison has not be assisted by the Court system which has been guilty of locking up people for very minor offences.

It appears that the system looking for money from some of us who have not worked for over a year.

So the police lock-up then the magistrate send you up in the jail to expose all those other inmates to the virus or you even pick it up from in the jail.

Why are people being sent up to the jail in this coronavirus times for very simple things sometimes like not being able to pay a simple fine?

Come on these are not criminal offenses, our court system can play a role in the fight against COVID-19.

Our magistrates can exercise some compassion deal with these criminals who are carrying out all these violent crimes who are robbing people but my God give us a break.

The Family Court also must understand that we have a lot of persons not working for over year give persons a little time, the pandemic have us going through a lot.

Some people developing very serious mental issues,  it is rough out here only God knows.

Why are our systems failing us at a time when we need they support and compassion lord help us.


Suffering citizen.

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  1. First things first. How about NOT
    committing “the very minor offenses” in the first place. Then we could address the bigger picture…. if necessary!

    • You sound so anal. People all over the world commit minor offences. Do you send them to an overcrowded facility or leave space for serious criminals.

      • @….. So let me ask you are you saying people have no choice but to commit minor and other offences?

        • @Asking
          You too sound anal. Are the majority of people committing crimes, minor or otherwise? There are other means of punishment. Fines, community service etc. Maybe even a few lashes for all to see would help.

    • The punishment for minor offenses shouldn't be a possible death sentence (COVID) in an overcrowded, disease-riddled prison The punishment for minor offenses shouldn't be a possible death sentence (COVID) in an overcrowded, disease-riddled prison

  2. How about stop committing any offences be it minor or serious then you won’t have to worry about being sent to prison in the first place.

    • If the government wants to continue sending people to prison for minor infractions, they should build the jail they have been promising for years to house them.

      • How about they dont do crime at all them they won’t have to worry about prison. Stupid really says as stupid does

    • Before sending someone to the prison, a Covid -19 test should be done with the offender…. If the offender is found to have the virus then other areas of incarceration should be provided even at the IDC center

  3. People,people,people.A “rolling stop” at a Stop sign is considered a minor offence.Many of you in Antigua commits that minor offence every day.Should you be sent to prison for that.If and or when you are caught.I am just asking.We need to think before we go a gabbing.

  4. Don’t be an idiot! STOP committing crimes and you won’t be sent too prison. What can’t you understand about that???? If you do the crime, you must be prepared to do the time. Covid is everywhere. The fact remains DON’T DO THE CRIME. You sound like a big cry baby, and nobody will give you any sympathy. Turn your life around, behave yourself, and get some decent friends. Prison is not supposed to be a kind and friendly place. It should be like the entrance to the pit of hell. Stay as far away from there as far as possible. Behave yourself. Don’t blame the law, the courts or the prison for your misbehavior.

    • I do not think you have the privilege to tell someone not to be an idiot! What is the real reason to send someone to the prison? I would say it’s a form of punishment to a crime and hopefully the person will get sometime to reform themselves in the process. If that is the case, as the writer indicated, there could be.other forms of punishment. Many persons that go to our prison never even get rehabilitated, in fact some get worse since the prison systems harden them. Additionally, a prison sentence could be deferred if you really think the.person has to go behind the red gates.

      I think the writer has a legit concern insight of the pandemic we are facing. Many countries started to release prisoners with minor offences in order to thin out the prison population.

      How would you feel if you child was sent to prison for speaking an indecent language and then catch COVID in the prison and then die from it?

  5. Does one has to commit a crime to go to Prison in Antigua.I would say,no.I guarantee, there are innocent persons in 1735.What crimes did they commit. Just asking you righteous persons on this portal.Remember,what you would do in the darkness comes out into the light of day.Then what?

  6. What about all the serious offense that government do over the years to the people of this country focus on that

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