LETTER: Sprat offered up to lull populace into comfort zone of premature resolution



Regarding your article — Fraud-accused trio in customs racket set for court on Wednesday — I hope this kung Fu can be seen as just that. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATSAPP GROUP FOR NEWS UPDATES.

This bone that we have been thrown, is nothing but an attempt to exonerate the primus inter pares and make him appear squeaky clean, as part of damage control on the eve of an election.

These sprat that have been offered, are to lull the populace into a comfort zone of premature resolution; and does not and will not address the wider and deeper part of an iceberg conspiracy involving millions of dollars, murder and attempted murder.



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    • Me too, I also enjoyed the use of this 19th century Latin word play … ‘the first among equals’.

      Nice touch Oracle 🤜🤛

  1. Yes Brixtonian I also like the term “primus inter pares” . However, with Gaston Browne “first among equals” does not apply since you have a Top Dawg with all the little poodles around him. When he barks none of the poodles make a sound.

  2. 2 plus million dollar yet we see 26,000 dollars. Where is the rest of the missing millions that the dawg signature was forge for. Also why isn’t the puppy pulled in as yet and questioned. The puppy has vital answers. Seems like we will get those answer when a new upp admin is in power.

    Citizens and residents eligible to vote please make the right choice and get rid of the ablp

  3. Hope this is the beginning of pulling in all those who also built their homes out of National Housing materials; those who sell out poor Antigua people lands behind their back and send them to stand in line contesting in Court till kingdom come; those Immigration officers who carry home the stamps and get paid by immigrants, and get Spanish hairdos and Jamaican foods and Specialties; gold from Guyana and gifts from others; and the worst of the lot the policemen of corruption and abuse including rape, theft and violence towards Antigua People, Damn!

    • Gaston and the labour government has really caused irreparable damage to our beautiful country. All the hustling and corruption going on and no one held accountable. Never in the history of Antigua, has things been so bad. The bottom knows the top a thief, so they do the same.

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