LETTER: Send Wehner To Parliament – The Way To Advance St. Peter



Dear Editor,

Let us be real for a minute. Undoubtedly, the ABLP is the better party to take Antigua and Barbuda to the next socioeconomic level.

At this time, the UPP, by no means, should even be considered to take up office as the government of the day. Irrespective of the aforesaid, this brings us to an important question.

Why should the constituents of St Peter choose Wehner over Turner?

#1 George Wehner has a track record for holding the Government’s feet to the fire with his broadcasts. In the past, Wehner has brought several irregularities to the public’s attention.

In turn, the Government took swift action to address the concerns, which benefited the populace. This objective voice is needed in Parliament; not only for St Peter, but the wider nation.

#2 Tuner, though not elected, has easier access to government resources. When a man tries to win a woman’s heart, he goes above and beyond, but the law of diminishing return sets in soon after he conquers her.

With a general election looming, Turner should not be placed in Parliament just yet. By keeping him out of Parliament, he will be forced to work and work and work to secure his seat in the next election. Leave him out so that he could leverage the resources and make good on his promises to benefit St Peter. 

#3 Whether Wehner or Turner wins, the result would not determine if the government changes.

However, a victory for Wehner would narrow the margin between the government and the opposition. This actually would force the current administration to do exceptionally if it wishes to retain power.

Considering the three points above, Wehner would be the most appropriate person to send to Parliament in the best interest of St Peter and Antigua and Barbuda by extension.

Undecided Voter

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  1. Someone needs to ask George Wehner why he was dismissed from the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force.

    Is it true that he led an attempted mutiny against the former Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Brig. Trevor A. Thomas? Is it true that Wenher went to Balwdin Spencer while he was Prime Minister and expressed a desire to have the CDS removed and Spencer refused?

    Is it true that Baldwin Spencer as Prime Minister had to call CDS Brig. Thomas and alert him of the plot by Wehner and as a result Wehner and some misguided junior officers were dismissed from the Defence Force because of attempted mutiny? Perhaps the Browne fellow who is jamming Insane in a Boot Camp knows something about it as well?

    By the way, mutiny is a crime under the Defence Act.

    For those who do not know, George Wehner is not trustworthy and needs to be exposed for who he is.

  2. A well considered point of view.
    Lawd knows that Turner is lazy. As soon as he takes that seat, he will disappear again.


    Clearly, this letter writer may have been ‘…BOOZED’ or in ‘…MIXED-UP MOOD.’

    Having read ‘…PARAGRAPHS 1 AND 2,’ there may be no other reasons to look at:

    (a) ‘…RATIONALITIES,’ worse yet:



    These shall, instead, be sent to the cemetery and buried alongside the ‘…GRAVE OF ASOT.’


    One or both of the ‘…ORBITUARIES PRICES,’ might be considered.

    No ‘DISCOUNT:’ neither for:

    (i) ‘…NONSENSICALITY: nor

    (ii) …STUPIDITY.’


  4. U gonna put a man that can’t do anything for the people and not vote for a man that can actually do something. This is the highest level of dog shit I’ve ever heard. George whenner is a bully and being a bully is not service to people. Rawdon Turner has continued to work in the community of St. Peters even after he would have lost his seat. Whenner only remember that people live in St. Peter now he wants to represent them. This article is waste of the readers time. Take it down nonsense

  5. “Undoubtedly ABLP is the better party to take Antigua and Barbuda to the next socioeconomic level.” Undecided Voter, your opening premise is completely wrong and shows who you really are — a politically ignorant ABLP hack who has no knowledge of the history, nature and culture of that criminal organization dressed in the finery of a political party. On every occasion that the masses of our country have made real socioeconomic progress since 1968 (the watershed year when the ABLP turned their guns on our people with murderous intent), it is a different party that was in power. And so it will continue to be. The only “next level” that party can take us to is the next level of propaganda and public deception that have people like you believing that any real and lasting value can be delivered to the working masses of this country by party that’s institutionally committed to the self enrichment of its elites and foreign sponsors and upholders. Problem is, you blind mice that refuse to think and discern for yourselves continue to suck up the hatred, scorn and disrespect for this country’s patriots that the ABLP frauds propagate by day and night across any and every media they can get hold of. Consider: What of value is really owned by the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda in their own country? What has become of the vast acreage of fertile flat lands bought with the people’s own money? Where are the engines of agricultural and industrial development that could have lifted us all to higher levels of socioeconomic development? Where are the business opportunities that could have done the same for us? Don’t you know it’s that same hated ABLP that has deprived us as a nation of all these blessings? How come the true Antiguans and Barbudans constitute less than half of these islands’ current population? When you find the answers to these pivotal questions, dear Undecided Voter, you will finally wake up and appreciate the importance of sending not only George Wehner to Parliament, but also ALL his valiant colleagues in the UPP.

  6. IT is up to the people in the area, I agree with the writer.
    To the writter ” Wash An Basin” kindly research if Whener did not win his case against the ABDF.
    If you want to hold the government feet to the fire, it would require someone with discipline and the other traits a commissioned Officer brings to the table. Which he has done before.
    The world around us is changing, we have to look for country and not party .
    Regardless of which party is in if they forming fool, such as harming it citizens with illegal, non Geneva code mandates, tear gassing man, woman and children etc. They need to be held
    responsible.Are there more A&B’s passing than 10 years ago???
    Do your research. Pray for discernment from GOD people.

  7. Tamisha, please don’t STIFFLE your conscience, if you still have one. Go stand in front of a mirror and repeat what you wrote. : “Lawd knows that Turner is lazy…..” You can’t be serious! You must be the “Lawd” you’re referring to.
    Ah well, just another UPP lLIARD!

  8. Only stupid people would send a man that will eventually be in opposition to represent them in parliament. In the end he will have no power to do anything but get a constituency allowance which he will squander like Shuggy and Serpent. And when it comes to debating on Parliament he will have nothing to say, cause he has not education and know of nothing but to cuzz and threaten the Prime Minister and his family.

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