LETTER: Samantha’s Silly Season Video


Samantha’s Silly Season Video

Dear Editor:
Pls permit Sunbeam some space in your paper.

I went from outrage to amusement to pity, as I looked at a poorly designed video with a false narrative, put out by Samantha Marshall last weekend.

Looking at the video I wondered “Can Silly Season Get Any Sillier?” Samantha just made the best closing argument as to why the people did NOT vote for her, and why they will NEVER vote for her again.

The 30 second video begins with “WHEN KELVIN SIMON ASK, WHAT HAS SAMANTHA MARSHALL DONE IN 9 YEARS?” It then gives quick flashes of various pictures and then says “This.. This… “ pointing to a so-called list of accomplishments.

From the video, Samantha has clearly lost touch with reality and by extension, the people St. Mary’s South. She points out a few things in the Constituency that are still non-functional. Why would she post pictures of the Fire Station and the Bolans Clinic? Why remind people of your failures Samantha? Why highlight areas where you have not delivered? These services are not functioning in the Constituency.

Then the video touches on national issues that have no bearing on Samantha. Why would she post a picture of job postings from Jolly Beach, while so many young people in the South are unemployed? Aside from the hotel being located in her Constituency, what exactly is Samantha taking credit for? What about construction jobs at Jolly Beach? How many Southsiders got work?

A picture of St. Mary’s Secondary School? This school was built before she was elected. What exactly is she taking credit for? Is the school adequately equipped with computers, books, fans, water fountains, furniture?

A picture of St. John’s? No comment. Moving right along.

Then there are few pictures of Samantha posing with sports teams in St. Mary’s South, while the Urlings Basketball Court is dilapidated.

A picture of a paved road, while 90% of the roads in St. Mary’s South are in a state of disrepair. The road near Cades Bay has been one of the worst in the country for many years, and is still under construction.

A picture of Samantha at an RO plant. Yet Southside people still can’t get regular water.

It’s time to Call out Samantha “Propaganda” Marshall on her boldfaced lies and deception. Here are some of the issues that Samantha should address:
– Get Cades Bay Farm up and running. It is a shame how it was allowed to run down under her tenure as Minister of Agriculture.
– Get the Bolans clinic up and running. It was declared “complete” in December 2022, handed over with much fanfare in March 2023 and was to be opened in two weeks. More than four months later, the facility has no equipment and is still non-functional.
– Reopen the Pharmacy in Johnson’s Point. It is a burden to residents who must travel to Grays Farm or Browne’s Avenue Clinics to fill their prescriptions.
– The Basketball court in Urlings needs to fixed. Children are on holiday and need this facility for recreation.

So at the end of the video I asked myself, “What accomplishments in St. Mary’s South would warrant re-electing Samantha Marshall in the by-election?

The people of St. Mary’s South weren’t born yesterday. We are objective and independent minded. Samantha: stop calling attention to your blatant failures after 9 years. Delete that silly video and get to work.


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  1. Samantha gone way beyond silly to a pappyshow. Samantha is showing us how she broke her own promises. They don’t think people pay attention?

    How many years now since that fire truck nar work? By showing us a picture of a clinic building that is not open to the public after a big ceremony months ago says what?
    If she can’t deliver these things in time for for an election, what incentive will she have to deliver anything after the by election. Dem buy-election tactics might work somewhere else but not in St Mary’s South. She will be rejected again.

  2. Well said Sunbeam! On point! I am waiting on the silly laborites to try and justify the silly video and make excuses. That is because they can’t interpret your message.

  3. Samantha Marshall has gone from the absurd to the ridiculous. I didn’t think it was possible for this woman to make the ABLP and her by-election to look any more LUDICROUS, but she has somehow managed to do it. Hilarious.

    This is so comical and chucklesome. Love it bad!


  4. Ahahaha..
    Stay tuned for another episode of the samantha show!!
    This soap opera sweet, 😆

  5. I saw the video that said This, This, This. Sometimes you feel you’re doing the world but your customers or constituents not feeling it. Samantha needs to listen to the people. Let them tell you how you doing, not the other way around.

  6. You know what amazed me to see delegate number 6 in the queen of carnival topic was about antigua sweetes pineapple and then to know Samantha was the minister of agriculture and the pine field is in her constituency and it run down but the young lady was at a pine filed and it wasn’t the government but a someone else so sit and think about that Samantha

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