LETTER- Promoting Antigua Carnival in Trinidad: A Waste of Money

Antigua Carnival

Letter to the Editor: Promoting Antigua Carnival in Trinidad: A Waste of Money

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concerns about the recent efforts to promote Antigua Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago. While the intention may be noble, it seems like a waste of resources.

Trinidad hosts the best carnival in the region, a fact widely acknowledged by many.


Where is the evidence that Trinidadians are coming to Antigua for our carnival? It is more likely that they are saving for their own world-renowned event.

Antigua and Barbuda recently took its ‘Cricket and Culture’ 2024 roadshow to Trinidad and Tobago.

The three-day roadshow provided the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority with a platform to highlight cricketing events while showcasing the exciting Antigua Carnival, scheduled to take place from July 25 – August 6, 2024.

While this initiative might sound promising, we must question its practicality and return on investment.

Trinidadians are deeply invested in their own carnival, which requires significant financial commitment.

Instead of spending on promotions in a market already saturated with their superior carnival culture, perhaps our resources could be better utilized in markets more likely to yield tourists genuinely interested in our unique offerings.



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  1. I totally agree with the writer. Inter regional travel plans are not popular anymore due the airfares and security concerns.

  2. Carnival Tourism exists, especially within the region. Some people in the region make it their aim to travel to various islands to experience several carnivals throughout the year. Carnival Tourism is especially prevelent in Trinidad and Tabago where many of these nationals travel to Barbados, Grenada, etc… to experience their carnival and there has been a trend where citizens of Trinidad are coming as far north as Antigua to experience our carnival. This marketing initiative may sound as a waste bur in reality, Carnival Tourism exists and trying to partake in the Carnival Tourism travel market.

  3. Writer one thing I know about TNT people is they like to fete. Seems to me this fact alone makes them a good audience for us to market to, especially since TNT carnival (march) and ANU’s (July)are not close in date to each other. Recall last year watching the social media and seeing many Trinidadians at Saint Lucia’s carnival. Saint Lucia Tourism Authority markets their carnival in Trinidad (see SLTA promotes Saint Lucia during Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago
    Loop News February 16, 2024). Its time you recognize that our cultural connections is an advantage in getting them to come.

  4. Why not TnT? Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better. Antigua is unique, and I’m sure that will have a broad appeal even in TnT.

  5. There is a fable that goes like this

    A new tribe was discovered deep in the amazon jungle
    A shoe company sent there two top sales person there hoping to sell shoes. On arrival both sales persons observed that the tribe people were not wearing shoes. They each grab there phones and called theroffice, but they had different messages.
    Sales person # 1 said “please come back for me these people don’ t wear shoes, I
    Would not be able to sell them any.”

    Sales person # 2 said ” call the warehouse, call the factory, send me all the shoes, I am the first one here with shoes, business will be superb.

  6. The writer seems quite myopic. And without vision the people perrish. Has provided no research data to back his or her claim and is ignoring that there is a culture of carnival lovers in the Caribbean ( including Trinidadians) travel to various carnivals in the region ( including Antigua).

  7. I agree with the writer. The only Trinidadians we gonna see here are the Big money Superstars the promoters bring to lively up the shows and place.
    What we should be doing is finding ways to get our Superstars into the Trinidad market, if just one of our musical genius can come up with a tune or two that’s so wicked, it finds away to penetrate theTrinidad music scene, clubs, parties, radio and Tv stations and eventually their carnival stage and roads, that’s all you need. The people will then find away to journey to Wadadli for the greatest summer festival. Look at Bunji big road march tune, that have us and the world going crazy, (Virgin islands man) so the money you just spent should have been invested in helping our own creating better and more powerful music.

  8. The market for carnival tourism is evolving. The Antigua and Barbuda tourism authority should pursue this avenue. Showcase Wadadli talent. Each Caribbean island has its uniqueness to share with the world.

  9. Our Carnival suck! It is getting worst and worst every year. The revellers don’t even bother to dance anymore, no more plumes and costumes, only confetti size bikinis, t-shirt mass is what it has become, and even that it is now unappealing….it’s horrible!
    Why would any tourist keep on coming here, especially the Trinis… complete agreement with the writer about going to TNT’s purpose….but before going anywhere, we should fixed, what was once upon a time, surely the best Carnival Destination of the Summer!

  10. No harm in trying, why shouldn’t Antigua advertise their carnival to Trinidad. Trinidadians love a good party and will travel for it. We go as far as England and the U.S. for carnival.

  11. I am a Trintiguan – Antigua Carnival was well promoted on Synergy TV 2024 Carnival and elswere. Even our famous Breakfast Fete was well promoted. Every year more & more Trini’s visit for our Carnival. They are even here building Costumes & Playing Pan. So check with Immigration and find out how many Trini Arrivals we have at Carnival.

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