LETTER: Please Fix The Lighting At Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium


Dear Editor,

Every day after 5pm, I go home refresh and drive up to the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium to exercise and refresh my soul from a long day’s work.

By that time the evening with its darkness has arrived.

I’ve noticed for a few years now the lights around the stadium have been blown and not been replaced.

There are a good number of persons like myself who walks at the stadium nightly.

The Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium as far as I know is a National Monument and the good gentleman is a national hero. Considering the above it begs a couple questions.

  1. Why are the light bulbs on the surroundings of the Stadium not replaced?
  2. Are the bulbs pricey hence people’s safety is put at risk on a nightly basis?
  3. Who is responsible for the maintenance of the stadium?
  4. Why hasn’t the person/s who’s responsible for maintenance of the stadium engaged APUA on replacing the bulbs or putting more lights around the stadium?
  5. What are the elected leaders doing with our tax dollars in this country?



I hope this letter will bring attention to the relevant authorities about the seriousness of this issue and lighting will be placed as soon as possible before something very unfortunate happens up there.



Nicole Browne

Concerned/Worried Citizen


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  1. Nikky girl they will replace them in time for the English tour next year and would want to give the impression it was done for us. History has shown that they only do things around the stadium when there is an event like cricket. Check for instance potholes on the back road that leads to Parham. Only when there is cricket they throw some sugar cake in them.

  2. What ever happened to the 14,000+ street lights that the grant paid for in 2017? I can’t believe that only 4 years later, all those new street lights failed and the old ones needed to be put back up. The grant was for LED street lights, and they lighting part on those usually has a life of 10-15 years, assuming a good power supply.

  3. Excerpt from the 2021 Budget Statement read by the Honorable Gaston Browne, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Corporate Governance and Public Private Partnerships on 28th, January 2021 under the theme, “Maintaining a Healthy Nation and Restoring a Vibrant Economy.”

    *The Ministry of Works is allocated $85.0 million in Budget 2021, to continue to manage and maintain public infrastructure.*

    They will replace those blown bulbs in due time because I don’t believe a fresh coat of paint or a sugar cake patch will do the trick on light bulbs.

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