LETTER: Letter To Harold Lovell


Our organization the ACLM has been in the news lately and all the gains we made are being questioned because of one of our members who found it difficult to accept that the glory days of the ACLM have past, and they should remain just that, glory days. He has caused the name of our dear leader to be dragged into the spotlight and his gains questioned because of his foolish and bitter statements surrounding the CCJ vote. Lately, all we seem to be hearing is how Tim capitulated to Lester Bird in his later years, and not the outstanding work he did to advance democracy and social consciousness in Antigua.

You now appear to be writing your own script of how you want to be remembered, and if you continue along the path you are treading, it will not be a successful one.

You made us proud with your outstanding achievements in two successive ministries in Brother Baldwin’s administration. After two straight losses at the poll vs Gaston Browne, the second being worse than the first, we thought that you were going to pack it in. Indeed, you told some of us that and we believed you. Now it seems you have either let others convince you, or in a fit of vainglory, convinced yourself to knock heads again with Gaston Browne.

Brother, that is a stupid decision. Even social media is saying so and has been eating you alive. Whoever has convinced you to remain in the fray does not care for you. I do not believe it was an ACLM brother, because all of them I spoke to think you should call it a day.

The word is out that the persons you have been approaching to run with you are either laughing behind your back, or they themselves are plotting to take over your bid without you in it. They say you are old, and cannot win another election in Antigua. One of them that you approached has told acquaintances of mine that he does not believe you really want to run again, but it appears that there are some folks very close to you who are trying to preserve their moment in the spotlight by sending you forward. We all know that you are a very bright brother and do not believe that you could be so weak to allow others to pull you into such a hopeless position.

I am therefore asking you to reconsider the situation you are getting yourself into. You cannot run in City East again so you are letting others who do not know what the ACLM stood for and are only concerned about their personal glory, influence you. It’s in the public domain that you are heading for All Saints West. This would mean that you might have to go into a primary with the young man who some of us feel deserved another chance to win that seat.

If you let them convince you to go to All Saints West, a loss there would severely impact you and the legacy of the ACLM for which up to now you have been a strong standard bearer. If you let yourself be convinced, you will be showing a level of weakness which of late has become a suspicion where you are concerned.

A couple of us have discussed the infamous Tradewinds meetings that have been taking place. Some of these new guys you are putting together are so drunk on potential power they have been boasting about their takeover of the UPP, without you at the head. There has been talk about how you are making plans to push aside the guys you went into battle with and bring them in instead. I don’t recall if any of them have had any political experience worth mentioning. You need to think carefully about that.

So my brother, we are appealing to you as one of our outstanding brothers. Do not walk the path of some of our own who could not endure the hardship of the battle to its end. 

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  1. Why is the letter NOT signed by its writer? If you are bold even to write a public letter, be bold enough to put your actual name.

  2. That’s all b.s you don’t speak for the supporters so please hush,the race is not for the Swift you know the rest true leaders never quits especially when representing people we believe in him and so the voice of the people is the voice of god,look at the us politics and wheel and don’t come back Lovel is our next p.m👍🏿

    • The last 5 words in your paragraph are nothing but a pipe-dream. I am afraid that if the UPP goes into another general election with Lovell as the leader, the party will not survive. Even D. Gisele Isaac has more balls than him. The party needs FRESH LEADERSHIP for it to stand a viable chance at forming the next government. Lovell is NOT the answer!


    Do like ANR; …Do visit regularly; and …Do read most published stories that are authored, even if some might be way off.

    Reluctant to comment, but believed this may have been one that has slipped through the breech.

    The lack of an identity takes away credibility and lends to utterances of ‘…Rhetoric and Gibberish,’ written, and (supposedly), inadvertently published with utter malice.

    ANR may have done an injustice to itself and a disservice to its visitors/readers.

    Why? It gives the impression of ‘…Faked Letter or Malicious Statement.’ Believed that this may have been one that has slipped through the breech.

    Given reasons to believe that ‘ANR’ might just be losing it a bit.
    Hope it is not the ‘…website’s owner/Editor,’ who reserves the right, and decides on publishing policies.

  4. With ‘friends’ like you eho needs enemies? You couldn’t say all of this t o your brother? So transparent. Seems like someone is concerned at the prospect of a run in All Saints West. People not stupid.

  5. I don’t like à bone in people who wants to play hide and seek with their expressions on issues.
    I will have to be fearless, I want my words to match with my name and my face.
    This writer is A Coward.
    Show your identity then I’ll comment.

  6. Trevor Young,you to can ride off in the sunset with Harold Lovell. Do you really think you will ever see the light of a political victory in Antigua? Speaking about you personally now.


    If you live in ‘…Venice,’ then you must be a ‘…Merchant.’

    Coined together, you would be called a ‘…Merchant of Venice.’

    With this so-called ‘…Letter to Harold Lovell,’ if you live outside of Venice and dwell with snakes, then you might be called a ‘…Merchant of Venom.’

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