LETTER: Jamale Pringle is merely riding a legacy and is unfit to this country


Dear Editor,

Jamale Pringle’s tenure as the Member of Parliament for All Saints East and St. Luke is not a testament to his abilities but rather a glaring example of privilege over merit.

This constituency, a long-standing United Progressive Party (UPP) stronghold, owes its loyalty not to Pringle but to the unwavering dedication of the late Charlesworth Samuel.

Samuel built the foundation of trust and allegiance in this area through hard work and commitment. Pringle, on the other hand, has done nothing but squander that inheritance, revealing himself to be both an ineffective representative and an uninspiring leader.

Pringle’s self-anointed title as the “Little Black Boy” is a transparent plea for pity, and frankly, it’s insulting. Antigua and Barbuda is a nation built on the resilience and determination of countless “Little Black Boys” and “Little Black Girls” who have risen above adversity through grit and hard work.

Wasn’t Charlesworth Samuel himself a “Little Black Boy” who worked hard to educate himself and forfeited his pension as a teacher to lead his constituents? What distinguishes Pringle from everyone else who has made sacrifices? Absolutely nothing.

While others have thrived in spite of their circumstances, Pringle has clung to the coattails of those who paved the way before him, offering little in return but excuses and mediocrity.

On a national level, Pringle’s leadership—or lack thereof—has dragged the UPP into a state of dysfunction and decline.

As Opposition Leader, he has failed to articulate a clear vision, provide direction, or rally the party toward unity and purpose. Even his attempt to rebrand himself as a “Black Panther” is laughable, given that his actions reflect nothing of the strength or transformative leadership the name implies.

Instead, he remains tethered to his pitiful “Little Black Boy” narrative, a constant reminder of his dependency and lack of maturity as a leader.

Within the UPP, Pringle’s ineffectiveness is further magnified by his reliance on Giselle Isaac, the party’s chairperson. Isaac has essentially become the de facto leader, taking on the heavy lifting that Pringle is clearly incapable of managing.

From defending his ineptitude in public to orchestrating party affairs, Isaac’s overwhelming presence underscores Pringle’s inability to function independently.

What does that say about Pringle? That he is less a leader and more a “man-child,” propped up by those more capable than himself.

For the people of Antigua and Barbuda, Pringle represents a squandered opportunity—an emblem of what happens when leaders fail to rise to the occasion.

His lack of vision, effort, and competence has not only diminished the UPP’s ability to challenge the ruling party but has also robbed the electorate of meaningful representation.

The time has come to stop excusing Jamale Pringle’s failures. Antigua and Barbuda deserves leaders who are bold, decisive, and capable of driving progress—not someone hiding behind the shadow of his predecessors.

Jamale Pringle is not that leader, and it’s time for the people to demand better. His legacy will not be one of leadership but of a man who had every opportunity to succeed and failed at every turn.

Voter in All Saints East & St. Luke








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  1. Writer you are spot on! Pringle has no capacity or should that be CA-CA-CA-PASSY-TAH

  2. Well said writer of the letter. I heard Mack Emanuel on the Big Issues yesterday and it is laughable how educated people still justify Pringle’s leadership of the UPP as the best and most strategic thing for the Party to win the next general election. Even more laughable they still justify his leadership from winning the Convention. Yes he won the convention but all signs show that he is inept as a leader of the Party and their is no resonance with the wider electorate. Is the Party then going to allow the ship to sink under an incompetent captain? It would appear so nice the Chair and himself say DEM NAR MOVE. They electorate will have the final say and move them all. The UPP needs to do serious introspection on the leadership issue.

  3. The author of this letter is a lowlife. Pringle earned his seat and the support of his constituents in back to back elections. Nobody voted for you, so get lost!

  4. How amusing. The same people making safe seat excuses for St. Peter claim Pringle “earned” support in his UPP safe seat.

    The UPP delusion is particularly strong today. It’s not even noon yet!

    All the same, Pringle and Gisele must never move! NEVER! I will launch a novena canvassing the support of Heaven in support of that.

  5. She had to support Whenner because he was the main architect in fiddle-faddling and delivering the convention victory to her and her puppet. He did most of the underhand work.
    This woman is a menace to the UPP. How long will it take her die-hard fans to see that she is a stumbling block?

    Pringle did not win fair. Ask Isaac, Whenner, Mannix and Chaku what underhandedness they were doing in the branches and what they were doing to get the branch members to vote for the Isaac slate.

    Pringle did not win fair.
    Free and Fair League counted what came out of the boxes they were handed on stage. Get Isaac and the returning officer to explain why outside of tradition, the election for the chairman was done before the political leader. Get them to explain why they put the election of the leader for last knowing it was late and that a lot of people were leaving to get ready for work and school next day. Get them to explain why the election of the leader was reluctantly moved back up to second only after 4 MPs protested the breach of the order.

    Pringle won fair? Ask them what was going on with the boxes in the crowd and confusion in the lobby. Ask them who were manning the boxes. Ask them what Chaku, Whenner and Mannix dressed in their Pringle shirts were telling the people who were lined up to vote.

    Pringle nor you did not win fair.

    Miss Chairman, the mill of life grinds slow but it grinds fine.

  6. Every these two face ABLP supporters say, fly right back in their faces, that’s the how blatant and ugly their hypocrisy is.

    Didn’t Just last week Turner rode the legacy of beloved, assassinated Asot Michael to victory?
    Y’all are laughable sometimes..

    Make it make sense writer, instead of just talking shyt on the Internet.
    But hey, these ABLP folks sure knows how to show their asses out a door.. 🤣 😆

  7. @Islanman26 :…but the ‘UNFIT to this country’ can not be attributed to Turner…now can it?. So a better read might be, ‘Turner is riding the legacy, and FIT to this country…’

  8. @Garats.
    So someone jump and put a clickbait statement on ANR, and I must jump and agree to that bs? One is an opinion, the other one is a fact. Pringle did not ride anyone’s legacy to his two terms victory, (fact) while Turner clearly rode Asot Micheal popularity, clearly.(Another fact) So stop the hypocrisy bro, that’s all we are saying..it’s actually annoying.

    But again, y’all like to show y’all asses out a door with no damn shame. Typical ABLP supporters..a bunch of propagandaist. No truth in y’all whatsoever, just none.

  9. I would say everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, so here’s mine.
    UPP needs to check their boxes and get it right. Too much self implosion is taking place. Also, many may not have a liking for the ABLP, but it’s the better choice for now.
    If UPP wants to come to power in my lil island, the head of the snake must be severed.
    One day, the error of their ways will be seen and trust me, there will be regrets, but plenty of ya’ll won’t have the balls to come here and admit.
    ABLP it is for now. Come get me, I’m waiting!

  10. Its 3 PM and the tide of UPP insanity continues to rise.

    How can a UPP apologist be claiming that Turner rode Asot’s popularity when the UPP claims Asot’s votes were their own? (As part of some great anti ABLP/pro UPP solidarity)

    These delusional losers can’t even stick to a single story about anything. They even tried to gaslight us into believing that Pringle NEVER promised 10 candidates to be named, when he did so TWICE.

    Obviously the blame, deflect, lie, bury your head in Giseles arse strategy is suitable neither for effective leadership nor ultimate victory.

    Small wonder that more and more people withdraw their support/effort/enthusiasm from UPP daily. The failed Sea View Farm mega-rally and the St. Peter events told the tale. Looking forward to the next UPP mega event for further insight on this trend.

  11. They are all going down the wrong road its time for the best of them to start over just leave and form another Party I got a name for the ABC Party with Richard as their leader waiting to win the next election in three years just would not cut it have to start now time is against if you don’t get into action now too much deceit and treachery milling around let start the ground work now the PM is laughing and knows he has the upp Party against the wall

  12. Why should they sever serpent head??? He is a weakling and scared of the CHAOS DEMON 😈 but he is not the main problem.with UPP

  13. You UPP supporters in Old Road and Swetes better wake up,the guy has nothing to offer he’s a waste of time. A bathroom at Morris Bay and a few photos later that’s all yall get while he keeps building big houses and buying cars.

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