Dear Editor,
Presently, what is happening to the UPP political party may need to be recorded in the Guisness Book of Records.
Never in history have I heard a political party having a membership hemorrhaging in such a manner. As the nation’s main opposition political party, the hemorrhaging of UPP does not look good neither does it sound good whatsoever.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction”
Furthermore, the bible, in Galatians 6:7, 8: states that people reap what they sow, and that those who sow to the flesh will reap corruption, while those who sow to the Spirit will reap eternal life.
The hierarchy of the organization was forewarned many moons ago that their modus of operandi of thriving on lies, anger, deceipt, hate, deception & bitterness were the characteristics that certainly would not propel the organization forward & definitely, would cause the organization’s downfall. Such warning seem to have fallen on deaf ears. Now, they are sadly paying the price.
It is really unfortunate that UPP has found themselves in this position, losing their members similarly to a tree losing its leaves during spring time. It is obvious that UPP is doing something wrong and up to now the hierarchy seem to be blind of their wrong doings. I can only conclude that UPP is facing retribution.
According to the cliché “the evil you do will always come back to haunt you”.
Perhaps Never should UPP ……..
1 Wish death on ABLP members just to gain a political seat in parliament.
2. Make personal & derogative attacks on the PM because of his mother’s illness
3. Condone the disrespect given to
women from some of their own MPs
4. Accept our elderly been called as “Rag Tags”
5. Acknowledge the ungrateful & insensitive comments made by one of their own that the works of Father of the nation should be place in the dustbin of history . Again the Dr in question, owes the nation an apology
6. Encourage cohabiting of same sex and refer to it as progressive
7. Condone such insipid behavior of sticking up of the middle finger to the PM & refer to the speaker of parliament as an old teste
8. Condone the use of threatening statements about getting a gun license to kill ….. Of course the list can on & on.
There is no doubt that UPP needs healing. The party also needs prayer. Perhaps if the fruit of the spirit ( love, joy, peace,, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulfulness, gentleness & self control ) found in Galatians 5: 22 – 23 are embedded within them, then the party may find themselves to be a lot more viable
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Firzroy, you seem to be one of those nosey neighbors that don’t have a life and watch everything that moves outside your property. For u to take the time to pay and write an article shows the level of interest u have in upp. Why dont u join them?
Well said
Oh yessss!!! Upp a reap what it sowed
for BAD PLAYING JOANNE MASSIAH! Treating her like shit
@fitzroy you just an idiot. You seems to pick and choose people from UPP who call people names.I will remind you and have two questions for you.Who is the person and what party who refer to a woman as a VILLAGE BICYCLE? and (2) who on which party refers to a woman, as pig in lipstick.You seems to be using your time and energy to know everything about UPP and forgetting( The Crabs in a Barrel)taking place in ABLP.These people who are leaving UPP has a right, but joining ABLP speakes volume of their character.
Where you been Fitzroy?
GB aka Fitzroy!!😅
What’s up??
You all up in upp business
Call a convention?
Call a convention nuh?
Pure distraction in my opinion!
While you focusing on upp matters, he’s giving away the whole country!😉
Labor party have a whole country to run, and you guys are all up in
The opposition business..
Mr. Dictator!
Captain Gaston Browne …. the UPP ship is sinking, please tell their crew what to do.
Remove the MAN COW LIPSTICK HAG then u will see a major difference!! She wears the pants! She run things!! She is the real DICTATOR!!!!
Everything said by Fitzroy in this piece fits the ABLP to a T.
Fitzroy getting his – made up – facts and figures once again. You did it at the run-up in the last General Election.
You’ve said in your lead up piece that:
“Never in the history have I heard a political party having a membership hemorrhaging in such a manner …”
This again is pure hogwash by you Fitzroy.
In recent times the UK has had a General Election, and the Scottish National Party (SNP) has more than haemorrhage their votes, after looking like potential winners when it came to the implementation of independence for Scotland 🏴 they lost 72% of their members in a recent poll.
So please stop misleading and insulting the intelligence of ANR readers.
Thanks 👍🏾
Tarl!!! MASS EXODUS FROM UPP!!!! Every week there’s a new ESCAPEE from upp TOXIC DICTATORSHIP!!! Not even rats want to stay on board that sinking ship 😞
Stay tuned for next week’s latest ESCAPEE
*facts wrong
Comedian of the year
If what you stated is bringing retribution to UPP then ABLP whose list is ten times as long is facing ten times the retribution when the money dries up! Perhaps you should be speaking to them.
Almost every one of the points can be pointed straight back at the ABLP.
1) The Dr. said that VC Bird name will be reduced to the dust bin of history, is now a member of UPP .
2) Cursing women is the PM style- Remember him referring to the sister of Dr. Jackie Quinn during Covid. Remember him telling a lady that he was going to open a Zoo and make her the main attraction.
3) Gun violence- PM just a few weeks ago told murderers and criminals to dispose of their guys if the killed with them. The right to say was those of you that committed murder please turn yourself in .
4) Progressive- who plays up with Bramble. Who appointed the Senator that only wear pants and have the masculine hair cut. Senator A. Leader of the senate MH is another progressive.
5) The speaker of the house himself referred to himself a few weeks ago as old and sick under medication. We went on to show up the government about not having a deputy so he can go to relieve himself. He was fired the next sitting, for chiding the government for abusing the old speaker.
6) making reference to a very old politician- that he is unable to serve in parliament due to age and sickness. We have to be honest; the longest serving MP cannot return to parliament and be given the Mike . That is a fact. I challenge the government to do that. So we are paying him to represent a constituency and he cannot go into parliament. No one is calling for the death of this MP. However his political life is definitely over. I wish him all the rest for the balance of his like. That those that are waiting to inherit the billions accumulated on the backs of the people take good care of him. SANDCO ….
7) APLP by virtue of being in power for so many years has committed the most serious crimes to the people of Antigua. This includes the Space research guns / killing of blacks in South Africa. Those of us old enough to remember the trying out of these weapons and the frightening loud sounds. The shipment of guns to drug cartels and the inquiry that exposed the ABLP.
8)This government just don’t wish death on Antiguans they allowed Antiguans to die without proper health care . They stole medical benefits millions and again the inquiry down multi purpose. Hilroy did not go to jail – isn’t he still the chairman of WIOC . While Antiguans died saying no funds are available these parliamentarians went to Porto Rico on shopping trips with constituents wives , and secretaries. Boasted he should have been born with two penises.
Remember the abuse to young women – after using them sending them on to another minister. Some of those women still around holding positions in government. Made children with a few of them. Then abused those young women.
So Pringle and D.Giselle Isaac hold your ground and keep your heads high. Rebuild with loyalty and trust. Let those that are hungry for power and greedy to gain wealth and status go. Yes do your introspection as well and change what has to be changed within both self and organization. Just remind true and use this cleansing to resolve and become even more purpose driven.
It’s not where you are today- it’s not where you were yesterday- it’s where you are going and what you intend to do about it.
Sorry the Dr. is now a member of ABLP . Dr. Mansor
@Frankly speaking September 21, 2024 At 7:03 am
You know Smarty Jr. used to sing against the Labour Party. “Never Again”. And a couple years later he song for the Labour Party, “I’m having a change of heart”. Things like that happens all the time. Just look at Short Shirt. He also use to sing against the Labour Party. But now!. He is a mouth piece of the Labour Party. He has come to his senses. It is quite normal. Maybe one day you’ll be one of them. Who knows.
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