Is it that we are too focused on COVID now to bother with what is really happening around Antigua.
I feel as if politics has played such a vital role in Antigua that we fail to look past what is more important.
The staff at the Antigua & Barbuda Transport Board have been crying out for so long and these cries have been going unnoticed by its Management, its Board and its Minister.
This week one of their own managers felt the wrath of [REDACTED] pure victimization towards [REDACTED], who not only because he doesn’t sit on the same side of the fence with them, believes in giving his staff a fair chance. He was sent home because a General Manager who often times take the word of persons who does not respect him as a Manager.
I am begging please for an investigation to take place into Transport Board. Too much corruption is taking place in this system.
We have managers selling license, managers sexually harassing female staff who are afraid to report the matter, because unless you were appointed by the Minister you get little to no respect at all.
When they are done with you they transfer them to the Government Motor pool, cause they look at the staff there as if they are nothing.
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1). Tell the young “ladies” to take back their dignity and stop dressing like they’re going to a dance club. Short, tight and washed out uniforms is what the majority of them wear to work Editor. I’m referring to the ones at Herbert’s. I could not believe that these employees were allowed to enter the building wearing the tight tight short short uniforms way above their knees.
2). The employees are in desperate need of CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING Editor. Too many of them behave so rude, bitchy and entitled when you interact with them. They act as if they are doing you a favor, rather than giving you a pleasant and professional experience as a PAYING client/customer. Editor if you see how the butter-skin one in the corner (with the long braids down to she batty) behave just to get a driver’s license renewed. Dem feel dem can tark to ppl any kinda how Editor.
So whoever write this letter, needs to also lament about the piss poor shitty “service” meted out to the public.
Where is the lie…
Good for them they harass you about a sleeveless shirt n telling u shit n a dumb sss guard like he is a staff messing with you as if he works for the govt
@ Smh I actually look forward to visiting the Herbert’s branch for reason #1 specifically, makes one feel good to be a man, don’t ruin a good thing. The blouses are so tight if they pop a button someone will lose an eye, probably me.
I hear you loud and clear
I have heard for sometime now about that place being a Cesspool for Corruption. Ask someone by the name of TENMAN.
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