LETTER: In quarantine for over a month with no COVID test result


Good Day, i hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

I’d like to share the experience of someone who’s in quarantine currently awaiting her results from Ministry of Health.

This person has been in quarantine over a month and up to this day, no one from Ministry of Health can communicate anything to her about whether she’s positive or negative.

This is quite disheartening since this also means that the Ministry of Health has not even done contact tracing with her coworkers or family.

After getting very frustrated, she started to call around and speak to everyone she could. As you’d imagine this became quite a difficult task, from poor customer service to just blatant disregard for her health.

When she was finally able to get in touch with someone at Ministry of Health they told her that they had no record of her ever even being in quarantine and that they don’t know anything about her sample.

Additionally they fed her lies about how MOH only receives positive results. This in itself doesn’t make any sense because MOH should receive both positive and negative results so that they could communicate those results to the relevant individuals.

But anyways, as she continued to call around, it seems blame was being deflected at every corner.

After contacting the Lab at Mount St John’s they gave her a run around story about how her sample was never processed (1 month after it was taken) due to missing information on the information form which is filled out when you’re taking a PCR test for the government.

I’d like to know what information could possibly be missing from this sumple form for them not to process the sample of a likely positive individual.

This delay could have resulted in multiple people being infected since MOH would not have done any contact tracing until this individual’s result comes back to them.

This level of incompetence, ignorance and just disrespect for public safety is the reason out cases are increasing so rapidly.

Furthermore, I believe there any many more cases undiscovered due to the lack of communication from MOH and situations like this where people’s samples are misplaced or people just never hear back from their assigned nurse.

I think there needs to be a better process in place for this. You cannot have situations like this happening.

The girl doesn’t even know how to move forward with her life because she cannot return to work without this test result.

Concerned Friend

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  1. You amaze me with you blame on this woman. This is a common issue. Many people missed their flights because of this same issue. They are very poor at communicating information. I have two friend who were tested two weeks ago and to date no information from the ministry regarding their status. Do you think its free to take a test. Even a fully vaccinated family was turn was turned away from being tested because they were vaccinated. They did an independent test and all were positive. Imagine one person in a household tested positive and put on quarantine while the other members were not tested nor placed on quarantine. Y’all wonder how the covid spread and blame unvaccinated people. Quite a lot of foolishness goes on in the ministry they probably need to hire more people deal with these issue.

  2. me one with the same issue since the 30th they did the test call ever so often same issue with the paper something is missing on the paper.

  3. Several coworkers from my job are awaiting sick leave papers and test results from the ministry way past their quarantine date to return to work.

    When staff cintinually attempt to call MOH they almost never get on to someone or get a run around and no solution or follow up even.

    The government needs to hire casual workers to assist these processes! This is unacceptable!

  4. Look like that person write a story of my life currently, it’s 3week 4days and am yet to be tested from ministry of health since I have received a positive test, plz help 723-0992

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